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Journal Articles

Status on seismic design and verification for ITER in Japan

Takeda, Nobukazu; Nakahira, Masataka; Tada, Eisuke; Fujita, Satoshi*; Fujita, Takafumi*

Nihon Jishin Kogakkai Rombunshu (Internet), 4(3), p.298 - 304, 2004/04

ITER is a Tokamak-type international fusion experimental device composed of superconducting magnets, a vacuum vessel, and so on. These are operated at a quie wide temperature ranging from 4K to 200 degree C. For this, multiple plates have been chosen as the machine support so as to peovide flexibility in the radial direction while keeping high rigidity vertically. This results in a low natural frequency of around 4Hz in the horizontal direction. Since those structures are designed in accordance with the IAEA seismic acceleration of 0.2g as a reference, a seismic isolation is required if earthquake-proof larger than 0.2g is necessary. Considering these conditions, analytical and experimental studies have been conducted to characterize the ITER dynamic response in Japan. This paper outlines the latest status on seismic design for ITER in Japan and evaluation on tokamak dynamic response and verification tests using scaled tokamak model.

Journal Articles

JT-60U plasma current measurement by an optical current transformer

Arai, Takashi; Nishiyama, Tomokazu; Yagyu, Junichi; Kasai, Satoshi; Sone, Isamu*; Abe, Mitsushi*; Miya, Naoyuki

Fusion Science and Technology, 45(1), p.65 - 68, 2004/01

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:17.10(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In a nuclear fusion experiment device, a plasma discharge is to be sustained for a long time in steady state operation. In such a device an electromagnetic sensor that has a signal integrator to measure direct currents will cause a technical problem of zero point drift on signals. So, the detection device using new technology for direct current measurement, optical current transformer (optical CT), was developed. The device has an optical fiber specified for 1550nm (wavelength) was manufactured, and was applied to JT-60U experiments. A gamma ray irradiation examination was also done to the optical CT

Journal Articles

ITER activities in Japan

Tsunematsu, Toshihide; Seki, Masahiro; Tsuji, Hiroshi; Okuno, Kiyoshi; Kato, Takashi; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Hanada, Masaya; Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Sakamoto, Keishi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; et al.

Fusion Science and Technology, 42(1), p.75 - 93, 2002/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.91(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Japanese contributions to ITER Engineering Design Activity are presented, together with an introduction of the objectives and design of the ITER whose program have been carried out through the international collaboration by EU, Japan, Russian Federation and the USA. New technologies have been produced through the development, fabrication and testing of scalable models in the fields of superconducting magnet, reactor structure with vacuum vessel, high-heat-flux plasma facing component, neutral beam injector, high-power mm-wave generator and so on. As major contributions from Japan, development and testing results of a 13-T, 640-MJ, Nb$$_{3}$$Sn pulsed magnet, a 18-degree sector of vacuum vessel with a height of 15 m and a width of 9 m, CFC armors to CuCrZr cooling tube that withstood 20 MW/m$$^{2}$$, a 31 mA/cm$$^{2}$$ negative ion beam source, a 1-MeV beam-accelerator, a 1-MW 170-GHz gyrotron were described.

Journal Articles

Development of reduced activation ferritic steels and application to fusion devices, 1; Introduction

Takatsu, Hideyuki

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 74(5), p.434 - 435, 1998/05

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Journal Articles

Vacuum pumping system of tokamak fusion device

Arai, Takashi; Shimizu, Masatsugu

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 71(8), p.726 - 731, 1995/08

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Journal Articles

Development of electrical insulation and conduction coating for fusion experimental devices

Onozuka, Masanori*; Tsujimura, Seiichi*; Toyoda, Masahiko*; Inoue, Masahiko*; Abe, Tetsuya; Murakami, Yoshio

Fusion Technology 1994, Vol.1, p.803 - 806, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

15th Int.Conf.on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

Seki, Yasushi; ;

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 37(3), 206 Pages, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

Meeting report of 15th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research

Seki, Yasushi

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 70(12), 1318 Pages, 1994/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Shielding research for next fusion devices

Maekawa, Hiroshi

Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Radiation Shielding, 0, p.15 - 24, 1994/00

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JAEA Reports

Studies on development of pressure measurement methods for a large fusion experimental device

Ogiwara, Norio

JAERI-M 91-007, 151 Pages, 1991/02


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Journal Articles

The JT-60 machine upgrade and development towards the next step in Japan

Shirakata, Hirofumi

Fusion Engineering and Design, 14, p.7 - 19, 1991/00

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:19.88(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Developments of tritium technology for next-step fusion devices under JAERI-DOE(LANL) collaboration

Naruse, Yuji; Okuno, Kenji; Yoshida, Hiroshi; Konishi, Satoshi; Anderson, J. L.*; Bartlit, J. R.*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(12), p.1081 - 1095, 1990/12

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Journal Articles

Ceramic turbomolecular pump

Abe, Tetsuya

Jikken Shinku Gijutsu Soran, p.1024 - 1026, 1990/11

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Journal Articles

Development of ceramic turbomolecular pumps for fusion devices

Abe, Tetsuya; Murakami, Yoshio; ; ;

Vacuum, 41(7-9), p.1992 - 1994, 1990/00

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:43.56(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

Development of ceramic high vacuum pump

Abe, Tetsuya

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 31(10), p.1106 - 1108, 1989/10

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Journal Articles

Vacuum and surface problems for fusion experimental devices

Murakami, Yoshio

Fuijikusu, 7(8), p.528 - 531, 1986/08

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Journal Articles

Tokamak research at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute

Comments Plasma Phys.Controll.Fus., 26(1A), p.117 - 122, 1984/00

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Journal Articles

Possibility of palladium-alloy membrane pumps for thermonuclear fusion devices

Murakami, Yoshio;

Vacuum, 28(5), p.235 - 240, 1978/05

 Times Cited Count:9

no abstracts in English

18 (Records 1-18 displayed on this page)
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