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Planning and Co-ordination Office, Sector of Nuclear Safety Research and Emergency Preparedness
JAEA-Review 2021-019, 58 Pages, 2021/11
In response to the directives of the 4th medium-to-long-term objectives, Japan Atomic Energy Agency will formulate the 4th medium-to-long-term plan and run its operation according to the plan from the fiscal year 2022. Consequently, the Sector of Nuclear Safety Research and Emergency Preparedness has reviewed the strategies of the safety research for contributing to the demand, "the continuous improvement of nuclear safety and the effectiveness of nuclear disaster prevention". It was also discussed how to proceed the safety research over the medium-to-long-term plan period based on the proposed new strategies. From the viewpoint of developing human resources and maintaining research capabilities in the sector, discussion was made on measures to pass on the knowledge and skills of senior and mid-career researchers to young researchers. The main elements of the proposed strategies are: (1) to efficiently and effectively develop both problem-solving research and advanced or leading research, considering the importance and needs on the nuclear safety and corresponding to regulatory trends and introduction of new technologies, (2) to produce research results of high quality for social implementation, including proactive proposal of measures for enhancing rationality of nuclear safety and regulation by utilizing risk information, and (3) to promote development of human resources and maintenance of technological base through challenging new research subjects. This report summarizes results of the discussion on the medium-to-long-term safety research strategies and the research plans based on the proposed strategies.
Shiozawa, Shusaku; Komori, Yoshihiro; Ogawa, Masuro
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 47(5), p.342 - 349, 2005/05
For the purpose to extend high temperature nuclear heat application, JAERI constructed the HTTR, High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor, and has carried out research and development of high temperature gas cooled reactor system aiming at high efficiency power generation and hydrogen production. This paper explains the history, main results, present status of research and development of HTTR project, international cooperation of research and development of HTGR and future plan aiming at development of Japanese original future HTGR-Hydrogen production system. This paper includes results from the study, which is entrusted from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.
Suzuki, Mitsuhiro
JAERI-Review 2004-013, 123 Pages, 2004/05
no abstracts in English
JAERI-M 92-028, 657 Pages, 1992/03
no abstracts in English