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重田 出*; Oku, Shuta*; 窪田 崇秀*; 木村 尚次郎*; 関 剛斎*; 篠崎 文重*; 淡路 智*; 高梨 弘毅; 廣井 政彦*
AIP Advances (Internet), 13(2), p.025116_1 - 025116_5, 2023/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Superconducting properties were investigated in epitaxially layered films consisting of superconductor NbN and half-metallic Heusler alloy CoMnSi(CMS). Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity
(T) was measured by applying perpendiar magnetic fields to the surface of NbN/CMS films. With the increase of the CMS thickness
, the upper critical field
decreased monotonically, but the superconducting transition temperature T
had the minimum of 10.1 K at
5 nm. The T
behavior was in qualitative agreement with the theory of the
-coupling. The pair-breaking parameter
determined by the superconducting fluctuation theory took the maximum at
= 3
5 nm, which would be related to the minimum of
. The experimental results reveal that the superconductivity of the NbN layer in NbN/CMS films is affected by the interplay between the superconducting NbN layer and the half-metallic CMS layer.