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Journal Articles

Problem Solving Environment for supporting large-sclae simulation

Ueshima, Yutaka

PSE Book, p.69 - 82, 2005/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of distributed parallel-I/O library: Stampi-I/O

Tsujita, Yuichi; Imamura, Toshiyuki; Takemiya, Hiroshi*; Yamagishi, Nobuhiro*

Keisan Kogaku Koenkai Rombunshu, 7(1), p.159 - 162, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

MPI performance measurement on nodes of the earth simulator

Uehara, Hitoshi; Tamura, Masanori; Yokokawa, Mitsuo

Hai Pafomansu Komputingu To Keisan Kagaku Shimpojium (HPCS2002) Rombunshu, p.73 - 80, 2002/01

The Earth Simulator is an ultra high-speed supercomputer which is developed now for global environment change simulations. For achieving high performance computing on large scale distributed memory parallel computer such as the Earth Simulator, an optimization of communication processings in user applications is required, and the optimization needs an evaluation for performances of communication methods. In the Earth Simulator, Message Passing Interface (MPI) is supported as the communication method. We evaluated performances of the MPI-1/MPI-2 functions on the Earth Simulator in detail using MBL which we developed.

Journal Articles

Stampi-I/O: A Flexible parallel-I/O library for heterogeneous computing environment

Tsujita, Yuichi; Imamura, Toshiyuki; Takemiya, Hiroshi*; Yamagishi, Nobuhiro*

Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, p.288 - 295, 2002/00

An MPI-2 based parallel-I/O library, Stampi-I/O, has been developed using flexible communication infrastructure. In Stampi-I/O almost all MPI-I/O functions have been implemented. We can execute these functions using both local and remote I/O operations with the same application program interface (API) based on MPI-2. In I/O operations using Stampi-I/O, users need not handle any differences in the communication mechanism of computers. We have evaluated performance for primitive functions in Stampi-I/O. Through this test, sufficient performance has been achieved and effectiveness of our flexible implementation has been confirmed.

Journal Articles

MBL2: MPI benchmark program library for MPI-2

Uehara, Hitoshi; Tsuda, Yoshinori*; Yokokawa, Mitsuo

Joho Shori Gakkai Kenkyu Hokoku 2001-HPC-87, 2001(77), p.67 - 72, 2001/07

MPI is one of major message communication interfaces for application programs. The MPI consists of an MPI-1 as a basic specification, and an MPI-2 as extensions.Some benchmark program for MPI-1 had been proposed already. However benchmark programs for MPI-2 are a little and their measurements are limited. We have developed an MPI benchmark program library for MPI-2 (MBL2) which measures the detail performance of MPI-I/O and RMA functions of MPI-2. In this report, we describe the MBL2 and performance data of MPI-2 on VPP5000, which we measured using MBL2.

Journal Articles

Distributed parallel-I/O library for heterogeneous computing environment

Tsujita, Yuichi; Imamura, Toshiyuki; Takemiya, Hiroshi*; Yamagishi, Nobuhiro*

Proceedings of 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001), p.402 - 407, 2001/07

An MPI-2 based distributed parallel-I/O library called Stampi-I/O has been developed using communication infrastructure of Stampi. Stampi is a communication library based on MPI and MPI-2. It has been developed for heterogeneous computing environment as infrastructure of metacomputing. As many applications in computational science handle huge amount of data which one parallel computer can not handle, distributed parallel-I/O libraries have been required for effective handling of such huge data on heterogeneous computing environment. Considering this situation, Stampi-I/O has been designed and developed. In this paper, motivations, architecture and preliminary results of performance measurement of Stampi-I/O are described.

Journal Articles

MBL2; MPI benchmark program library for MPI-2

Uehara, Hitoshi; Tsuda, Yoshinori*; Yokokawa, Mitsuo

Heiretsu Shori Shimpojiumu (JSPP2001) Rombunshu, 2001(6), p.91 - 92, 2001/06

MPI in one of major message communication interfaces for application programs. The MPI consists of an MPI-1 as a basic specification, and an MPI-2 as extensions. Some benchmark programs for MPI-1 capabilities are proposed. However benchmark programs for MPI-2 are a little and their measurements are limited. We have developed an MPI benchmark program library for MPI-2 (MBL2) which measures the performance of MPI-I/O and RMA.

Journal Articles

Parallel-I/O implantation in communication library, Stampi, for heterogeneous computing environment

Tsujita, Yuichi; Imamura, Toshiyuki; Takemiya, Hiroshi*; Yamagishi, Nobuhiro*

Joho Shori Gakkai Kenkyu Hokoku 2000-HPC-84, p.43 - 48, 2000/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Parallel molecular-dynamics simulation stencil; A Study on separation of simulation and parallel algorithms

Shimizu, Futoshi; Kimizuka, Hajime*; Kaburaki, Hideo

Keisan Kogaku Koenkai Rombunshu, p.361 - 364, 2000/05

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Guide to the programming of I/O on the paragon

Ueshima, Yutaka; Arakawa, Takuya*; Sasaki, Akira; Yokota, Hisashi*

JAERI-Data/Code 99-051, p.23 - 0, 2000/01


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of a Special I/O Routine Based on the BSEM Level

; ; ;

JAERI-M 7337, 31 Pages, 1977/10


no abstracts in English

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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