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Journal Articles

Experiments on criticality and reactivity worths in the FCA-XXII-1 assembly simulating highly enriched MOX fueled tight lattice LWR cores

Fukushima, Masahiro; Ando, Masaki; Nagaya, Yasunobu

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 24 Pages, 2024/00

A series of integral experiments were conducted at FCA of JAEA, simulating LWR cores with a tight lattice cell of highly enriched MOX fuel containing more than 15% fissile plutonium. The three experimental configurations were constructed using foamed polystyrene with different void fractions to clarify the prediction accuracy of neutronic calculation codes and nuclear data among various neutron spectra. The nuclear characteristics measured in the experiments were criticality, moderator void reactivity worths, and sample reactivity worths. The preliminary analyses on experiments were conducted using a deterministic calculation code conventionally used for fast reactors with JENDL-4.0. Most reactivity worth calculations correlated well with the experimental values. Specifically for the softer neutron spectra configurations, the treatment of ultrafine energy groups obviously improved the prediction accuracy of the deterministic calculations. Furthermore, reference calculations were performed with MVP3 code by modeling the experimental setup in detail, confirming the validity of the deterministic calculations.

Journal Articles

JAEA Reports

Development of neutron transport calculation codes for 3-D hexagonal geometry, 2; Improvement and enhancement of the MINISTRI code

Sugino, Kazuteru; Takino, Kazuo

JAEA-Data/Code 2019-011, 110 Pages, 2020/01


A deterministic discrete ordinates method (SN method) transport calculation code for three-dimensional hexagonal geometry has been developed as the MINISTRI code (Ver. 7.0). MINISTRI is based on the triangle-mesh finite difference method, which can perform neutron transport calculations with high accuracy for cores of fast power reactors and assemblies of the Russian BFS critical facility. The present study has derived a proper scheme for remarkably improving the convergence of MINISTRI by investigating the issue of previous MINISTRI (Ver. 1.1), which sometimes plays a poor convergence performance in calculations for large-scale power reactor cores. The verification test of improved MINISTRI has been carried out for various cores by setting the reference result as the multi-group Monte-Carlo calculation with the same cross-sections as used in MINISTRI. As a result, it is found that the agreements are within 0.1% for eigenvalues and within 0.7% for power distributions. Thus, the satisfying accuracy of MINISTRI has been confirmed. In order to reduce the calculation time, the initial diffusion calculation scheme and the parallel processing have been implemented. As a result, the calculation time is reduced to the approximately one tenth compared with previous MINISTRI. Furthermore, adoption of the treatment of the anisotropic cell streaming effect, preparation of the perturbation calculation tool, implementation of the function for specification of the triangle-mesh-wise material and merging of the hexagonal-mesh calculation code MINIHEX have been carried out. Thus, the versatility of MINISTRI has been enhanced.

Journal Articles

Benchmark models for criticalities of FCA-IX assemblies with systematically changed neutron spectra

Fukushima, Masahiro; Kitamura, Yasunori; Kugo, Teruhiko; Okajima, Shigeaki

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(3), p.406 - 424, 2016/03

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:67.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Socio-economic effects of the material science in JAERI

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki; Takahashi, Shoji*

Scientometrics, 78(3), p.505 - 524, 2008/10

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:24.88(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)

A socio-economic evaluation of Material Science (MS) of JAERI was made. The goal was to reveal the emphasized basic research fields (EBRF) of MS and to observe its socio-economic networking. High ranked keywords for the former and the number of co-authored papers for the latter were used along with many MS related papers. The obtained results are: (1) The EBRF of MS of JAERI were typically represented by the keywords of ion irradiation, actinides, etc., i.e., those having a strong relation to the nuclear field. Regarding actinides, the socio-economic networking between JAERI and PS occurred at the growth rate of 3-4% per 25 years, but 8% during the past 5 years. This implies that the research cooperation between the two was markedly enhanced. (2) The EBRF of MS between JAERI and 5 selected research bodies (SRB) represented by Tokyo University was directly compared and revealed that only 7 keywords as typically represented by neutron and accelerators. After overlapping, JAERI and SRB seem to be raising the national standard level.

Journal Articles

Expectations of JAERI on INIS from a viewpoint of socio-economic evaluation

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki; Takahashi, Shoji; Narita, Osamu; Yonezawa, Minoru

IAEA-CN-123/03/P/18 (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2004/10

To understand a socio-economic effect of basic research in JAERI, the stimulation and promotion of social interrelations through a formation of networking was studied quantitatively. (1)Worldwide trend of MS was studied by INIS by means of top {100} keywords as input. Research activity of MS in JAERI represented by top {100} keywords is not much different from that of other nuclear advanced countries participated to INIS. (2)Emphasized basic research fields (EBRF) of MS in JAERI can be clarified by selected keywords of "ion irradiation" and "actinides", those have a strong relation to nuclear. For actinides, the growth rate of networking between JAERI and PS was of order of 3-4% per 25 years and 8% per recent 5 years. The rate of networking formation is markedly increased recently. (3)Between JAERI and the other 5 selected research bodies, only 7 out of over 110 keywords such as "neutron" and "accelerators" were overlapped. In the overlapped region the two compensated and uplifted the national standard level each other.

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of socio-economic effects of R&D results at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, 2; Socio-economic evaluation of the basic research at JAERI

The Ad Hoc Committee for Evaluation of R&D Achievements

JAERI-Review 2003-036, 75 Pages, 2003/11


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

A Consideration about major business control system for independent administrative institution

Abe, Shinya*; Nakata, Yutaka; Iitsuka, Tomoaki; Yamagishi, Kojiro*

JAERI-Tech 2003-077, 233 Pages, 2003/10


Japanese government is carrying out the administrative reform aiming to promote decentralization of authority, to magnify the field of private sectors, etc. in order to correspond appropriately to matured economy, internationalized market, etc. As one of the reforms, Japanese government decided that JAERI and JNC would unite into an independent administrative agency. The aims of the independent administrative agency institution include realization of effective and transparent system and management. The aim of the present investigation is to be useful for the new agency to develop a major business control system, which manages financial affairs and accounts not only efficiently but also in correspondence with open information to the public and promoting research activities effectively.

Journal Articles

Making a portal site; INIS web services and energy information sources

Yonezawa, Minoru

Joho No Kagaku to Gijutsu, 51(9), p.455 - 460, 2001/09

The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) provides links to useful nuclear related information sources in Internet by the name of "INIS Web Services" and the Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE) also provides links to useful energy related information sources in Internet by the name of "Energy Information Sources". This paper outlines these two services.

JAEA Reports

Experimental study on the effect of nozzle surface finishing in high-speed water jet

Nakamura, Hiroshi; Ida, Mizuho*; Nakamura, Hiroo; Nakamura, Hideo; Ezato, Koichiro; Akiba, Masato

JAERI-Research 2000-068, 30 Pages, 2001/02


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Long-term contaminant migration and impacts from uranium mill tailings

H.Camus*; R.Little*; D.Acton*; A.Agueero*; D.Chambers*; L.Chamney*; J.L.Daroussin*; J.Droppo*; C.Ferry*; E.Gnanapragasam*; et al.

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 42, p.289 - 304, 1999/00

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:45.54(Environmental Sciences)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Users'attitude towards science and technology databases system; INIS user needs survey

; ; Yonezawa, Minoru; Kajiro, Tadashi; Mineo, Yukinobu; Habara, Takako; ; ; Habara, Tadashi

Dai-31-Kai Joho Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyu Shukai Happyo Rombunshu, 0, p.123 - 129, 1995/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of support tool for indexing; A free term-to-INIS descriptor lexicon

; Nakajima, Hidemitsu; Itabashi, Keizo

Dai-29-Kai Joho Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyu Shukai Happyo Rombunshu, p.341 - 351, 1993/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Outline and the use of the INIS database


Genshiryoku Kogyo, 39(10), p.31 - 35, 1993/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Analysis of the published proceedings of international conferences; Scientific conferences held in Japan

; ; Itabashi, Keizo

Joho No Kagaku to Gijutsu, 43(10), p.913 - 915, 1993/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Materials data through a bibliographic database INIS

; Itabashi, Keizo; Nakajima, Hidemitsu

Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research (JAERI-CONF 1/JAERI-M 92-207), p.442 - 446, 1992/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Production and distribution of microfiches for technical reports in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute

Joho Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyu Shukai Happyo Rombunshu, 28, p.125 - 130, 1992/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Authority control for the International Nuclear Information System

Joho No Kagaku to Gijutsu, 41(2), p.147 - 152, 1991/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Input preparation of Japanese Literature for International Nuclear Information System

Itabashi, Keizo;

Joho No Kagaku to Gijutsu, 40(12), p.840 - 847, 1990/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Data entry system for INIS input using a personal computer

Joho No Kagaku to Gijutsu, 40(1), p.27 - 34, 1990/00

no abstracts in English

86 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)