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Journal Articles

Evaluation of counting efficiency of whole-body counter using voxel phantoms

Kinase, Sakae; Takagi, Shunji*; Noguchi, Hiroshi; Saito, Kimiaki

Proceedings of 11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA-11) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2004/05

The present study was performed to validate the UCWBC code for calibrating in vivo measurements. Furthermore, the calibration data for the adult voxel phantoms developed in JAERI were evaluated by the UCWBC code in order to examine the differences between the calibration data for voxel phantoms, including a voxel version of water-filled block-shape phantom based on an actual phantom that is used for the calibration of the whole-body counter in JAERI. It was found that the calculated calibration data by the UCWBC code for the water-filled block-shape phantom show good agreement with measured ones. Consequently, the UCWBC code was validated by the comparisons. It was also found that the calibration data depend on phantoms of different sizes and the effective distance between phantom and detector. The calibration of in vivo measurements using voxel phantoms for individuals would be quite useful for the improvement in accuracy of the measurement results.

JAEA Reports

Study on advancement of ${it in vivo}$ counting using mathematical simulation

Kinase, Sakae

JAERI-Research 2003-011, 104 Pages, 2003/05


In the present study, a calibration technique for in vivo counting application using Monte Carlo simulation was developed. The advantage of the technique is that counting efficiency can be obtained for various shapes, sizes that is very difficult to change for phantoms. The method for the determination of counting efficiency curves as a function of energy was developed using the present technique and a physiques correction equation was derived from the relationship between parameters of correction factor and counting efficiencies of the JAERI whole-body counter. The uncertainties in body burdens of Cs-137 estimated with the JAERI whole-body counter were also investigated using the Monte Carlo simulation and measurements. Furthermore, the evaluation method of the peak efficiencies of a Ge semi-conductor detector was developed by the Monte Carlo simulation for optimum arrangement of Ge semi-conductor detectors for designing a precision whole-body counter.

Journal Articles

In-air radiobiological dosimetry of JRR-4 neutron beams for boron neutron capture therapy

Yamamoto, Tetsuya*; Matsumura, Akira*; Yamamoto, Kazuyoshi; Kumada, Hiroaki; Hori, Naohiko; Torii, Yoshiya; Endo, Kiyoshi*; Matsushita, Akira*; Yoshida, Fumiyo*; Shibata, Yasushi*; et al.

Research and Development in Neutron Capture Therapy, p.697 - 700, 2002/09

The RBE of dose components generated in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) were separately determined in neutron beams at JRR-4. The cell killing effect of the neutron beam with or without the presence of 10B was highly dependent on the neutron beam used, according to the epithermal and fast neutron content in the beam. RBE (BARBEboron) values of the boron capture reaction for an epithermal (ENB), a mixed thermal-epithermal (TNB-1), and a thermal (TNB-2) neutron beams were 3.99$$pm$$0.24, 3.04$$pm$$0.19 and 1.43$$pm$$0.08, respectively.

Journal Articles

Biodegradable poly(D,L-lactic acids) for in-vivo controlled delivery of calcitonin in rats

Asano, Masaharu; Yoshida, Masaru; Omichi, Hideki; Okabe, Kazuhiko*; Mashimo, Toru*; Yuasa, Hisako*; Yamanaka, Hidetoshi*; Suzuki, K.*; ;

Pharm. Sci., 1, p.433 - 435, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

Biodegradable polymers for application in drug delivery systems

Asano, Masaharu; Yoshida, Masaru; Omichi, Hideki; Yamanaka, Hidetoshi*

Maku, 17(4), p.216 - 227, 1992/07

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Journal Articles

In vivo characteristics of high molecular weight copoly(L-lactide/glycolide) with S-type degradation pattern for application in drug delivery systems

; Yoshida, Masaru; Asano, Masaharu; Kumakura, Minoru; Mashimo, Toru*; Yuasa, Hisako*; Imai, Koichi*; Yamanaka, Hidetoshi*

Biomaterials, 12, p.433 - 437, 1991/05

 Times Cited Count:34 Percentile:85.33(Engineering, Biomedical)

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Journal Articles

A New biodegradable implant consisting of waxy-type poly($$varepsilon$$-caprolactone-co-$$delta$$-valerolactone) and estramustine

; Yoshida, Masaru; ; Asano, Masaharu; Kumakura, Minoru; Mashimo, Toru*; Yamanaka, Hidetoshi*;

Int. J. Pharm., 68, p.87 - 95, 1991/00

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Journal Articles

A New biodegradable copolymer of glycolic acid and lactones with relatively low molecular weight prepared by direct copolycondensation in the absence of catalysts

; Yoshida, Masaru; Asano, Masaharu; Kumakura, Minoru; Mashimo, Toru*; Yuasa, Hisako*; Imai, Koichi*; Yamanaka, Hidetoshi*; ; Suzuki, K.*

J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 25, p.315 - 328, 1991/00

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:57.14(Engineering, Biomedical)

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Journal Articles

Application of poly DL-lactic acids of varying molecular weight in drug delivery systems

Asano, Masaharu; ; Yoshida, Masaru; Kumakura, Minoru; Mashimo, Toru*; Yuasa, Hisako*; Imai, Koichi*; Yamanaka, Hidetoshi*

Drug Des. Delivery, 5, p.301 - 320, 1990/00

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Journal Articles

Effect of crystallinity on the in vivo degradation of poly($$beta$$-propiolactone) prepared by radiation-induced solid polymerization in organic solvent system at low temperature

Asano, Masaharu; Yoshida, Masaru; ; Kumakura, Minoru; Mashimo, Toru*; Yuasa, Hisako*; Imai, Koichi*; Yamanaka, Hidetoshi*

European Polymer Journal, 26(1), p.29 - 33, 1990/00

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:49.10(Polymer Science)

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Journal Articles

Synthesis and in vitro degradations of low-molecular-weight copolyesters composed of L-lactic acid and aromatic hydroxy acids

; ; Yoshida, Masaru; ; Asano, Masaharu; Kumakura, Minoru

Makromol. Chem., 191, p.2077 - 2082, 1990/00

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Journal Articles

A New biodegradable pasty-type copolymer of L-lactic acid and $$delta$$-valerolactone with relatively low molecular weight for application in drug delivery systems

; Yoshida, Masaru; Asano, Masaharu; Kumakura, Minoru; Mashimo, Toru*; Yuasa, Hisako*; Imai, Koichi*; Yamanaka, Hidetoshi*; ; Suzuki, K.*

Journal of Controlled Release, 10, p.293 - 303, 1989/00

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Journal Articles

Synthesis of biodegradable poly(L-lactic acid-co-D, L-mandelic acid) with relatively low molecular weight

; ; Yoshida, Masaru; Asano, Masaharu; Kumakura, Minoru

Makromol. Chem., 190, p.2407 - 2415, 1989/00

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Journal Articles

Pharmacological response in male rats with controlled release formulations of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist

; Asano, Masaharu; Kaetsu, Isao; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Polym.J., 18(4), p.287 - 296, 1986/00

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:51.70(Polymer Science)

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Journal Articles

Effect of radiation on the in vivo degradation of DL-alanine-containing copolypeptides

Asano, Masaharu; ; Kaetsu, Isao; ; ; ; ;

Kobunshi Rombunshu, 42(10), p.783 - 791, 1985/00

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:22.23(Polymer Science)

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Journal Articles

In vivo release of testosterone from vinyl polymer composites prepared by radiation-induced polymerization

; Asano, Masaharu; Kaetsu, Isao; ; ; ; ;

Biomaterials, 4, p.33 - 38, 1983/00

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:68.03(Engineering, Biomedical)

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Journal Articles

In vivo release of testosterone from $$gamma$$-globulin-drug delivery composites made by radiation after melt-pressing

Asano, Masaharu; ; Kaetsu, Isao; ; ;

Kobunshi Rombunshu, 40(9), p.525 - 530, 1983/00

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:38.22(Polymer Science)

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Journal Articles

In vivo release property of hormones from radiation-polymerized polymer microspheres

; Asano, Masaharu; Kaetsu, Isao; ; ; ;

Igaku No Ayumi, 122(2), p.103 - 104, 1982/00

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22 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)