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Ono, Hirokazu; Takayama, Yusuke*
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 41, p.100636_1 - 100636_14, 2025/03
Teshigawara, Makoto; Lee, Y.*; Tatsumoto, Hideki*; Hartl, M.*; Aso, Tomokazu; Iverson, E. B.*; Ariyoshi, Gen; Ikeda, Yujiro*; Hasegawa, Takumi*
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 557, p.165534_1 - 165534_10, 2024/12
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)At Japanese Spallation Neutron Source in J-PARC, the para-hydrogen fraction was measured by using Raman spectroscopy in-situ for an integrated beam power of 9.4 MWh at 1 MW operation, to evaluate the functionality of the ferric oxyhydroxide catalyst. This result showed that full functionality of the catalyst was retained up to the 1 MW operation. We attempted to study the effect of neutron scattering driven para to ortho-hydrogen back-conversion rate in the absence of the catalyst effect with a bypass line without catalyst. The measured increase of ortho-hydrogen fraction was 0.44% for an integrated beam power of 2.4 MW
h at 500 kW operation, however, which was considered to be due to not only to neutron collisions in cold moderators but also to the high ortho-hydrogen fraction of initially static liquid hydrogen in the bypass line and passive exudation of quasi-static hydrogen in the catalyst vessel to the main loop.
Zhang, Y.-J.*; Umeda, Takemasa*; Morooka, Satoshi; Harjo, S.; Miyamoto, Goro*; Furuhara, Tadashi*
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(10), p.3921 - 3936, 2024/10
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Katengeza, E. W.*; Sanada, Yukihisa; Ochi, Kotaro; Iimoto, Takeshi*
Cogent Engineering (Internet), 11(1), p.2340203_1 - 2340203_9, 2024/04
The uncertainty of radioactivity measurements can be influenced by the vertical distribution of the target radionuclide in the sediments. This study used 2015-2019 field measurement data from 47 ponds to evaluate the depth dependence of calibration factors of plastic scintillation fiber (PSF) and its influence on measurement uncertainty. By changing the depth of focus from 10 cm to 15-20 cm when calculating the conversion factor, the normalized mean square error of the radiocesium concentration estimated by the PSF with respect to the radiocesium concentration in core sediments sampled at the same location was found to be smaller.
Kawamura, Takuma; Hasegawa, Yuta; Idomura, Yasuhiro
Journal of Visualization, 27(1), p.89 - 107, 2024/02
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:22.97(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)Interactive in-situ steering is an effective tool for debugging, searching for optimal solutions, and analyzing inverse problems in fast and large-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. We propose an interactive in-situ steering framework for large-scale CFD simulations on GPU supercomputers. This framework employs in-situ particle-based volume rendering (PBVR), in-situ data sampling, and a file-based control that enables interactive communication of steering parameters, compressed particle data, and sampled monitoring data between supercomputers and user PCs. The parallelized PBVR is processed on the host CPU to avoid interference with CFD simulations on the GPU. We apply the proposed framework to a real-time plume dispersion analysis code CityLBM on GPU supercomputers. In the numerical experiment, we address an inverse problem to find a pollutant source from the monitoring data, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the human-in-the-loop approach.
Koyama, Motomichi*; Yamashita, Takayuki*; Morooka, Satoshi; Yang, Z.*; Varanasi, R. S.*; Hojo, Tomohiko*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.
Tetsu To Hagane, 110(3), p.205 - 216, 2024/02
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)Ueji, Rintaro*; Gong, W.; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Shibata, Akinobu*; Kimura, Yuji*; Inoue, Tadanobu*; Tsuchida, Noriyuki*
ISIJ International, 64(2), p.459 - 465, 2024/01
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)Li, H.*; Liu, Y.*; Zhao, W.*; Liu, B.*; Tominaga, Aki; Shobu, Takahisa; Wei, D.*
International Journal of Plasticity, 165, p.103612_1 - 103612_20, 2023/06
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:90.11(Engineering, Mechanical)In order to clarify the strength properties of Co-free maraging steel, tensile experiment using high energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction was performed. Diffraction profiles from the martensitic and austenitic phases were obtained, and their strength and width were observed to vary as loading. Analysis of the diffraction profiles showed that the content of martensite in the as-aged material decreased slowly at low stress levels and decreased rapidly at high stress levels. On the other hand, the austenite phase in the as-solution materials was significantly transformed the martensite phase as the stress increased. It was clarified to be responsible for their respective strength properties.
Koyama, Motomichi*; Yamashita, Takayuki*; Morooka, Satoshi; Yang, Z.*; Varanasi, R. S.*; Hojo, Tomohiko*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.
ISIJ International, 62(10), p.2043 - 2053, 2022/10
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:67.12(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)Tsubota, Yoichi; Honda, Fumiya; Tokonami, Shinji*; Tamakuma, Yuki*; Nakagawa, Takahiro; Ikeda, Atsushi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1030, p.166475_1 - 166475_7, 2022/05
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:60.79(Instruments & Instrumentation)In the long-lasting decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), the dismantling of nuclear fuel debris (NFD) remaining in the damaged reactors is an unavoidable but significant issue with many technical difficulties. The dismantling is presumed to involve mechanical cutting, generating significant concentrations of particulates containing -radionuclides (
-aerosols) that pose significant health risk upon inhalation. In order to minimize the radiation exposure of workers with
-aerosols during the dismantling/decommissioning process at 1F, it is essential to monitor the concentration of
-aerosols at the point of initial generation, i.e. inside the primary containment vessels (PCV) of the damaged reactors. Toward this end, an
monitoring system for
-aerosols (
alpha air monitor: IAAM) was developed and its technical performance was investigated under the conditions expected for the actual environments at 1F. IAAM was confirmed to fulfill four technical requirements: (1) steady operation under high humidity, (2) operation without using filters, (3) capability of measuring a high counting rate of
-radiation, and (4) selective measurement of
-radiation even under high radiation background with
-rays. IAAM is capable of selectively measuring
-aerosols with a concentration of 3.3
or higher without saturation under a high humid environment (100%-relative humidity) and under high background with
-radiation (up to 100 mSv/h of
-radiation). These results demonstrate promising potential of IAAM to be utilized as a reliable monitoring system for
-aerosols during the dismantling of NFD, as well as the whole long-lasting decommissioning of 1F.
Sumita, Takehiro; Sudo, Ayako; Takano, Masahide; Ikeda, Atsushi
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials; Methods (Internet), 2(1), p.50 - 54, 2022/02
Group for Fukushima Mapping Project
JAEA-Technology 2021-025, 159 Pages, 2022/01
This report presents results of the investigations on the distribution-mapping project of radioactive substances owing to TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) conducted in FY2020. Car-borne surveys, a flat ground measurement using survey meters, a walk survey and an unmanned helicopter survey were carried out to obtain air dose rate data. Air dose rate distribution maps were created and temporal changes of the air dose rates were analyzed. Regarding radiocesium deposition into the ground, surveys on depth profile of radiocesium and in-situ measurements were performed. Based on these measurement results, effective half-lives of the temporal changes in the air dose rates and the deposition were evaluated. In the examination of scoring for classifying the importance of measurement points, a score map was created for Fukushima Prefecture and the 80 km zone from the FDNPS, and the factors causing changes in the score when monitoring data from multiple years were used were discussed. Using the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we obtained maps that integrated the air dose rate distribution data obtained from aircraft monitoring, car-borne surveys, and walk surveys with respect to the region within 80 km from the FDNPS and Fukushima Prefecture. The measurement results for FY2020 were published on the "Expansion Site of Distribution Map of Radiation Dose", and measurement data were stored as CSV format. Radiation monitoring and analysis of environmental samples owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan were carried out.
Tachi, Yukio; Ito, Tsuyoshi*; Gylling, B.*
Water Resources Research, 57(11), p.e2020WR029335_1 - e2020WR029335_20, 2021/11
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:12.57(Environmental Sciences)This paper focuses on the scaling approach for sorption and diffusion parameters from laboratory to in-situ conditions using the dataset of LTDE-SD experiment performed at the sp
HRL. The near-surface heterogeneities at both fracture surface and rock matrix could be evaluated by conceptual model with high porosity and diffusivity, and sorption capacity, and their gradual change at the near-surface zones. The modelling results for non-sorbing Cl-36 and weak-sorbing Na-22 could validate the model concept and the parameter estimation of porosity and diffusivity, by considering the disturbed zone of 5 mm thickness with gradual parameter changes. The De values of these cationic and anionic tracers showed typical cation excess and anion exclusion effects. The modelling results for high sorbing tracers (Cs-137, Ra-226, Ni-63 and Np-237) with different sorption mechanism could confirm the validity of the scaling approaches of Kd values as a function of particle size and their relation to the near-surface disturbances.
Tamura, Koji; Oba, Hironori; Saeki, Morihisa; Taguchi, Tomitsugu*; Lim, H. H.*; Taira, Takunori*; Wakaida, Ikuo
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(4), p.405 - 415, 2021/04
Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:82.90(Nuclear Science & Technology)Radiation dose rate effects on the properties of a compact fiber-optic laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system with a monolithic Nd:YAG/Cr:YAG composite ceramics were investigated for remote analysis in hazardous environment. To investigate radiation effects on the LIBS signal, properties related to the Nd:YAG laser operation such as oscillation threshold, output energy, oscillation timing, temporal pulse shape, and beam profile were measured as a function of the radiation dose rate from 0 to 10 kGy/hr in view of their influences to the signal. LIBS spectra of zirconium metal were measured under irradiation. Although signal intensity decreased considerably by irradiation, informative spectra were well obtained even at the maximum radiation dose rate. From the comparison of the LIBS-related parameters among the laser properties, signal reduction was mainly ascribed to the pulse energy reduction. Scintillation emission spectra were also measured from the ceramics during the irradiation, where the signal intensity increased linearly with the dose rate. The results show that the developed system.
Ji, Y.-Y.*; Ochi, Kotaro; Hong, S. B.*; Nakama, Shigeo; Sanada, Yukihisa; Mikami, Satoshi
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 179, p.109205_1 - 109205_11, 2021/02
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:71.74(Chemistry, Physical)In situ gamma-ray spectrometry using diverse survey platforms has been conducted in contaminated areas with several dose rate levels around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP). Six survey sites, including two evacuation zones around the FDNPP, were selected for ground-based gamma-ray spectrometry using HPGe (high purity Ge) and LaBr(Ce) detectors to assess the radioactive cesium deposition in the ground. The diverse levels of radioactivity of
Cs were then distributed to six survey sites from 30 to 3000 kBq m
in the measurement period of October 2018. A method to directly calculate the depth profile using in situ measurement was introduced so as to have representation over a wide area, and the results were successfully compared with those of sample analysis at one point in the site.
Group for Fukushima Mapping Project
JAEA-Technology 2020-014, 158 Pages, 2020/12
This report presents results of the investigations on the distribution-mapping project of radioactive substances owing to TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) conducted in FY2019. Car-borne surveys, a flat ground measurement using survey meters, a walk survey and an unmanned helicopter survey were carried out to obtain air dose rate data. Air dose rate distribution maps were created and temporal changes of the air dose rates were analyzed. Regarding radiocesium deposition into the ground, surveys on depth profile of radiocesium and in-situ measurements were performed. Based on these measurement results, effective half-lives of the temporal changes in the air dose rates and the deposition were evaluated. In the examination of scoring to classify the importance of measurement points, we created a score map of Fukushima Prefecture and that within 80 km from the FDNPS based on the "score" method developed in 2018. The way of monitoring radioactive materials in land area was examined and the representativeness of monitoring points was proposed. Using the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we obtained maps that integrated the air dose rate distribution data obtained from aircraft monitoring, car-borne surveys, and walk surveys with respect to the region within 80 km from the FDNPS and Fukushima Prefecture. The measurement results for FY2019 were published on the "Expansion Site of Distribution Map of Radiation Dose", and measurement data were stored as CSV format. Radiation monitoring and analysis of environmental samples owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan were carried out.
Kawamura, Takuma
Dai-34-Kai Suchi Ryutai Rikigaku Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 3 Pages, 2020/12
The search for computational parameters in simulations is an important issue in optimizing design variables and increasing the accuracy of simulations. However, due to the recent improvement in the performance of computational units, the data I/O speed has become a bottleneck, making it difficult to store the calculation results consisting of huge parameters in storage. In this study, we focused on in-situ steering, in which computational parameters are explored simultaneously with the computation on the supercomputer. We have extended our previously developed particle-based interactive in-situ visualization framework to develop a technique for interactively steering the computational parameters of batch-processed simulations. We applied this technique to a real-time simulation under development in our mid-term plan, and showed that the user can optimize the parameter search by adjusting the computational parameters in real time with feedback from the visualization.
Kawamura, Takuma; Hasegawa, Yuta; Idomura, Yasuhiro
Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo 2020 (SNA + MC 2020), p.187 - 192, 2020/10
In order to realize the atmospheric dispersion prediction of pollutants, a fluid simulation by adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) optimized for GPU supercomputer has been developed, and interactive visualization and parameter steering of the simulation results are needed. In this study, we extend particle-based in-situ visualization method for structured grids into AMR, and enables in-situ steering of the simulation parameters by utilizing an in-situ control mechanism via files. By combining the developed method with plume dispersion simulation in urban areas running on a GPU platform, it was shown that human-in-the-loop pollution source search is possible without enormous parameter scanning.
Kawamura, Takuma; Idomura, Yasuhiro
Journal of Visualization, 23(4), p.695 - 706, 2020/08
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.32(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)An in-situ visualization system based on the particle-based volume rendering offers a highly scalable and flexible visual analytics environment based on multivariate volume rendering. Although it showed excellent computational performance on the conventional CPU platforms, accelerated computation on the latest many core platforms revealed performance bottlenecks related to a function parser and particles I/O. In this paper, we develop a new SIMD-aware function parser and an asynchronous data I/O method based on task-based thread parallelization. Numerical experiments on the Oakforest-PACS, which consists of 8208 Intel Xeon Phi7250 (Knights Landing) processors, demonstrate an order of magnitude speedup with keeping improved strong scaling up to 100 k cores.
Group for Fukushima Mapping Project
JAEA-Technology 2019-019, 135 Pages, 2020/03
After the accident at TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), distribution situation survey on radioactive materials have been conducted with financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (later the Nuclear Regulatory Agency) from June 2011 to FY2018. Results obtained in the project in FY2018 are presented in this report. Car-borne surveys, a flat ground measurement using survey meters, a walk survey and an unmanned helicopter survey were carried out to obtain air dose rate data. Air dose rate distribution maps were created and temporal changes of air dose rate were analyzed. Regarding radiocesium deposition in the soil, depth profile survey in the soil and in-situ measurement were performed. Based on these measurement results, effective half-life of the air dose rate and the deposition were evaluated. Considering radiation monitoring data obtained in previous surveys and the installation positions of existing monitoring posts, we tried to make the "score" of the importance of measurement points. Using the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we obtained a map that integrated the air dose rate distribution data obtained from aircraft monitoring, car-borne surveys, and walk surveys for the entire region within 80 km from the FDNPS. The measurement results for FY2018 were published on the "Expansion Site of Distribution Map of Radiation Dose", and measurement data were stored as CSV format. Radiation monitoring and environmental sample analysis owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan were carried out.