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Journal Articles

The Investigations of the $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states combining quark model and lattice QCD in the coupled channel framework

Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; Oka, Makoto; Zhu, S.-L.*

Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2023(1), p.058_1 - 058_19, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:70.34(Physics, Particles & Fields)

Combining the quark model, the quark-pair-creation mechanism and $$B^{(*)}bar K$$ interaction, we have investigated the near-threshold $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states in the framework of the Hamiltonian effective field theory. With the heavy quark flavor symmetry, all the parameters are determined in the $$D_s$$ sector by fitting the lattice data. The masses of the bottom-strange partners of the $$D^{*}_{s0}(2317)$$ and $$D^{*}_{s1}(2460)$$ are predicted, which are well consistent with the lattice QCD simulation. The two $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states are the mixtures of the bare $$bar b s$$ core and $$B^{(*)}bar K$$ component. Moreover, we find a crossing point between the energy levels with and without the interaction Hamiltonian in the finite volume spectrum in the $$0^+$$ case, which corresponds to a CDD (Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson) zero in the $$T$$-matrix of the $$Bbar K$$ scattering. This CDD zero will help deepen the insights of the near-threshold states and can be examined by future lattice calculation.

Journal Articles

Novel coupled channel framework connecting the quark model and lattice QCD for the near-threshold $$D_s$$ states

Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; Oka, Makoto; Zhu, S.-L.*

Physical Review Letters, 128(11), p.112001_1 - 112001_6, 2022/03

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:94.82(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

A novel framework is proposed to extract near-threshold resonant states from finite-volume energy levels of lattice QCD and is applied to elucidate structures of the positive parity $$D_s$$. The quark model, the quark-pair-creation mechanism and $$D^{(*)}K$$ interaction are incorporated into the Hamiltonian effective field theory. The bare $$1^+$$ $$cbar s$$ states are almost purely given by the states with heavy-quark spin bases. The physical $$D^*_{s0}(2317)$$ and $$D^*_{s1}(2460)$$ are the mixtures of bare $$cbar s$$ core and $$D^{(*)}K$$ component, while the $$D^*_{s1}(2536)$$ and $$D^*_{s2}(2573)$$ are almost dominated by bare $$cbar{s}$$. Furthermore, our model well reproduce the clear level crossing of the $$D^*_{s1}(2536)$$ with the scattering state at a finite volume.

Journal Articles

Charmed baryon spectrum from lattice QCD near the physical point

Bahtiyar, H.*; Can, K. U.*; Erkol, G.*; Gubler, P.; Oka, Makoto; Takahashi, Toru*

Physical Review D, 102(5), p.054513_1 - 054513_18, 2020/09


 Times Cited Count:32 Percentile:86.78(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Spectrum of the ground state and excited states of charmed baryons was evaluated in the lattice QCD, the first principle of hadronic interaction. We deliver the spectrum of the positive and negative parity baryons with one, two or three charmed quarks. A variational approach was employed by the use of multiple operators with different Dirac matrix configurations and the smearings.

Journal Articles

Radiative transitions of singly and doubly charmed baryons in lattice QCD

Bahtiyar, H.*; Can, K. U.*; Erkol, G.*; Oka, Makoto; Takahashi, Toru*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 26, p.022027_1 - 022027_4, 2019/11

Transition amplitude of spin 3/2 single and double-charm baryon to spin 1/2 ground state was evaluated in the lattice QCD, the first principle.

Journal Articles

Spectrum of the charmed baryons in 2+1-flavor lattice QCD

Can, K. U.*; Bahtiyar, H.*; Erkol, G.*; Gubler, P.; Oka, Makoto; Takahashi, Toru*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 26, p.022028_1 - 022028_5, 2019/11

Spectrum of the ground state and excited states of charmed baryons was evaluated in the lattice QCD, the first principle.

Journal Articles

Finite temperature sum rules in the vector channel at finite momentum

Gubler, P.; Sato, Daisuke*

Physical Review D, 96(11), p.114028_1 - 114028_20, 2017/12


 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:27.07(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Exact sum rules for the longitudinal and transverse part of the vector channel spectral functions at nonzero momentum are derived in the first part of the paper. The sum rules are formulated for the finite temperature spectral functions, from which the vacuum component has been subtracted, and represent a generalization of previous work in which sum rules were derived only for the zero-momentum limit. In the second part of the paper, we demonstrate how the sum rules can be used as constraints in spectral fits to lattice data at various temperatures, with the latest dynamical lattice quantum chromodynamics data at zero momentum.

Oral presentation

Novel coupled channel framework connecting quark model and lattice QCD; An Investigation on near-threshold heavy-strange states

Wang, G.-J.*

no journal, , 

Relation between the quark model and the lattice QCD computation in the Ds and Bs systems is discussed.

Oral presentation

The Study of P-wave Ds mesons in coupled channel framework

Wang, G.-J.*

no journal, , 

In this talk, I will discuss a novel framework to extract resonant states from finite-volume energy levels of lattice QCD and apply it to elucidate structures of the positive parity Ds resonant states nearby the DK and D*K thresholds. In the framework, the Hamiltonian effective field theory is extended by combining it with the quark model. The Hamiltonian contains the bare mesons from the quark model, its coupling with the threshold channels described by quark-pair-creation (QPC) model, and the channel-channel interactions induced by exchanging light mesons. A successful fit of the finite-volume energy levels of lattice QCD with the Hamiltonian model is made. The extracted masses and the predication for an additional state, Ds(2573), are well consistent with experimental measurements. The same framework has also be extended to the P-wave $$B_s$$ states.

Oral presentation

The Study of P-wave Ds mesons in coupled channel framework

Wang, G.-J.*

no journal, , 

Combination of the recent quark model and lattice QCD results for Ds and Bs mesons is achieved and the structures of these mesons are discussed.

9 (Records 1-9 displayed on this page)
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