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Kojima, Kensuke
Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors; Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century (PHYSOR 2016) (USB Flash Drive), p.3283 - 3292, 2016/05
The MOSRA system has been developing to improve the applicability of the neutronic characteristic analyses. The cell calculation module MOSRA-SRAC is a core module of MOSRA, and applicability tests for realistic problems are required. As a test, MOSRA-SRAC is validated by comparison with measured values. As the measurement, the post irradiation examination SFCOMPO 99-5 is chosen. In the examination, the compositions of major heavy metal and fission product nuclides in a UO-Gd
fuel rod pulled from the 8
8 BWR fuel assembly used in TEPCO's Fukushima-Daini-2 were measured. The result shows good agreement between calculated and measured value. For uranium and plutonium nuclides, calculated values agree within 5% except for
Pu composition is overestimated by 30%, and the overestimation is caused by the unclearness of the void faction history of the fuel rod. For fission products, calculated values agree within approximately 10%.
Okumura, Keisuke
JAEA-Data/Code 2015-015, 162 Pages, 2015/10
MOSRA-SRAC is a lattice calculation module of the Modular code System for nuclear Reactor Analyses (MOSRA). This module performs the neutron transport calculation for various types of fuel elements including existing light water reactors, research reactors, etc. based on the collision probability method with a set of the 200-group cross-sections generated from the Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library JENDL-4.0. It has also a function of the isotope generation and depletion calculation for up to 234 nuclides in each fuel material in the lattice. In these ways, MOSRA-SRAC prepares the burn-up dependent effective microscopic and macroscopic cross-section data to be used in core calculations.
Kojima, Kensuke; Okumura, Keisuke
no journal, ,
The MOSRA system has been developing to improve the applicability of the neutronic characteristic analyses. The cell calculation module MOSRA-SRAC is a core module of MOSRA, and applicability tests for realistic problems are required. As a test, we joined the benchmark "Burnup Credit Criticality Benchmark Phase IIIC". The benchmark requested the neutronic characteristics for a BWR fuel assembly with gadolinium, which had been used in the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Because of a restriction of MOSRA-SRAC, the geometry was partially homogenized. To verify the module's applicability including the homogenization effects, the multiplication factor and the nuclide compositions were compared with the well-validated code MVP-BURN. As the results, the applicability of MSORA-SRAC for the assembly was verified. Additionally, it was also shown that the homogenization effects were smaller than the difference due to the calculation methods.