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宮川 晃尚*; 林 直輝*; 岩本 響*; 新井 剛*; 長友 重紀*; 宮崎 康典; 長谷川 健太; 佐野 雄一; 中谷 清治*
Analytical Sciences, 40(2), p.347 - 352, 2024/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)複数のランタノイドイオンを含む錯体溶液中における単一抽出剤含浸高分子被覆シリカ粒子中のEu(III)分配機構を蛍光顕微分光法を用いて調べた。律速段階はEu(III)と2つの抽出剤分子との反応であった。得られた機構と速度定数は、Eu(III)溶液中でEu(III)が粒子に分配される単元素系の機構と一致した。
Zablackaite, G.; 塩津 弘之; 城戸 健太朗; 杉山 智之
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(2), p.536 - 545, 2024/02
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:75.38(Nuclear Science & Technology)Radioactive iodine is a representative fission product to be quantified for the safety assessment of nuclear facilities. In integral severe accident analysis codes, the iodine behavior is usually described by a multi-physical model of iodine chemistry in aqueous phase under radiation field and mass transfer through gas-liquid interface. The focus of studies on iodine source term evaluations using the combination approach is usually put on the chemical aspect, but each contribution to the iodine amount released to the environment has not been decomposed so far. In this study, we attempted the decomposition by revising the two-film theory of molecular-iodine mass transfer. The model involves an effective overall mass transfer coefficient to consider the iodine chemistry. The decomposition was performed by regarding the coefficient as a product of two functions of pH and the overall mass transfer coefficient for molecular iodine. The procedure was applied to the EPICUR experiment and suppression chamber in BWR.
宮川 晃尚*; 高橋 拓海*; 崩 愛昌*; 岩本 響*; 新井 剛*; 長友 重紀*; 渡部 創; 佐野 雄一; 中谷 清治*
Analytical Sciences, 39(11), p.1929 - 1936, 2023/11
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:17.17(Chemistry, Analytical)本研究では、単一のジグリコールアミド誘導体抽出剤(TODGA)を含浸させたポリマー被覆シリカ粒子におけるEu(III)分布を明らかにした。Eu(III)とポリマー層中の2つのTODGA分子との反応が律速過程であることが、速度定数(k and k
宮川 晃尚*; 林 直輝*; 岩本 響*; 新井 剛*; 長友 重紀*; 宮崎 康典; 長谷川 健太; 佐野 雄一; 中谷 清治*
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 96(9), p.1019 - 1025, 2023/09
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:30.87(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)本研究では、ニトリロトリアセトアミド(NTA)抽出液を含浸させたポリマーコートシリカ単粒子において、Eu(III)とSm(III)のこれらのイオンを含む溶液中での物質移動機構を明らかにした。質量移動の律速過程は、NOイオンが関与しないイオンとNTA分子の反応過程であり、これは単一イオン分配系で得られたものと一致した。
渡辺 奈央; 山下 晋; 上澤 伸一郎; 西原 健司; 吉田 啓之
Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20) (Internet), p.3522 - 3534, 2023/08
宮川 晃尚*; 林 直輝*; 崩 愛昌*; 高橋 拓海*; 岩本 響*; 新井 剛*; 長友 重紀*; 宮崎 康典; 長谷川 健太; 佐野 雄一; et al.
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 96(7), p.671 - 676, 2023/07
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:61.67(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)HONTAおよびTOD2EHNTAとして知られるニトリロトリアセトアミド(NTA)抽出剤を含む単一ポリマー被覆シリカ粒子におけるEu(III)の分配機構を検討した。本研究は、「単一の抽出剤を含浸したポリマー被覆シリカ粒子」の機能性を評価・向上させるための貴重なアプローチを提供するものである。
南上 光太郎; 塩津 弘之; 丸山 結; 杉山 智之; 岡本 孝司*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(7), p.816 - 823, 2023/07
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)For proper source term evaluation, we constructed the theoretical model to estimate the mass transfer coefficient of gaseous iodine species under two-phase flow conditions, which complicates the direct experimental measurements. The mass transfer speed is determined by the product of the overall mass transfer coefficient and the interfacial area. By using the ratio of two gas components, the interfacial area, which is an important parameter that is difficult to measure, can be canceled out and the ratio of their overall mass transfer coefficients can be obtained. This ratio is expected to be equal to the ratio of their diffusion coefficients. Therefore, the unknown mass transfer coefficient such as iodine species can be estimated using the diffusion coefficients of two gas components and the reference mass transfer coefficient such as O. We carried out the experiments using the bubble column to confirm this relationship. From the results in this study, we confirmed that the ratio of the overall mass transfer coefficient was in good agreement with the ratio of diffusion coefficient under the bubbly flow conditions. Using this relationship confirmed in this study, we estimated the mass transfer coefficient of I
, one of the iodine species.
安部 諭; 柴本 泰照
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 55(5), p.1742 - 1756, 2023/05
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)The hydrogen behavior in a nuclear containment vessel is a significant issue when discussing the potential of hydrogen combustion during a severe accident. After the Fukushima-Daiichi accident in Japan, we have investigated in-depth the hydrogen transport mechanisms by utilizing experimental and numerical approaches. Computational fluid dynamics is a powerful tool for better understanding the transport behavior of gas mixtures, including hydrogen. This paper describes a large-eddy simulation of gas mixing driven by a high-buoyancy flow. We focused on the interaction behavior of heat and mass transfers driven by the horizontal high-buoyant flow during density stratification. For validation, the experimental data of the Containment InteGral effects Measurement Apparatus (CIGMA) facility were used. With a high-power heater for the gas-injection line in the CIGMA facility, a high temperature flow of approximately 390C was injected into the test vessel. By using the CIGMA facility, we can extend the experimental data to the high temperature region. The phenomenological discussion in this paper help understand the heat and mass transfer induced by the high-buoyancy flow in the containment vessel during a severe accident.
安部 諭; Hamdani, A.; 石垣 将宏*; 柴本 泰照
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 166, p.108791_1 - 108791_18, 2022/02
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:60.59(Nuclear Science & Technology)This paper describes an experimental investigation of natural convection driven by outer surface cooling in the presence of density stratification consisting of an air-helium gas mixture (as mimic gas of hydrogen) in an enclosed vessel. The unique cooling system of the Containment InteGral effects Measurement Apparatus (whose test vessel is a cylinder with 2.5-m diameter and 11-m height) is used, and findings reveal that the cooling location relative to the stratification plays an important role in determining the interaction behavior of the heat and mass transfer in the enclosed vessel. When the cooling region is narrower than the stratification thickness, the density-stratified region expands to the lower part while decreasing in concentration (stratification dissolution). When the cooling region is wider than the stratification thickness, the stratification is gradually eroded from the bottom with decreasing layer thickness (stratification breakup). This knowledge is useful for understanding the interaction behavior of heat and mass transfer during severe accidents in nuclear power plants.
中島 邦久; 西岡 俊一郎*; 鈴木 恵理子; 逢坂 正彦
Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 7(3), p.19-00564_1 - 19-00564_14, 2020/06
山本 正弘; 相馬 康孝; 五十嵐 誉廣; 上野 文義
Proceedings of Annual Congress of the European Federation of Corrosion (EUROCORR 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2018/09
西尾 勝久; 廣瀬 健太郎; Lguillon, R.*; 牧井 宏之; Orlandi, R.; 塚田 和明; Smallcombe, J.*; 千葉 敏*; 有友 嘉浩*; 田中 翔也*; et al.
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Fission and Properties of Neutron-rich Nuclei (ICFN-6), p.590 - 597, 2017/11
We are promoting a fission study using multi-nucleon transfer reactions, where excited states in neutron-rich actinide nuclei, which cannot be accessed by particle capture and/or fusion reactions, are populated. This allows us to study fission in the new region of chart of nuclei. Also, the excited states in the fissioning nucleus are widely populated in the reactions, thus the effects of excitation energy on fission can be investigated. Experiments were carried out at the JAEA tandem facility in Tokai, Japan. We studied reactions using the O beam (
9MeV/u) and several actinide target nuclei such as
Cm. Ejectile nuclei and thus the transfer channels were identified by a newly developed silicon
E-E detectors. The produced nuclei in one experiment reached more than fifteen. Fission fragment mass distributions (FFMDs) were measured for each isotopes. Measured FFMDs are reproduced by a calculation based on the fluctuation-dissipation model (Langevin-type calculation), where effects of multi-chance fission were included. We also started to measure the prompt neutrons accompanied by fission.
Lguillon, R.; 西尾 勝久; 廣瀬 健太郎; 牧井 宏之; 西中 一朗*; Orlandi, R.; 塚田 和明; Smallcombe, J.*; 千葉 敏*; 有友 嘉浩*; et al.
Physics Letters B, 761, p.125 - 130, 2016/10
被引用回数:43 パーセンタイル:92.63(Astronomy & Astrophysics)It is shown that the multinucleon transfer reactions is a powerful tool to study fission of exotic neutron-rich actinide nuclei, which cannot be accessed by particle-capture or heavy-ion fusion reactions. In this work, multinucleon transfer channels of the O +
Th reaction are used to study fission of fourteen nuclei
Pa, and
U. Identification of fissioning nuclei and of their excitation energy is performed on an event-by-event basis, through the measurement of outgoing ejectile particle in coincidence with fission fragments. Fission fragment mass distributions are measured for each transfer channel, in selected bins of excitation energy. In particular, the mass distributions of
Th and
Pa are measured for the first time. Predominantly asymmetric fission is observed at low excitation energies for all studied cases, with a gradual increase of the symmetric mode towards higher excitation energy. The experimental distributions are found to be in general agreement with predictions of the fluctuation-dissipation model.
島崎 洋祐; 井坂 和義; 野本 恭信; 関 朝和; 大橋 弘史
JAEA-Technology 2014-038, 51 Pages, 2014/12
鉢上 隼介; 寺岡 有殿
JAERI-Tech 2004-066, 69 Pages, 2004/11
倉田 有司; 菊地 賢司; 斎藤 滋; 鎌田 勤也*; 北野 照明*; 大井川 宏之
Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on the Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators, p.267 - 277, 2004/05
Cでは316SS, JPCAの腐食深さはNi, Crの溶出,Pb, Biの浸入により著しい増加を示す。Si添加鋼は550
小嶋 拓治; 須永 博美; 滝沢 春喜; 橘 宏行
IAEA-TECDOC-1070, p.197 - 202, 1999/03
TIARA AVFサイクロトロンからの5~20MeV/amuイオンビームを対象とした吸収線量測定を目的として、ファラデーカップ、全吸収型熱量計及びフィルム線量計といった測定システムの開発を行った。リアルタイムのビームモニタに用いるファラデーカップによる粒子フルエンス測定における不確かさを、粒子エネルギー公称値をもとに算出した評価値と実測値
岩井 保則; 山西 敏彦; 西 正孝
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 36(1), p.95 - 104, 1999/01
被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:66.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)中空糸膜を用いた排ガス中の水素ガス回収システムの定常シミュレーションモデルを提案した。このモデルでは膜の非多孔質部分の拡散、支持構造体中の拡散及び膜表面におけるガス境膜内の拡散を考慮した。システムのガス流れとしては、十字流、混合流、向流、並流の4つの流れを想定した。膜透過の物質移動においては膜の非多孔質超薄膜層が律速段階となっており、全体の物質移動の約99%を支配していることが明らかとなった。当研究室においておこなわれた窒素-水素系あるいは空気-水素系の実験結果は流量10m/h、供給圧2580Torr、透過圧80Torrの実験条件において、十字流モデルの結果と一致することが明らかとなった。又水蒸気が混在する空気中からの水素回収において水素回収率は計算結果とよく一致するが水蒸気の回収率は計算値が若干低くなった。この原因は水蒸気の透過係数の不確定性が考えられる。
西沢 市王; 坂本 勉*; 勝山 和夫; 進士 義正; 三戸 規生; 松元 章
JAERI-M 9910, 37 Pages, 1982/01
処理した時点においても見られない。 このことから、放射性廃液の処理に、蒸気圧縮式蒸発処理法も有力な処理手段であることが実証された。
鈴木 勝男; 森本 俊雄*
JAERI-M 9264, 28 Pages, 1981/01