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Journal Articles

Reproducibility of thermal neutron flux distribution on patient's brain surface with a realistic phantom

Yamamoto, Kazuyoshi; Kumada, Hiroaki; Yamamoto, Tetsuya*; Matsumura, Akira*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 3(2), p.193 - 199, 2004/06

To investigate the possibility of experimental approach for dose evaluation using a realistic phantom that faithfully reproduced the shape of a head, this research considered the manufacture of a patient's realistic phantom and the reappearance of actual medical irradiation conditions. We selected the rapid prototyping technology to produce the realistic phantom from the Computed Tomography (CT) imaging. This phantom was irradiated under the same clinical irradiation condition of this patient, and the thermal neutron distribution on the brain surface was measured in detail. Several subjects on material and data conversion in the production of realistic phantom were mentioned. As a result of reproducing medical irradiation using the realistic phantom, the maximum thermal neutron flux became a value about 22% lower than the surface of the actual brain. If the problems pointed out in this paper are solved, it may also be expected that it would become possible to check computational dosimetry system.

Journal Articles

Comparison of dosimetry by the realistic patient head phantom and by the patient's brain, and the JCDS calculation; A Clinical dosimetry study

Endo, Kiyoshi*; Matsumura, Akira*; Yamamoto, Tetsuya*; Nose, Tadao*; Yamamoto, Kazuyoshi; Kumada, Hiroaki; Kishi, Toshiaki; Torii, Yoshiya; Kashimura, Takanori*; Otake, Shinichi*

Research and Development in Neutron Capture Therapy, p.425 - 430, 2002/09

Using the Rapid Prototyping Technique, we produced a realistic phantom as a formative model of a patient head. This realistic phantom will contribute to verification of our planning system. However, cross-correlation among the calculations using the JAERI Computational Dosimetry System (JCDS), the realistic phantom, and the in vivo measurements were not fully completed because of the difficulty involved in modeling a post-surgical brain and a thermal neutron shield. The experimental simulation technique using the realistic phantom is a useful tool for more reliable dose planning for the intraoperative BNCT.

Journal Articles

An Application to Intraoperative BNCT using epithermal neutron of new JRR-4 mode "Epi-12"

Matsushita, Akira*; Yamamoto, Tetsuya*; Matsumura, Akira*; Nose, Tadao*; Yamamoto, Kazuyoshi; Kumada, Hiroaki; Torii, Yoshiya; Kashimura, Takanori*; Otake, Shinichi*

Research and Development in Neutron Capture Therapy, p.141 - 143, 2002/09

A thermal-epithermal mixed beam "Thermal Neutron Beam Mode I" was used in the eleven sessions of boron neutron capture therapy which have been performed at JRR-4 from 1998. We are planning to use an epithermal beam for the treatment of deeper tumors in the next trial of the intraoperative BNCT. In this study, "Epi-12" which was made by putting up a cadmium shutter of "Thermal Neutron Beam Mode I" was investigated for the clinical benefits and safety by epithermal beams. Decrease of fast neutron contamination ratio in Epi-12 mode is the advantage for BNCT, particular in the intraoperative BNCT. Because fast neutron on the brain surface is one of the critical factors in the intraoperative BNCT in which the plain beam directly interacts the normal structures. Furthermore a mixture of mode Epi-12 and Th-12 will provide various dose distribution designs. It may be used as a new method to control the best distribution for individual tumors.

JAEA Reports

Measurement of thermal neutron flux for BNCT in JRR-2

; Torii, Yoshiya; ; Ichimura, Shigeju; ; Sasajima, Fumio; ; ; ; Takahashi, Hidetake

JAERI-M 94-058, 45 Pages, 1994/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Installation of JRR-2 neutron medical irradiation facility

Arigane, Kenji; Yamada, Tadanori; ; ;

JAERI-M 91-139, 60 Pages, 1991/09


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Summary of 1st internatonal meeting on radiation processing at PuertoRico

Machi, Sueo; ;

Hoshasen To Sangyo, (6), p.7 - 18, 1977/06

no abstracts in English

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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