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Journal Articles

Thermal conductivity measurement of uranium-plutonium mixed oxide doped with Nd/Sm as simulated fission products

Horii, Yuta; Hirooka, Shun; Uno, Hiroki*; Ogasawara, Masahiro*; Tamura, Tetsuya*; Yamada, Tadahisa*; Furusawa, Naoya*; Murakami, Tatsutoshi; Kato, Masato

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 588, p.154799_1 - 154799_20, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:82.11(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The thermal conductivities of near-stoichiometric (U,Pu,Am)O$$_{2}$$ doped with Nd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$/Sm$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$, which is major fission product (FP) generated by a uranium-plutonium mixed oxides (MOX) fuel irradiation, as simulated fission products are evaluated at 1073-1673 K. The thermal conductivities are calculated from the thermal diffusivities that are measured using the laser flash method. To evaluate the thermal conductivity from a homogeneity viewpoint of Nd/Sm cations in MOX, the specimens with different homogeneity of Nd/Sm are prepared using two kinds of powder made by ball-mill and fusion methods. A homogeneous Nd/Sm distribution decreases the thermal conductivity of MOX with increasing Nd/Sm content, whereas heterogeneous Nd/Sm has no influence. The effect of Nd/Sm on the thermal conductivity is studied using the classical phonon transport model (A+BT)$$^{-1}$$. The dependences of the coefficients A and B on the Nd/Sm content (C$$_{Nd}$$ and C$$_{Sm}$$, respectively) are evaluated as: A(mK/W)=1.70 $$times$$ 10$$^{-2}$$ + 0.93C$$_{Nd}$$ + 1.20C$$_{Sm}$$, B(m/W)=2.39 $$times$$ 10$$^{-4}$$.

Journal Articles

Development of an integrated computer code system for analyzing irradiation behaviors of a fast reactor fuel

Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Nemoto, Junichi*; Ito, Masahiro*; Ishitani, Ikuo*; Doda, Norihiro; Tanaka, Masaaki; Otsuka, Satoshi

Nuclear Technology, 207(8), p.1280 - 1289, 2021/08


 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:29.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Computer codes for irradiation behavior analysis of a fuel pin and a fuel pin bundle and for coolant thermal hydraulics analysis were coupled into an integrated code system. In the system, each code provides data required by other codes and the analyzed results are shared among them. The system allows for the synthesizing of analyses of thermal, chemical and mechanical behaviors in a fuel subassembly under irradiation. A test analysis was made for a fuel subassembly containing a mixed oxide fuel pin bundle irradiated in a fast reactor. The results of the analysis were presented with transverse cross-sectional images of the fuel subassembly and three-dimensional images of a fuel pin and fuel pin bundle models. For detailed evaluation, various irradiation behaviors of all fuel pins in the subassembly were analyzed and correlated with irradiation conditions.

Journal Articles

Fission gas release from irradiated mixed-oxide fuel pellet during simulated reactivity-initiated accident conditions; Results of BZ-3 and BZ-4 tests

Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Udagawa, Yutaka; Amaya, Masaki

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 155, p.108171_1 - 108171_11, 2021/06

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:23.22(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

The Effects of addition of carbon dioxide and water vapor on the dynamic behavior of spherically expanding hydrogen/air premixed flames

Katsumi, Toshiyuki; Yoshida, Yasuhito*; Nakagawa, Ryo*; Yazawa, Shinya*; Kumada, Masashi*; Sato, Daisuke*; Thwe Thwe, A.; Chaumeix, N.*; Kadowaki, Satoshi

Journal of Thermal Science and Technology (Internet), 16(2), p.21-00044_1 - 21-00044_13, 2021/00

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:41.28(Thermodynamics)

The effects of addition of CO$$_{2}$$ and water vapor on characteristics of dynamic behavior of hydrogen/air premixed flames were elucidated experimentally. By Schlieren photography, wrinkles on the flame surface were clearly observed in low equivalence ratios. The propagation velocity increased monotonically as the flame radius became larger and flame acceleration was found. Increasing the addition of inert gas, the propagation velocity decreased, especially in the case of CO$$_{2}$$ addition. Moreover, the Markstein length and the wrinkling factor decreased. This indicated that the addition of Co$$_{2}$$ or H$$_{2}$$O promoted the unstable motion of hydrogen flames, which could be due to the enhancement of the diffusive-thermal effect. Based on the characteristics of dynamic behavior of hydrogen flames, the parameters used in the mathematical model on propagation velocity including flame acceleration was obtained, and then the flame propagation velocity under various conditions was predicted.

Journal Articles

Transient response of LWR fuels (RIA)

Udagawa, Yutaka; Fuketa, Toyoshi*

Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, 2nd Edition, Vol.2, p.322 - 338, 2020/08

Journal Articles

Coupled computer code study on irradiation performance of a fast reactor mixed oxide fuel element with an emphasis on the fission product cesium behavior

Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Nemoto, Junichi*; Ishitani, Ikuo*; Ito, Masahiro*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 331, p.186 - 193, 2018/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:34.56(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A computer code for the analysis of the overall irradiation performance of a fast reactor mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel element was coupled with a specialized code for the analysis of fission product cesium behaviors in a MOX fuel element. The coupled code system allowed for the analysis of the radial and axial Cs migrations, the generation of Cs chemical compounds and fuel swelling due to Cs-fuel-reactions in association with the thermal and mechanical behaviors of the fuel element. The coupled code analysis was applied to the irradiation performance of a fast reactor MOX fuel element attaining high burnup for discussion on the axial distribution of Cs, fuel-to-cladding mechanical interaction owing to the Cs-fuel-reactions by comparing the calculated results with post irradiation examinations.

JAEA Reports

Essentials of neutron multiplicity counting mathematics; An Example of U-Pu mixed dioxide

Hosoma, Takashi

JAEA-Research 2015-009, 162 Pages, 2015/08


Neutron coincidence counting assay systems have been developed in the last two decades. Objects would extend to high-mass uranium-plutonium dioxide containing other spontaneous fission nuclei, so essentials of neutron multiplicity counting were reconsidered and expanded: (a) Formulae of multiplicity distribution were algebraically derived up to septuplet using a probability generating function; (b) Leakage multiplication was evaluated not by Monte Carlo method but by an average length from an arbitrary point inside a sample to an arbitrary point on its surface and a probability of induced fission within the length; (c) Mechanism of coincidence counting was associated with a couple of different time axes in Poisson process, and consequently a pair of close-to-coincident neutrons from the process was derived. For the formulae, new expressions using combination were wrote down. For spectrum and mean free path, actually treated uranium-plutonium dioxide was selected as an example.

JAEA Reports

Criticality data of water-reflected and-moderated homogeneous mixed oxide fuel

Komuro, Yuichi;

JAERI-Data/Code 96-002, 73 Pages, 1996/02


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Measurement of vaccuum occluded gases released from uranium-plutonium mixed carbide and uranium carbide fuels

; ;

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 25(5), p.456 - 463, 1988/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:46.55(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Thermal Conductivity of Oxide Fuel Under Reactor Irradiation


JAERI-M 82-069, 15 Pages, 1982/06


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Results of The Preliminary Tests For Mixed Oxide Fuel Test Program at NSRR

Inabe, Teruo; ;

JAERI-M 9178, 23 Pages, 1980/11


no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

The Possible use of short half-life noble gas fission products for measurement of criticality and identification of plutonium in fuel debris canister

Riyana, E. S.; Okumura, Keisuke; Sakamoto, Masahiro; Matsumura, Taichi; Terashima, Kenichi

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Synthesis of zirconolite with U-Ce mixed oxide for stable storage of nuclear fuel materials

Hayashizaki, Kohei; Hirooka, Shun; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*; Saito, Kosuke

no journal, , 

13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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