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Yamamoto, Masanobu
Proceedings of 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (HB 2016) (Internet), p.110 - 114, 2016/08
We have been developing a longitudinal particle tracking code for a high intensity proton synchrotron, especially for the J-PARC Synchrotron. Although some longitudinal particle tracking codes exist, our code can track the particles with a wake voltage and a space charge effect, and also can calculate a beam emittance and a momentum filling factor under a multi-harmonics to evaluate the margin of a rf bucket. Furthermore, we originally have developed the calculation method of a synchronous particle, which realizes the simulation in the case that the revolution frequency of the synchronous particle is not proportional to an acceleration frequency pattern. This is useful to check an adiabaticity. We have achieved 1 MW-eq. beam acceleration at J-PARC RCS by using the code because we can calculate the optimum acceleration conditions for the high intensity beam. We will describe the basic design of the code and the simulation results for the J-PARC RCS and MR.