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Nakamura, Shoji; Shibahara, Yuji*; Endo, Shunsuke; Kimura, Atsushi
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(11), p.1388 - 1398, 2022/11
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:18.18(Nuclear Science & Technology)The present study selected Np among radioactive nuclides and aimed to measure the thermal-neutron capture cross-section for Np in a well-thermalized neutron field by an activation method. A Np standard solution was used for irradiation samples. A thermal-neutron flux at an irradiation position was measured with neutron flux monitors: Sc, Co, Mo, Ta and Au. The Np sample and flux monitors were irradiated together for 30 minutes in the graphite thermal column equipped with the Kyoto University Research Reactor. The similar irradiation was carried out twice. After the irradiations, the Np samples were quantified using 312-keV gamma ray emitted from Pa in a radiation equilibrium with Np. The reaction rates of Np were obtained from gamma-ray peak net counts given by Np, and then the thermal-neutron capture cross-section of Np was found to be 173.84.4 barn by averaging the results obtained by the two irradiations. The present result was in agreement with the reported data given by a time-of-flight method within the limit of uncertainty.
Nakamura, Shoji; Endo, Shunsuke; Kimura, Atsushi; Shibahara, Yuji*
KURNS Progress Report 2021, P. 93, 2022/07
In terms of nuclear transmutation studies of minor actinides in nuclear wastes, the present work selected Np among them and aimed to measure the thermal-neutron capture cross-section of Np using a well-thermalized neutron field by a neutron activation method because there have been discrepancies among reported cross-section data. A Np standard solution was used for irradiation samples. The thermal-neutron flux at an irradiation position was measured with flux monitors: Sc, Co, Mo, Ta and Au. The Np sample was irradiated together with the flux monitors for 30 minutes in the graphite thermal column equipped in the Kyoto University Research Reactor. The similar irradiation was repeated once more to confirm the reproducibility of the results. After irradiation, the Np samples were quantified using 312-keV gamma-ray emitted from Pa in radiation equilibrium with Np. The reaction rates of Np were obtained from the peak net counts of gamma-rays emitted from generated Np, and then the thermal-neutron capture cross-section of Np was found to be 173.84.7 barn by averaging the results obtained by the two irradiations. The present result was in agreement with the reported data given by a time-of-flight method within a limit of uncertainty.
Irisawa, Eriko; Kato, Chiaki; Yamashita, Naoki; Sano, Naruto
Zairyo To Kankyo, 71(3), p.70 - 74, 2022/03
In order to evaluate the corrosion of stainless steels used in spent nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities, the immersion corrosion tests and polarization measurements were performed using R-SUS304ULC stainless steel in nitric acid solution containing a kind of radionuclides, Np. At temperatures above 328 K, the corrosion potential was higher than that in nitric acid solution and was near the transpassive region. From the comparison between the corrosion amount calculated by the immersion corrosion tests and the polarization resistance, the values of =0.018-0.025 V were obtained as a conversion factor, and the possibility of calculating the corrosion amount from the electrochemical measurement was examined.
Rovira Leveroni, G.; Katabuchi, Tatsuya*; Tosaka, Kenichi*; Matsuura, Shota*; Kodama, Yu*; Nakano, Hideto*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Kimura, Atsushi; Nakamura, Shoji; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(1), p.110 - 122, 2022/01
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:54.24(Nuclear Science & Technology)Nakamura, Shoji; Kitatani, Fumito; Kimura, Atsushi; Uehara, Akihiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(6), p.493 - 502, 2019/06
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:43.78(Nuclear Science & Technology)The thermal-neutron capture cross-section()and resonance integral(I) were measured for the Np(n,)Np reaction by an activation method. A method with a Gadolinium filter, which is similar to the Cadmium difference method, was used to measure the with paying attention to the first resonance at 0.489 eV of Np, and a value of 0.133 eV was taken as a cut-off energy. Neptunium-237 samples were irradiated at the pneumatic tube of the Kyoto University Research Reactor in Institute for Integral Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University. Wires of Co/Al and Au/Al alloys were used as monitors to determine thermal-neutron fluxes and epi-thermal Westcott's indices at an irradiation position. A -ray spectroscopy was used to measure activities of Np, Np and neutron monitors. On the basis of Westcott's convention, the and I values were derived as 186.96.2 barn, and 100990 barn, respectively.
Nakamura, Shoji; Terada, Kazushi; Shibahara, Yuji*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Takahashi, Yoshiyuki*; Hori, Junichi*
KURRI Progress Report 2015, P. 67, 2016/08
The activation measurements of Np-237 were performed with neutron sources at KURRI-Linac. It was found that activation measurements supported the evaluated cross-section data of JENDL-4.0.
Kozai, Naofumi; Onuki, Toshihiko; Muraoka, Susumu
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.353, 0, p.1021 - 1028, 1995/00
no abstracts in English
Irisawa, Eriko; Yamashita, Naoki; Kato, Chiaki; Sano, Naruto
no journal, ,
In spent fuel reprocessing plants after nuclear power generation, intergranular corrosion of stainless steel components due to nitric acid solution containing metal ions derived from fuel is a problem. Although neptunium, a radioactive element, is considered to have a high contribution to corrosion, there have been few cases of systematic corrosion evaluations due to the difficulty of handling it. Therefore, the effects of solution temperature and neptunium ion concentration on the corrosion rate of stainless steel in nitric acid solution containing neptunium-237 were evaluated by immersion test and polarization measurement.