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Okita, Shoichiro; Fukaya, Yuji; Sakon, Atsushi*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Takahashi, Yoshiyuki*; Unesaki, Hironobu*
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 197(8), p.2251 - 2257, 2023/08
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)Okita, Shoichiro; Fukaya, Yuji; Sakon, Atsushi*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Takahashi, Yoshiyuki*; Unesaki, Hironobu*
Proceedings of International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2022/05
Osaki, Hirotaka; Shimazaki, Yosuke; Sumita, Junya; Shibata, Taiju; Konishi, Takashi; Ishihara, Masahiro
Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2015/05
For the design on the VHTR graphite components, it is desirable to employ graphite material with higher strength. IG-430 graphite has been developed as an advanced candidate for VHTR. However, the new developed IG-430 does not have enough databases for the design of HTGR. In this paper, the compressive strength (Cs) of IG-430, one of important strengths for design data, is statistically evaluated. The component reliability is evaluated based on the safety factors defined by the graphite design code, and the applicability as the VHTR graphite material is discussed. It was found that IG-430 has higher strength (about 11%) and lower standard deviation (about 27%) than IG-110 which is one of traditional graphites used for HTGR, because the crack in IG-430 would not easy to propagate rather than IG-110. Since fracture probability for IG-430 is low, the higher reliability of core-component will be achieved using IG-430. It is expected that IG-430 is applicable for VHTR graphite material.
Fujii, Kimio; Matsuo, Hideto*
JAERI-Review 2002-034, 44 Pages, 2002/12
Graphite material is used as a moderator and reflector of graphite-moderated gas-cooled reactors such as the Tokai Nuclear Power Station of Japan Atomic Power Company. For the decommissioning of those reactors, it is very important to obtain the density of carbon-14 in the graphite of which half-time is very long, and the development of the reduction technique for density of carbon-14 is one of the main technical issues as well. The reactor ceased the commercial operation on March 1998, and is in the process of the decommissioning. Technical developement on nuclear graphite disposal is one of the main issues, and it is pointed out that carbon-14 density is an impotant factor for the treatment on the disposal of the nuclear graphite. In order to resolve the problem, literatures survey was carried out for describing the status of technical development on resolving the problem. This report describes the outline of the literatures surveyed and the list of the related literatures is attached as well.
Ishiyama, Shintaro; Eto, Motokuni
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 43(11), p.1159 - 1166, 2001/11
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:19.35(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Ishihara, Masahiro; Hanawa, Satoshi; Iyoku, Tatsuo; Shiozawa, Shusaku
Tanso, 2001(196), p.39 - 48, 2001/02
no abstracts in English
Eto, Motokuni; Ishiyama, Shintaro; T.D.Burchell*; G.T.Yahr*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(5), p.476 - 483, 1997/05
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:42.47(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Eto, Motokuni; Ishiyama, Shintaro
23nd Biennial Conference on Carbon (CARBON '97) Extended Abstracts and Program, Vol,2, p.276 - 277, 1997/00
no abstracts in English
Eto, Motokuni; Ishiyama, Shintaro; T.D.Burchell*; G.T.Yahr*
JAERI-Research 96-016, 45 Pages, 1996/03
no abstracts in English
; Minato, Kazuo; Eto, Motokuni; Oku, Tatsuo*;
JAERI-M 92-085, 28 Pages, 1992/06
no abstracts in English
Saito, Shinzo
Gensan Semina "Koon Gasuro Kaihatsu To Netsu Riyo Gijutsu No Tembo", p.1 - 10, 1992/02
no abstracts in English
Eto, Motokuni; Oku, Tatsuo; Konishi, Takashi*
Carbon, 29(1), p.11 - 21, 1991/01
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:75.43(Chemistry, Physical)no abstracts in English
Oyama, Yukio; ; Maekawa, Hiroshi
JAERI-M 90-092, 124 Pages, 1990/06
no abstracts in English
Ioka, Ikuo;
Carbon, 28(1), p.159 - 164, 1990/00
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.94(Chemistry, Physical)no abstracts in English
; ;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 24(9), p.719 - 723, 1987/09
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:55.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
; ;
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 29(7), p.651 - 655, 1987/07
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:59.77(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
; ;
Carbon, 25(6), p.723 - 726, 1987/06
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:75.32(Chemistry, Physical)no abstracts in English
; ; ;
JAERI-M 87-056, 49 Pages, 1987/03
no abstracts in English
Yogyo Kyokia-Shi, 94(1093), p.1012 - 1014, 1986/09
no abstracts in English
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 138, p.131 - 134, 1986/00
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English