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Journal Articles

Irradiation experiences and the future plan in the HTTR project

Hayashi, Hideyuki; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Komori, Yoshihiro

Proceedings of International Symposium on Research Reactor and Neutron Science; In Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of HANARO (HANARO 2005), p.215 - 220, 2005/04

Irradiation experiments for the HTTR fuel development were performed mostly by using Oarai Gas Loop-1 (OGL-1) and capsules in Japan Material Test Reactor (JMTR) of JAERI. Various kinds of researches have been carried out to confirm the integrity of the HTTR fuel. Present status and future plan of the HTTR project were also outlined.

Journal Articles

High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor

Tanaka, Toshiyuki; Muto, Yasushi

Karyoku Genshiryoku Hatsuden, 51(10), p.318 - 323, 2000/10

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Irradiation experiments of the 13th-15th OGL-1 fuel assemblies

Hayashi, Kimio; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Shiratori, Tetsuo; Kikuchi, Hironobu; Fukuda, Kosaku; Kitajima, Toshio; Ito, Tadaharu; Waragai, Hyota

JAERI-Research 2000-001, p.116 - 0, 2000/01


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Disposal of highly activated in pile-tube by cutting

Iimura, Katsumichi; ; Takahashi, Kiyoshi;

UTNL-R-0321, 0, p.5.1 - 5.10, 1995/03

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JAEA Reports

Irradiation experiments of the 6th$$sim$$12th OGL-1 Fuel Assemblies

Hayashi, Kimio; Minato, Kazuo; Kobayashi, Fumiaki; ; Fukuda, Kosaku; Kikuchi, Teruo; ;

JAERI-Research 94-017, 250 Pages, 1994/10


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JAEA Reports

Evaluation of lift-off fraction in accident condition of HTGR

Sawa, Kazuhiro; ; ; Endo, Yasuichi; Shiozawa, Shusaku;

JAERI-M 91-207, 34 Pages, 1991/12


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JAEA Reports

The Verification of fission products plate-out analysis code for HTGR; PLAIN

Sawa, Kazuhiro; Baba, Osamu

JAERI-M 91-084, 31 Pages, 1991/05


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Journal Articles

Analytical method of fractional release of fission products from fuel elements of HTTR

Sawa, Kazuhiro; Shiozawa, Shusaku; Fukuda, Kosaku;

Proc. of the Behaviour of Gas Cooled Reactor Fuel Under Accident Conditions, p.55 - 61, 1991/00

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Journal Articles

Safety aspects required to the in-pile irradiation facilities attached to the JMTR


The Safety,Status and Future of Non-Commercial Reactors and Irradiation Facilities,Vol. 1, p.509 - 515, 1990/09

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JAEA Reports

Analysis method of fractional release of cesium from fuel elements of HTTR

Sawa, Kazuhiro; ; ; Shiozawa, Shusaku

JAERI-M 90-063, 42 Pages, 1990/03


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JAEA Reports

Effect of high temperature neutron irradiation on physical properties of OGL-1 graphite block

Matsuo, Hideto; Minato, Kazuo; Imai, Hisashi

JAERI-M 90-009, 24 Pages, 1990/02


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JAEA Reports

Irradiafion Experiments of 3rd, 4th and 5th Fuel Blocks by an In-pile Gas Loop OGL-1

; ; ; Minato, Kazuo; ; ; ; Iwamoto, K.; Ikawa, Katsuichi

JAERI-M 86-092, 286 Pages, 1986/07


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JAEA Reports

VHTR Fuel Irradiation Tests by the In-pile Gas Loop,OGL-1 at JMTR

; ; ; ;

JAERI-M 86-068, 17 Pages, 1986/04


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JAEA Reports

Computation of Irradiation Temperature in Fuel Rods of OGL-1 Fuel Assembly

; ; Minato, Kazuo; Ikawa, Katsuichi; Iwamoto, K.

JAERI-M 84-183, 39 Pages, 1984/10


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Journal Articles

Irradiation experiments of VHTR reference fuels by an in-pile gas loop(OGL-1)

; ; ; Minato, Kazuo; ; Ikawa, Katsuichi

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 26(1), p.57 - 74, 1984/00

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:18.98(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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JAEA Reports

Thermal Stress Analysis on the Graphite Block of the Fuel Element for OGL-1 Irradiation

Minato, Kazuo; ; ; Ikawa, Katsuichi

JAERI-M 83-167, 24 Pages, 1983/10


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JAEA Reports

High Temperature Irradiation Facilities in JMTR for VHTR Fuel Development

; ; ; Yamamoto, Katsumune; ; Ikawa, Katsuichi

JAERI-M 83-104, 16 Pages, 1983/07


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JAEA Reports

Analysis of Bowing of Irradiated OGL-1 Fuel Rod

Minato, Kazuo; ; ; ; Ikawa, Katsuichi; Iwamoto, K.; ; ;

JAERI-M 83-055, 77 Pages, 1983/03


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Journal Articles

Evaluation test of stability for high temperature strain gages

; ; ;

Kyowa Giho, 309, p.2195 - 2197, 1983/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

30 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)