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中村 秀夫
Proceedings of ANS International Conference on Best Estimate Plus Uncertainties Methods (BEPU 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 8 Pages, 2018/00
Mascari, F.*; 中村 秀夫; Umminger, K.*; De Rosa, F.*; D'Auria, F.*
Proceedings of 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16) (USB Flash Drive), p.4921 - 4934, 2015/08
The phenomenological analyses and thermal hydraulic characterization of a nuclear reactor are the basis for its design and safety evaluation. Scaled down tests of Integral Effect Test (IET) and Separate Effect Test (SET) are feasible to develop database. Though several scaling methods such as Power/Volume, Three level scaling and H2TS have been developed and applied to the IET and SET design, direct extrapolation of the data to prototype is in general difficult due to unavoidable scaling distortions. Constraints in construction and funding for test facility demand that a scaling compromise is inevitable further. Scaling approaches such as preservation of time, pressure and power etc. have to be adopted in the facility design. This paper analyzes some IET scaling approaches, starting from a brief analysis of the main characteristics of IETs and SETFs. Scaling approaches and their constraints in ROSA-III, FIST and PIPER-ONE facility are used to analyze their impact to the experimental prediction in Small Break LOCA counterpart tests. The liquid level behavior in the core are discussed for facility scaling-up limits.
Mascari, F.*; 中村 秀夫; De Rosa, F.*; D'Auria, F.*
no journal, ,
In the development and safety evaluation of LWRs, thermal hydraulic analysis of the reactor, containment and their coupling is essential to understand the accident phenomena. To reproduce the behavior in a scaled model, it is necessary to properly characterize thermal hydraulics both in the local and integral responses. The facility geometry and test conditions should then be correctly derived according to scaling laws to avoid scaling distortions that could compromise the target phenomena identified by PIRT process. Many scaling approach and methods have thus been developed. Together with the scaling analysis, computer codes may be used in supporting the design of test facilities, assessing the scale distortions, and verifying the selected scaling method. However, since the closure laws in the computer code are mainly based on scaled test data, the extrapolation of code results remains a challenging and open issue. This paper provides some insights about the methods used in the scaling.
中村 秀夫
no journal, ,
軽水炉の安全評価に用いるシステム解析コードの性能評価(V&V)を行う時、対象とする軽水炉の熱水力現象に関するスケーリングの考慮が必要となる。ここでは、V&Vパネルセッションへの話題として、日本原子力学会標準「シミュレーションの信頼性確保に関するガイドライン:2015」とOECD/NEAによるScalingに関するState-of-Art Reportの比較から、システム解析コードの備えるべき性能と課題について共通するポイントを、原子力機構が実施してきたOECD/NEA ROSAプロジェクトの例などを引き合いにして指摘し、かつ、軽水炉事故時の現象評価における問題点とCFD解析の役割と課題などを合わせて指摘した。
中村 秀夫
no journal, ,
システム解析コードを用いた軽水炉の安全評価解析では、不確かさを考慮した最適評価(Best Estimate)解析(BEPU)が考えられているが、解析コードの性能確認を行うためのV&V及び不確かさ評価における現象のスケーリングについては、実機条件への外挿性の担保など未解決の部分がある。ここでは、現象のスケーリングが関与する課題の例や今後の方向性について、OECD/NEAが策定したScaling State-of-Artレポートの例を交えて、現在の到達点と今後の課題を提示した。