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JAEA Reports

Consideration on utilization of atmospheric dispersion models for a nuclear emergency preparedness and response

Togawa, Orihiko; Okura, Takehisa; Kimura, Masanori; Nagai, Haruyasu

JAEA-Review 2021-021, 61 Pages, 2021/11


Triggered by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, there have been a lot of arguments among various situations and levels about utilization of atmospheric dispersion models for a nuclear emergency preparedness and response. Most of these arguments, however, were alternative and extreme discussions on whether predictions by computational models could be applied or not for protective measures in a nuclear emergency, and it was hard to say that these arguments were politely conducted, based on scientific verification in an emergency response. It was known, on the other hand, that there were not a few potential users of atmospheric dispersion models and/or calculation results by the models within the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and outside. However, they seemed to have a lack of understanding and a misunderstanding on proper use of different kinds of atmospheric dispersion models. This report compares an outline of models and calculation method in atmospheric dispersion models for a nuclear emergency preparedness and response, with a central focus on the models which have been developed and used in the JAEA. Examples of calculations by these models are also described in the report. This report aims at contributing to future consideration and activities for potential users of atmospheric dispersion models within the JAEA and outside.

Journal Articles

Two-dimensional particle simulation of the flow control in SOL and divertor plasmas

Takizuka, Tomonori; Hosokawa, Masanari*; Shimizu, Katsuhiro

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 313-316(1-3), p.1331 - 1334, 2003/03

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:68.28(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In course of tokamak fusion research, particle and heat control is one of the most crucial issues. Helium ash exhaust and impurity retention in the divertor region owe to the plasma flow towards divertor plate. The localization of heat load on the plate depends on the flow pattern. Accordingly, particle and heat control can be achieved by the proper control of the flow in SOL and divertor plasmas. In this paper, the flow control is studied with two-dimensional particle simulations by PARASOL (PARticle Advanced simulation for SOL and divertor plasmas) code. Magnetic field configuration with separatrix like a tokamak divertor configuration is given. Hot particle source is put in the core plasma. Recycling cold particle source is located near the divertor plate. Particle source of gas puff in the SOL plasma is given for the flow control. Divertor biasing is available by changing the electrostatic potential on the plates. Effects of gas puff and biasing on the flow are studied. Controllability is evaluated from simulation results.

Journal Articles

The dose evaluation method emergency by using puff model combined with three-dimensional wind field


Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 26(10), p.897 - 904, 1984/00

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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