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Investigations of accelerator reliability and decay heat removal for accelerator-driven system

菅原 隆徳; 武井 早憲; 辻本 和文

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 125, p.242 - 248, 2019/03

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:18.85(Nuclear Science & Technology)

成立性の高い加速器駆動核変換システム(ADS)を実現するため、信頼性の高い加速器と安全性を考慮したプラント設計に関する検討を行った。信頼性の高い加速器については、ビームトリップ頻度を低減するため、多重化加速器概念を提案した。J-PARC LINACの運転データに基づく評価結果から、多重化加速器概念ではビームトリップ頻度が大幅に改善することが示された。LBE冷却型ADSの安全設計として、崩壊熱除去系(PRACS)の基礎的な検討を実施した。ここではPRACSの熱交換器が蒸気発生器と一体化した概念を提案し、除熱源喪失時の過渡解析を行った。解析の結果、PRACSが正常に動作すれば、崩壊熱の除熱が適切に行われることを示した。


Analyses of LSTF experiment and PWR plant for 5% cold-leg break loss of coolant accident

渡辺 正*; 石垣 将宏*; 勝山 仁哉

Proceedings of 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-12) (USB Flash Drive), 9 Pages, 2018/10



ROSA/LSTF test on nitrogen gas behavior during reflux condensation in PWR and RELAP5 code analyses

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 5(4), p.18-00077_1 - 18-00077_14, 2018/08

We conducted an experiment focusing on nitrogen gas behavior during reflux condensation in PWR with ROSA/LSTF. The primary pressure was lower than 1 MPa under constant core power of 0.7% of volumetric-scaled (1/48) PWR nominal power. Steam generator (SG) secondary-side collapsed liquid level was maintained at certain liquid level above SG U-tube height. Nitrogen gas was injected stepwise into each SG inlet plenum at certain constant amount. The primary pressure and degree of subcooling of SG U-tubes were largely dependent on amount of nitrogen gas accumulated in SG U-tubes. Nitrogen gas accumulated from outlet towards inlet of SG U-tubes. Non-uniform flow behavior was observed among SG U-tubes with nitrogen gas ingress. The RELAP5/MOD3.3 code indicated remaining problems in predictions of the primary pressure and degree of subcooling of SG U-tubes depending on number of nitrogen gas injection. We studied further non-uniform flow behavior through sensitivity analyses.


Uncertainty analysis of ROSA/LSTF test by RELAP5 code and PKL counterpart test concerning PWR hot leg break LOCAs

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 50(6), p.829 - 841, 2018/08

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:78.17(Nuclear Science & Technology)

An experiment was conducted for OECD/NEA ROSA-2 Project using LSTF, which simulated 17% hot leg intermediate-break LOCA in PWR. Core uncovery started simultaneously with liquid level drop in crossover leg downflow-side before loop seal clearing, and water remaining occurred on upper core plate. Results of uncertainty analysis with RELAP5/MOD3.3 code clarified influences of combination of multiple uncertain parameters on peak cladding temperature within defined uncertain ranges. An experiment was performed for OECD/NEA PKL-3 Project with PKL. The LSTF test simulated PWR 1% hot leg small-break LOCA with steam generator secondary-side depressurization as accident management measure and nitrogen gas inflow. Some discrepancies appeared between the LSTF and PKL test results for primary pressure, core collapsed liquid level, and cladding surface temperature probably due to effects of differences between LSTF and PKL in configuration, geometry, and volumetric size.


ROSA/LSTF tests and posttest analyses by RELAP5 code for accident management measures during PWR station blackout transient with loss of primary coolant and gas inflow

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2018, p.7635878_1 - 7635878_19, 2018/00

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:19.17(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Three tests were carried out with LSTF, simulating accident management (AM) measures during PWR station blackout transient with loss of primary coolant under assumptions of nitrogen gas inflow and total-failure of high-pressure injection system. As AM measures, steam generator (SG) depressurization was done by fully opening relief valves, and auxiliary feedwater was injected into secondary-side simultaneously. Conditions for break size and onset timing of AM measures were different. Primary pressure decreased to below 1 MPa with or without primary depressurization by fully opening pressurizer relief valve. Nonuniform flow behaviors were observed in SG U-tubes with gas ingress depending on gas accumulation rate in two tests that gas accumulated remarkably. The RELAP5/MOD3.3 code indicated remaining problems in predictions of primary pressure, SG U-tube liquid levels, and natural circulation mass flow rates after gas inflow and accumulator flow rate through analyses for two tests.


RELAP5 uncertainty evaluation using ROSA/LSTF test data on PWR 17% cold leg intermediate-break LOCA with single-failure ECCS

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 109, p.9 - 21, 2017/11

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:62.19(Nuclear Science & Technology)

An experiment was conducted for the OECD/NEA ROSA-2 Project using LSTF, which simulated a cold leg intermediate-break loss-of-coolant accident with 17% break in a PWR. Assumptions were made such as single-failure of high-pressure and low-pressure injection systems. In the LSTF test, core dryout took place because of rapid drop in the core liquid level. Liquid was accumulated in upper plenum, SG U-tube upflow-side and inlet plena because of counter-current flow limiting (CCFL). The post-test analysis by RELAP5/MOD3.3 code revealed that peak cladding temperature (PCT) was overpredicted because of underprediction of the core liquid level due to inadequate prediction of accumulator flow rate. We found the combination of multiple uncertain parameters including the Wallis CCFL correlation at the upper core plate, core decay power, and steam convective heat transfer coefficient in the core within the defined uncertain ranges largely affected the PCT.


ROSA/LSTF test and RELAP5 analyses on PWR cold leg small-break LOCA with accident management measure and PKL counterpart test

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 49(5), p.928 - 940, 2017/08

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:41.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)

An experiment using PKL was performed for the OECD/NEA PKL-3 Project as a counterpart to a previous test with LSTF on a cold leg small-break loss-of-coolant accident with an accident management measure in a PWR. The rate of steam generator secondary-side depressurization was controlled to achieve a primary depressurization rate of 200 K/h as a common test condition. In both tests, rapid recovery started in the core collapsed liquid level after loop seal clearing. Some discrepancies appeared between the LSTF and PKL test results for the core collapsed liquid level, the cladding surface temperature, and the primary pressure. The RELAP5/MOD3.3 code indicated a remaining problem in the prediction of primary coolant distribution. Results of uncertainty analysis for the LSTF test clarified the influences of the combination of multiple uncertain parameters on peak cladding temperature within the defined uncertain ranges.


ROSA/LSTF test on nitrogen gas behavior during reflux cooling in PWR and RELAP5 post-test analysis

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-25) (CD-ROM), 11 Pages, 2017/07

An experiment focusing on nitrogen gas behavior during reflux cooling in a PWR was performed with the LSTF. The test conditions were made such as the constant core power of 0.7% of the volumetric-scaled PWR nominal power and the primary pressure of lower than 1 MPa. The steam generator (SG) secondary-side collapsed liquid level was maintained at a certain liquid level above the SG tube height. Nitrogen gas was injected stepwise into each SG inlet plenum at a certain constant amount. The primary pressure and the SG U-tube fluid temperatures were greatly dependent on the amount of nitrogen gas accumulated in the SG U-tubes. Non-uniform flow behavior was observed among the SG U-tubes with nitrogen gas ingress. The RELAP5/MOD3.3 code indicated remaining problems in the predictions of the primary pressure and the SG U-tube fluid temperatures after nitrogen gas inflow.


HTTRを用いた崩壊熱最適評価手法の適用性確認試験(非核加熱試験); 原子炉の残留熱除熱特性評価モデルの検証

本多 友貴; 稲葉 良知; 中川 繁昭; 山崎 和則; 小林 正一; 青野 哲也; 柴田 大受; 石塚 悦男

JAEA-Technology 2017-013, 20 Pages, 2017/06




ROSA/LSTF tests and RELAP5 posttest analyses for PWR safety system using steam generator secondary-side depressurization against effects of release of nitrogen gas dissolved in accumulator water

竹田 武司; 大貫 晃*; 金森 大輔*; 大津 巌

Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2016, p.7481793_1 - 7481793_15, 2016/00


 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:9.88(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Two tests related to a new safety system for PWR were performed with ROSA/LSTF. The tests simulated cold leg small-break loss-of-coolant accidents with 2-inch diameter break using an early steam generator (SG) secondary-side depressurization with or without release of nitrogen gas dissolved in accumulator (ACC) water. The pressure difference between the primary and SG secondary sides after the actuation of ACC system was larger in the test with the dissolved gas release than in the test without the dissolved gas release. No core uncovery and heatup took place because of the ACC coolant injection and two-phase natural circulation. The RELAP5 code predicted most of the overall trends of the major thermal-hydraulic responses after adjusting a break discharge coefficient for two-phase discharge flow under the assumption of releasing all the dissolved gas at the vessel upper plenum.


ROSA/LSTF experiment on a PWR station blackout transient with accident management measures and RELAP5 analyses

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 2(5), p.15-00132_1 - 15-00132_15, 2015/10

An experiment on a PWR station blackout transient with accident management (AM) measures was conducted using the ROSA/LSTF under an assumption of non-condensable gas inflow to primary system from accumulator tanks. The AM measures considered are SG secondary-side depressurization by fully opening safety valves in both SGs with start of core uncovery and coolant injection into the secondary-side of both SGs at low pressures. The primary pressure started to decrease when the SG primary-to-secondary heat removal resumed soon after the SG secondary-side coolant injection. The primary depressurization worsened due to the gas accumulation in SG U-tubes after accumulator completion. The RELAP5 code indicated remaining problems in the predictions of the SG U-tube collapsed liquid level and primary mass flow rate after gas ingress. The SG coolant injection flow rate was found to significantly affect the peak cladding temperature and the ACC actuation time through RELAP5 sensitivity analyses.


ROSA/LSTF experiment on accident management measures during a PWR station blackout transient with pump seal leakage and RELAP5 analyses

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Journal of Energy and Power Sources, 2(7), p.274 - 290, 2015/07

An experiment on accident management (AM) measures during a PWR station blackout transient with leakage from primary coolant pump seals was conducted using the ROSA/LSTF under an assumption of non-condensable gas inflow to the primary system from accumulator tanks. The AM measures are steam generator (SG) secondary-side depressurization by fully opening safety valves (SVs) in both SGs and primary-side depressurization by fully opening SV in pressurizer with the start of core uncovery and coolant injection into the SG secondary-side at low pressures. The decrease was accelerated in the primary pressure when the SG primary-to-secondary heat removal resumed soon after the coolant injection into the SG secondary-side. The primary depressurization worsened due to the gas accumulation in the SG U-tubes after accumulator completion. Remaining problems in the RELAP5 code include the predictions of pressure difference between the primary and SG secondary sides after the gas inflow.


RELAP5 code study of ROSA/LSTF experiments on PWR safety system using steam generator secondary-side depressurization

竹田 武司; 大貫 晃*; 西 弘昭*

Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 9(5), p.426 - 442, 2015/05

RELAP5 code analyses were performed on two ROSA/LSTF validation tests for PWR safety system that simulated cold leg small-break loss-of-coolant accidents with 8-in. or 4-in. diameter break using SG (steam generator) secondary-side depressurization. The SG depressurization was initiated by fully opening the depressurization valves in both SGs immediately after a safety injection signal. In the 8-in. break test, loop seal clearing occurred and then core uncovery and heatup took place. Core collapsed liquid level recovered after the initiation of accumulator coolant injection, and long-term core cooling was ensured by the actuation of low-pressure injection system. Adjustment of break discharge coefficient for two-phase discharge flow predicted the break flow rate reasonably well. The code overpredicted the peak cladding temperature because of underprediction of the core collapsed liquid level due to inadequate prediction of the accumulator flow rate in the 8-in. break case.


ROSA/LSTF experiment on AM measures during a PWR station blackout transient with pump seal leakage and RELAP5 POST-TEST analysis

竹田 武司; 大津 巌

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2015/05

An experiment on accident management (AM) measures during a PWR station blackout transient with the TMLB' scenario and leakage from primary coolant pump seals was conducted using the ROSA/LSTF under an assumption of non-condensable gas inflow to the primary system from accumulator tanks. The AM measures are steam generator (SG) secondary-side depressurization by fully opening safety valves (SVs) in both SGs and primary-side depressurization by fully opening SV in pressurizer with the start of core uncovery and coolant injection into the SG secondary-side at low pressures. The decrease was accelerated in the primary pressure when the SG primary-to-secondary heat removal resumed soon after the coolant injection into the SG secondary-side. The primary depressurization worsened due to the gas accumulation in the SG U-tubes. The RELAP5 code indicated remaining problems in the predictions of the primary pressure and SG U-tube collapsed liquid level.


RELAP5 code study of ROSA/LSTF validation tests for PWR safety system using SG secondary-side depressurization

竹田 武司; 大貫 晃*; 西 弘昭*

Proceedings of 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10) (USB Flash Drive), 13 Pages, 2014/12

RELAP5 code post-test analyses were performed on two ROSA/LSTF validation tests for PWR safety system that simulated cold leg small-break LOCAs using SG secondary-side depressurization. The SG depressurization was initiated by fully opening the depressurization valves a little after a safety injection signal. In the 8-in. break test, core uncovery and heatup took place by boil-off. Core collapsed liquid level recovered after accumulator coolant injection. In the 4-in. break test, no core uncovery and heatup happened. Adjustment of break discharge coefficient for two-phase discharge flow predicted the break flow rate reasonably well. The code overpredicted the peak cladding temperature (PCT) because of underprediction of the core collapsed liquid level in the 8-in. break case. Sensitivity analyses indicated that a time delay for SG depressurization start and break discharge coefficient for two-phase discharge flow affect the PCT significantly in the 8-in. break case.


RELAP5 analyses of ROSA/LSTF experiments on AM measures during PWR vessel bottom small-break LOCAs with gas inflow

竹田 武司

International Journal of Nuclear Energy, 2014, p.803470_1 - 803470_17, 2014/00

RELAP5 code analyses were performed on ROSA/LSTF experiments that simulated PWR 0.2% vessel bottom small-break LOCAs with different AM measures under an assumption of non-condensable gas inflow. Depressurization of and auxiliary feedwater (AFW) injection into both steam generators (SGs) as the AM measures were taken 10 min after a safety injection signal. The primary depressurization rate of 55 K/h caused rather slow primary depressurization being obstructed by the gas accumulation in the SG U-tubes. Core temperature excursion thus took place by core boil-off before the actuation of low-pressure injection (LPI) system. The fast primary depressurization by fully opening the relief valves in both SGs with continuous AFW injection led to long-term core cooling by the LPI actuation even under the gas accumulation in the SG U-tubes. The code indicated remaining problems in the predictions of break flow rate during two-phase flow discharge period and primary pressure after the gas inflow.


Effects of secondary depressurization on core cooling in PWR vessel bottom small break LOCA experiments with HPI failure and gas inflow

鈴木 光弘; 竹田 武司; 浅香 英明; 中村 秀夫

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 43(1), p.55 - 64, 2006/01

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:56.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Analysis on non uniform flow in steam generator during steady state natural circulation cooling

Susyadi; 与能本 泰介

JAERI-Research 2005-011, 64 Pages, 2005/06




Thermal-hydraulic responses during PWR pressure vessel upper head small break LOCA based on LSTF experiment and analysis

竹田 武司; 浅香 英明; 鈴木 光弘; 中村 秀夫

Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-13) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2005/05



Effects of secondary depressurization on PWR bottom small break LOCA experiments in case of HPI failure and non-condensable gas inflow

鈴木 光弘; 竹田 武司; 浅香 英明; 中村 秀夫

Proceedings of 6th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety (NUTHOS-6) (CD-ROM), 14 Pages, 2004/10

原研のROSA-V/LSTFを用いてPWRの原子炉容器底部計装管破断を模擬する小破断LOCA実験を行い、高圧注入系(HPI)不作動時にアクシデント・マネージメント(AM)策として行う蒸気発生器(SG)の2次系減圧を通じた1次系冷却操作に、蓄圧注入系から流入する非凝縮性ガスが及ぼす影響を明らかにした。蓄圧注入系からのガス流入がない場合を想定したコールドレグ0.18%破断に相当する計装管9本破断実験では、工学的安全施設作動(SI)信号から10分後に定率(-55K/h)のSG2次系減圧を開始することで、低圧注入系(LPI)を作動させることができた。しかしガスの流入を想定した計装管10本破断実験では、SG U字管の凝縮熱伝達率が低下して1次系減圧が阻害され、LPIの作動以前に炉心露出が生じた。これに対し、SGの2次系逃がし弁全開による急減圧と補助給水系の連続作動を仮定したパラメータ実験では、炉心露出以前にLPIが作動して長期冷却の可能性を示した。このようなガス流入によるSG伝熱管内の凝縮熱伝達阻害についてRELAP5/MOD3コードを用いた解析を行い、実験結果をよく再現できた。さらに、PWRの事故過程を的確にとらえAM策の実施判断を行ううえで、1次系圧力と保有水量を指標とするマップが有用なことを示した。

106 件中 1件目~20件目を表示