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Journal Articles

Evaluation of thermal expansion reactivity feedback effect in water-moderated fuel-particle-dispersion system

Fukuda, Kodai

Proceedings of 4th Reactor Physics Asia Conference (RPHA2023) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2023/10

Brief evaluations were performed using the N-F model to quantitatively clarify the effect of thermal expansion on the consequences of criticality accidents in the water-moderated fuel-particle-dispersion system. The analysis clarified that ignoring thermal expansion can lead to underestimation or overestimation of the consequences by several tens of percent. It is concluded that evaluators can ignore the thermal expansion when they evaluate the consequences of the prompt supercritical transient in water-moderated solid fuel-dispersion systems, such as fuel debris systems. Only the Doppler effect can be considered when the fuel-temperature-feedback coefficient is prepared. However, depending on the required accuracy, the evaluators should take care of the error caused by ignoring thermal expansion.

Journal Articles

Characteristic test of initial HTTR core

Nojiri, Naoki; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Goto, Minoru

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 233(1-3), p.283 - 290, 2004/10

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:60.80(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This paper describes the results of core physics test in start-up and power-up of the HTTR. The tests were conducted in order to ensure performance and safety of the high temperature gas cooled reactor, and was carried out to measure the critical approach, the excess reactivity, the shutdown margin, the control rod worth, the reactivity coefficient, the neutron flux distribution and the power distribution. The expected core performance and the required reactor safety characteristics were verified from the results of measurements and calculations.

Journal Articles

Optimization of seed-blanket type fuel assembly for reduced-moderation water reactor

Shelley, A.; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Kugo, Teruhiko; Okubo, Tsutomu; Iwamura, Takamichi

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 224(3), p.265 - 278, 2003/10

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:68.28(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Parametric studies have been done for a PWR-type reduced-moderation water reactor (RMWR) with seed-blanket fuel assembles to achieve a high conversion ratio, negative void reactivity coefficient and a high burnup. It was found that 50 to 60% of seed in a seed-blanket assembly has higher conversion ratio. The number of seed-blanket layers is 20, in which the number of seed layers is 15 and blanket layers is 5. The fuel assembly with the height of seed of 1000mm$$times$$2, internal blanket of 150 mm and axial blanket of 400mm$$times$$2 is recommended. The conversion ratio is 1.0 and the average burnup in core region is 38.2 GWd/t. The enrichment of fissile Pu is 14.6 wt%. The void coefficient is +21.8 pcm/% void, however, it is expected that the void coefficient will be negative if the radial neutron leakage is taken into account. It is also possible to use this fuel assembly for a high core averaged burnup of 45GWd/t, however, the height of seed must be 500mm$$times$$2 to improve the void coefficient. The conversion ratio is 0.97 and void coefficient is +20.8 pcm/%void.

Journal Articles

Advanced concept of Reduced-Moderation Water Reactor (RMWR) for plutonium multiple recycling

Okubo, Tsutomu; Takeda, Renzo*; Iwamura, Takamichi; Yamamoto, Kazuhiko*; Okada, Hiroyuki*

Proceedings of International Conference on Back-End of the Fuel Cycle: From Research to Solutions (GLOBAL 2001) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2001/09

An advanced water-cooled reactor concept named the Reduced-Moderation Water Reactor (RMWR) has been proposed to attain a high conversion ratio more than 1.0 and to achieve the negative void reactivity coefficient. At present, several types of design concepts satisfying both the design targets have been proposed based on the evaluation for the fuel without fission products and minor actinides. In this paper, the feasibility of the RMWR core is investigated and confirmed for the plutonium multiple recycling under advanced reprocessing schemes with low decontamination factors as proposed for the FBR fuel cycle.

Journal Articles

Weapon-grade plutonium burning with HTRs

Yamane, Tsuyoshi; Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Fujimoto, Nozomu

New approaches to the nuclear fuel cycles and related disposal schemes, 1, p.267 - 277, 1998/00

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Journal Articles

Experimental verification and analysis of neutron streaming effect through void holes for control rod insertion in HTTR

Akino, Fujiyoshi; Takeuchi, Motoyoshi; Ono, Toshihiko; Kaneko, Yoshihiko

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(2), p.185 - 192, 1997/02

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Accuracy of cell calculation methods used for analysis of high conversion light water lattice

C-J.Jeong*; Okumura, Keisuke; ; Tanaka, Kenichi*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(6), p.515 - 523, 1990/06

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JAEA Reports

Evaluation of reactivity coefficients for High Temperature Engineering Test reactor(HTTR)

Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Shindo, Ryuichi; Murata, Isao; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Nakata, Tetsuo*;

JAERI-M 90-008, 49 Pages, 1990/02


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Journal Articles

Measurement of overall temperature coefficient of reactivity of VHTRC-1 core by pulsed neutron method

Yamane, Tsuyoshi; ; Akino, Fujiyoshi; Kaneko, Yoshihiko

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(2), p.122 - 132, 1990/02

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Journal Articles

Analysis of reactivity coefficients of the Chernobyl reactor by cell calculation

Tsuchihashi, Keichiro; Akino, Fujiyoshi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 24(12), p.1055 - 1065, 1987/12

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:29.53(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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JAEA Reports

Benchmark Calculation on Nuclear Characteristics of JRR-4 HZU Core by SRAC Code System

Arigane, Kenji

JAERI-M 87-063, 133 Pages, 1987/04


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Journal Articles

Measurement of anisotropy of diffusion coefficient in plate cell

; Iijima, Tsutomu

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 14(6), p.462 - 464, 1977/06

 Times Cited Count:3

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12 (Records 1-12 displayed on this page)
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