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JAEA Reports

Survey on research and development status of Japanese small modular reactors in OECD/NEA activities (2022-2023)

Takeda, Takeshi; Shibata, Taiju

JAEA-Review 2024-040, 29 Pages, 2024/09


An important theme of Japan's 6th strategic energy plan is to indicate the energy policy path towards carbon neutrality by 2050. Policy responses for Japan's nuclear energy research and development (R&D) towards 2030 contain the demonstrations of technologies for small modular reactors (SMRs) through international cooperation by 2030. In light of this energy plan, basic policy initiatives over the next 10 years have been compiled to realize Green Transformation (GX), which simultaneously achieves decarbonization and economic growth. Looking overseas, activities of SMR R&D are active internationally, mainly in the US, Canada, Europe, China, and Russia. These activities are not only by heavy industry manufactures and R&D institutes, but also by venture companies. Under these circumstances, the NEA CSNI has gathered an Expert Group on SMRs (EGSMR) to help estimate the safety effects of SMRs. The EGSMR efforts required the submission of responses to several questionnaires whose main purpose was to collect the latest information on the efforts of SMR deployment and research. The first author of this report responded to this based on information from Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. as well as JAEA. Most of the responses from Japan to the questionnaires are the information that serves as the basis of CSNI Technical Opinion Paper No. 21 (TOP-21). In this report, the Japan's publicly available responses to the questionnaires arranged and additional information are explained, which complements some of the content of the TOP-21. In this manner, the investigation results of R&D related to SMR in Japan, focusing on the EGSMR activities (2022-2023), are summarized. The target of this report is to provide useful information for future discussions on international cooperation concerning SMR as well as nuclear power field human resources development internationally and domestically.

Journal Articles

Experiment of floating seismic isolation system

Mori, Takashi*; Shimada, Takahiro*; Kai, Satoru*; Otani, Akihito*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Yan, X.

Proceedings of ASME 2023 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2023) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/07

Journal Articles

Experiment of floating seismic isolation system for SMR

Mori, Takashi*; Shimada, Takahiro*; Kai, Satoru*; Otani, Akihito*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Yan, X.

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/05

Journal Articles

Development trends of small modular reactors and approaches of Japan Atomic Energy Agency to advanced reactor development

Matsuba, Kenichi; Shinohara, Masanori; Toyooka, Junichi; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Sumita, Junya

Enerugi, Shigen, 43(4), p.218 - 223, 2022/07

In the global trend toward decarbonization, Japan has a policy to pursue all options, including nuclear power, to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In order to meet the public requirements for nuclear power, it is important to promote the development of advanced reactors, including the Small Modular Reactor (SMR), as one of the promising options. This article describes the domestic and international trends of SMR development, introduces the activities of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) for the development of advanced reactors including SMRs, and concludes with the future prospect for the introduction of advanced reactor including SMRs in Japan.

Journal Articles

Next generation reactor development and current status

Kamide, Hideki

Karyoku Genshiryoku Hatsuden, 71(11), p.638 - 648, 2020/11

Development status of next generation reactors is outlined mainly for sodium cooled fast reactor developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Development strategy in Japan, status of the advanced reactor developments including SMR over the world, and also results of research and development in JAEA are explained.

Journal Articles

Research and development activities of JAEA for HTGR system realization

Mineo, Hideaki; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Ohashi, Hirofumi; Goto, Minoru; Sato, Hiroyuki; Takegami, Hiroaki

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 62(9), p.504 - 508, 2020/09

High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) is one of thermal neutron reactor-type that employs helium gas coolant and graphite moderator. It has excellent inherent safety and can supply high-temperature heat which can be used not only for electric power generation but also for a wide range of application such as hydrogen production. Therefore, HTGR is expected to be an effective technology for reducing greenhouse gases in Japan as well as overseas. In this paper, we will introduce the forefront of technological development that JAEA is working toward the realization of an HTGR system consisting of a high temperature gas reactor and heat utilization facilities such as gas-turbine power generation and hydrogen production.

Oral presentation

Study on floating seismic isolation building for SMR

Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Yan, X.; Shimada, Takahiro*; Motegi, Haruki*; Kai, Satoru*; Otani, Akihito*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Present status of SMR deployment in the world and JAEA's activities

Shibata, Taiju

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Recent topics concerning SMR development in Japan

Mihara, Takatsugu

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Feasibility study of power generation system with thermal energy storage by annual simulation

Fujii, Shoma*; Yamano, Hidemasa; Hayafune, Hiroki; Ohno, Shuji

no journal, , 

The application of thermal energy storage (TES) in power generation systems is an attractive option that can convert variable renewable energy, or stable heat sources, such as reactor heat from small modular reactors (SMRs), into flexible power output. A molten salt-based TES charging reactor heat from SMRs was considered as a case study of Power to Heat to Power system, and was feasibly investigated by annual simulation. A price-following model was developed to simulate heat charging and discharging operation, in which reactor heat is stably charged and its heat is discharged during periods of high electricity spot prices. Although the annual output is slightly lower than the SMR stand-alone operation due to the low-load operation of the steam turbine, the total revenue increases due to the improvement of the electricity spot price at the time of power selling.

Oral presentation

Activation of EGSMR (Expert Group on Small Modular Reactors)

Takeda, Takeshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of technologies for reduction in volume and toxicity of high-level radioactive wastes, 2; Challenges in fast reactor cycle

Maeda, Seiichiro

no journal, , 

The uranium-plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel bearing several percent minor actinides is adopted as the fast reactor fuel to reduce the high level radioactive waste volume and its toxicities. Their physical properties such as melting points and thermal conductivities are investigated symmetrically. It is getting clear that the effect of MA bearing is not so significant. The MOX fuel pins including up to 5% of Am were irradiated in Joyo to confirm their irradiation performance. Some types of irradiation experiments using MA-MOX fuels are planned after Joyo restart. The obtained data will contribute to develop fuel pin performance codes for MA-MOX fuels. SmART (Small Amount of Reuse Fuel Test) cycle program is in progress to demonstrate MA recycles starting from FR spent fuels. Furthermore, long life cladding with ODS steel is under development to enhance the transmutation efficiency of MA in one cycle. Thus, R&Ds in FR systems advances steadily to solve the waste issue.

Oral presentation

Seismic response analysis of a floating seismic isolation building model

Yoshida, Shogo*; Nakamura, Izumi*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Mori, Takashi*; Fukui, Hirohisa*; Sato, Eiji*

no journal, , 

Floating seismic isolation building has been proposed as a measure to reduce seismic response of small modular reactor (SMR). Demonstration experiment on floating seismic isolation building was conducted in February 2024. Seismic response analysis model for OpenFOAM was built by reference to the demonstration experiment. To confirm the availability of the analytical model, the time history analysis was conducted using a sine wave with an amplitude of 0.05 m in the vertical direction and horizontal direction, respectively. This paper describes the overview of the analytical model and the results of Dynamic response analysis.

Oral presentation

Plans and status toward SMR development and deployment in Japan

Shibata, Taiju

no journal, , 

For the HTGR and FR, plans and status toward SMR development and deployment in Japan is presented at the technical working group meeting in IAEA.

Oral presentation

JAEA's research plan on development and application of cost evaluation methodology for SFR and HTGR

Shibata, Taiju; Ohno, Shuji; Ohashi, Hirofumi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Current status of HTGR research and development in JAEA

Sakaba, Nariaki

no journal, , 

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been developing High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor technology since 1960s. In December 2020, Japanese Government clearly stated "Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050" that noted a commitment to the milestone and developing and implementing significant efforts in various sectors for achieving carbon neutrality around 2050. High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) is expected to play one of a dominant roles to reduce carbon generated from non-electric fields by utilizing heat and hydrogen produced by HTGR. To produce hydrogen from HTGR, it is necessary to establish a connecting technology including safety case between HTGR and hydrogen production process. The milestone for hydrogen production by HTTR (High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor) is given by the Green Growth Strategy. JAEA is now planning its R&D towards generation of hydrogen using heat from HTTR by 2030. This paper describes current status of HTGR R&D in JAEA.

Oral presentation

SMR's current status and development

Nakamura, Hirofumi

no journal, , 

This paper reports SMR's current status in the world and development status of advanced reactors in Japan.

Oral presentation

Development of new reduced activation HEAs by additive manufacturing method

Hashimoto, Naoyuki*; Isobe, Shigehito*; Oka, Hiroshi*; Hayashi, Shigenari*; Ueda, Mikito*; Yamashita, Shinichiro; Itakura, Mitsuhiro; Tsuru, Tomohito

no journal, , 

Owing to the reduced defects, low cost, and high efficiency, the additive manufacturing (AM) technique has attracted increasingly attention and has been applied in high-entropy alloys (HEAs) in recent years. For the purpose of creating new materials which show no radiation damage or prompt recovery of radiation damage, we launched a new program in which additive-manufactured HEAs are target materials and their fundamental properties are under investigation. In this presentation, we reported the some of new test results which are conducted in the program.

Oral presentation

Current status of advanced reactor developments in Japan and oversea countries

Kamide, Hideki

no journal, , 

Developments of advanced reactors, especially SMR, are highlighted in the world, e.g., US, Canada, and UK. In Japan recently Strategic Working Group for fast reactor development had a meeting and discussions about revision of Strategic Roadmap of fast reactor development issued in 2018 December. In relation to these topics, current status of advanced reactor developments in Japan and oversea countries is reported.

Oral presentation

Recent topics concerning SMR development in Japan

Irie, Tsutomu

no journal, , 

21 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)