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Journal Articles

Measurements of neutron capture cross-sections for nuclides of interest in decommissioning; $$^{45}$$Sc, $$^{63}$$Cu, $$^{64}$$Zn, $$^{109}$$Ag, and $$^{113}$$In

Nakamura, Shoji; Shibahara, Yuji*; Endo, Shunsuke; Rovira Leveroni, G.; Kimura, Atsushi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(11), p.1415 - 1430, 2024/11

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Neutron capture cross-sections of nuclides targeted for decommissioning are necessary to contribute to the evaluation of radioactivity produced. The present study, $$^{45}$$Sc, $$^{63}$$Cu, $$^{65}$$Zn, $$^{109}$$Ag and $$^{113}$$In nuclides were selected as target ones, and their thermal-neutron capture cross-sections were measured by an activation method at Kyoto University Research Reactor. The thermal-neutron capture cross-sections were obtained as follows: 27.18$$pm$$0.28 barn for $$^{45}$$Sc(n, $$gamma$$)$$^{46}$$Sc, 4.34$$pm$$0.06 barn for $$^{63}$$Cu(n, $$gamma$$)$$^{64}$$Cu, 0.719$$pm$$0.011 barn for $$^{64}$$Zn(n, $$gamma$$)$$^{65}$$Zn, 4.05$$pm$$0.05 barn for $$^{109}$$Ag(n, $$gamma$$)$$^{rm 110m}$$Ag and 8.53$$pm$$0.27 barn for $$^{113}$$In(n, $$gamma$$) $$^{114}$$In$$^{m1+m2}$$. The results for $$^{45}$$Sc and $$^{64}$$Zn nuclides supported evaluated values within the limits of uncertainties, while those for the other nuclides were slightly different from evaluated ones. The obtained results are useful not only for the evaluation of production amount, but also for the monitor selection other than Au and Co by considering those nuclides as flux monitors.

Journal Articles

Germanene reformation from oxidized germanene on Ag(111)/Ge(111) by vacuum annealing

Suzuki, Seiya; Katsube, Daiki*; Yano, Masahiro; Tsuda, Yasutaka; Terasawa, Tomoo; Ozawa, Takahiro*; Fukutani, Katsuyuki; Kim, Y.*; Asaoka, Hidehito; Yuhara, Junji*; et al.

Small Methods, p.2400863_1 - 2400863_9, 2024/00

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Release behaviors of elements from an Ag-In-Cd control rod alloy at temperatures up to 1673 K

Nagase, Fumihisa; Otomo, Takashi; Uetsuka, Hiroshi*

Nuclear Technology, 208(3), p.484 - 493, 2022/03

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:23.78(Nuclear Science & Technology)

An Ag-In-Cd control rod alloy was heated in argon or oxygen at 1073-1673 K for 60-3600 s and the release behavior of the elements was examined. Complete liquefaction of the alloy occurred between 1123 and 1173 K, and elemental release was quite limited below the liquefaction temperature. In argon, almost all of the Cd content was released within 3600 s at $$>$$ 1173 K and within 60 s at $$>$$ 1573 K, while the released fractions of Ag and In were $$<$$ 3% and $$<$$ 8%, respectively. In oxygen, the release of Cd, which was quite small at temperatures up to 1573 K, drastically increased to $$sim$$ 30-50% at 1673 K for short periods. Releases of Ag and In were also small in oxygen under the examined conditions. Comparison with the experimental data suggests that conventional empirical release models may underestimate the Cd release at lower temperatures just after control rod failure in severe accidents.

Journal Articles

Gallium-effect in a lead-free solder for silver-sheathed superconducting tape

Shamoto, Shinichi; Lee, M. K.*; Fujimura, Yuki; Kondo, Keietsu; Ito, Takashi; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Yasuda, Satoshi; Chang, L.-J.*

Materials Research Express (Internet), 8(7), p.076303_1 - 076303_6, 2021/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Pb, Ga, and Ga doped lead free Sn-Ag-Cu solders are used to study the gallium effect for the low joint resistivity with silver sheathed DI BISCCO type H tapes. The results are reported.

Journal Articles

Implementation of a low-activation Au-In-Cd decoupler into the J-PARC 1 MW short pulsed spallation neutron source

Teshigawara, Makoto; Ikeda, Yujiro; Oi, Motoki; Harada, Masahide; Takada, Hiroshi; Kakishiro, Masanori*; Noguchi, Gaku*; Shimada, Tsubasa*; Seita, Kyoichi*; Murashima, Daisuke*; et al.

Nuclear Materials and Energy (Internet), 14, p.14 - 21, 2018/01

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

We developed an Au-In-Cd (AuIC) decoupler material to reduce induced radioactivity instead of Ag-In-Cd one, which has a cut off energy of 1eV. In order to implement it into an actual moderator-reflector assembly, a number of critical engineering issues need to be resolved with regard to large-sized bonding between AuIC and A5083 alloys by the hot isostatic pressing process. We investigated this process in terms of the surface conditions, sizes, and heat capacities of large AuIC alloys. We also show a successful implementation of an AuIC decoupler into a reflector assembly, resulting in a remarkable reduction of radioactivity by AuIC compared to AIC without sacrificing neutronic performance.

Journal Articles

Determination of optimal vapor pressure data by the second and third law methods

Nakajima, Kunihisa

Mass Spectrometry (Internet), 5(2), p.S0055_1 - S0055_6, 2016/12

Though equilibrium vapor pressures are utilized to determine thermodynamic properties of not only gaseous species but also condensed phases, the obtained data often disagree by a factor of 100 and more. A new data analysis method is proposed using the so-called second and third law procedures to improve accuracy of vapor pressure measurements. It was found from examination of vapor pressures of cesium metaborate and silver that the analysis of the difference between the second and third law values can result in determination of an optimal data set. Since the new thermodynamic method does not require special techniques and or experiences in dealing with measured data, it is reliable and versatile to improve the accuracy of vapor pressure evaluation.

Journal Articles

Enhanced electrochemical oxidation of spent organic solvent under ultrasonic agitation

Sugikawa, Susumu; Umeda, Miki; Kobayashi, Fuyumi; Nagata, Masanobu*; Dojiri, Shigeru; Amano, Masae*

Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability (GLOBAL 2005) (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2005/10

The mineralization of radioactive contaminated organic wastes by mediated electrochemical oxidation process has some attractive features as alternative to incineration process: The process operates safely at low temperatures and ambient pressures. JAERI has been investigated the process since 1996 and confirmed complete mineralization of this organic solvent. In order to greatly improve current efficiency for the oxidation reaction, further experiments were performed under condition of strong mixing of organic solvent and anolyte with an aide of ultrasonic wave. The current efficiencies for the oxidation reaction by ultrasonic agitation between organic solvent and anolyte were twice to that by mechanical agitation. On the basis of these results, two processes, one for destruction of a small amount of TBP/dodecane and the other for destruction of intermediate compounds following alkaline hydrolysis of a large amount of TBP/dodecane, were proposed.

Journal Articles

High-precision measurement of the wavelength of a nickel-like silver X-ray laser

Hasegawa, Noboru; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Utsumi, Takayuki*; Sasaki, Akira; Tanaka, Momoko; Kado, Masataka; Sukegawa, Kota*; Lu, P.; Kishimoto, Maki; Tai, R.; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1, 43(5A), p.2519 - 2522, 2004/05

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:44.60(Physics, Applied)

We conducted high-precision measurements of the wavelength of the nickel-like silver X-ray laser in order to compare it with a theoretical wavelength. The reasons for using this laser are as follows: First, this laser line is in the wavelength region of Mo/Si multi-layer mirrors; therefore, this laser line is important for applications. Second, the strongamplification of this laser line has been obtained in our previous work, and the higher order line in the spectra obtained by our spectrometer can be used. Third, since silver is arelatively low-z material (z = 47), this wavelength is a ideal benchmark of atomic structural codes such as the Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) code. The wavelength of the nickel-like silver X-ray laser was determined to be 13.887 nm. The comparison with MCDF codes shows that the present experimental result can work as a good benchmark of the accuracy of the codes.

Journal Articles

Applicability of a model predicting iodine-129 profile in a silver nitrate silica-gel column for dissolver off-gas treatment of fuel reprocessing

Mineo, Hideaki; Goto, Minoru; Iizuka, Masaru*; Fujisaki, Susumu; Hagiya, Hiromichi*; Uchiyama, Gunzo

Separation Science and Technology, 38(9), p.1981 - 2001, 2003/05

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:65.18(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

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JAEA Reports

Characteristics of MOX dissolution with silver mediated electrolytic oxidation method

Umeda, Miki; Nakazaki, Masato; Kida, Takashi; Sato, Kenji; Kato, Tadahito; Kihara, Takehiro; Sugikawa, Susumu

JAERI-Tech 2003-024, 23 Pages, 2003/03


MOX dissolution with silver mediated electrolytic oxidation method is planned for the preparation of plutonium nitrate solution to be used for criticality safety experiments at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Safety Engineering Research Facility (NUCEF). Silver mediated electrolytic oxidation method uses the strong oxidisation ability of Ag(II) ion. This method is thought to be effective for the dissolution of MOX, which is difficult to be dissolved with nitric acid.In this paper, the results of experiments on dissolution with 100 g of MOX are described. It was confirmed by the results that the MOX powder to be used at NUCEF was completely dissolved by silver mediated electrolytic oxidation method and that Pu(VI) ion in the obtained solution was reduced to tetravalent by means of NO$$_{2}$$ purging.

JAEA Reports

Development of seal technique for optical fiber; Soldering seal and silver alloy brazing seal

Matsui, Yoshinori; Kikuchi, Taiji; Kakuta, Tsunemi

JAERI-Tech 2002-060, 23 Pages, 2002/08


Recently, the number of in-situ tests using optical fibers as signal transmission lines is increasing in the JMTR, because of their noise-tolerant capability and recent development of irradiation proof type fibers. The convensional seal methods, however, have the problem of trust when they applied to the penetration of the irradiation capsule using optical fibers. As the solution of the problem, we selected soldering seal method that was already applied to the deep-sea optical fiber cables and, as its modification, the silver alloy brazing method. From the result of the out-of-pile test, it was confirmed that both soldering seal and silver alloy brazing seal would be applicable to the plug seal of irradiation capsules. Then the soldering seal was applied to a capsule with optical fibers and was irradiated for 5 operation cycles of the JMTR (about 3000 hours). No deterioration was found at the seal after irradiation. This suggested that in-core use of optical fiber was thought to be promising.

Journal Articles

A Simple model predicting iodine profile in a packed bed of silica-gel impregnated with silver nitrate

Mineo, Hideaki; Goto, Minoru; Iizuka, Masaru*; Fujisaki, Susumu; Uchiyama, Gunzo

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(3), p.241 - 247, 2002/03

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:83.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Fission product release behavior from individual coated fuel particles for high-temperature gas-cooled reactors

Minato, Kazuo; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Koya, Toshio; Tomita, Takeshi; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi; Baldwin, C. A.*; Gabbard, W. A.*; Malone, C. M.*

Nuclear Technology, 131(1), p.36 - 47, 2000/07

 Times Cited Count:58 Percentile:94.74(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Destruction of butyraldehyde isomers using silver catalyzed electrochemical oxidation

Uchiyama, Gunzo; Fujine, Sachio

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 230(1-2), p.105 - 109, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:31.58(Chemistry, Analytical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effects of temperature during irradiation and spectrophotometry analysis on the dose response of aqueous dichromate dosimeters

H.H.Mai*; Tachibana, Hiroyuki; Kojima, Takuji

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 53(1), p.85 - 91, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:44.00(Chemistry, Physical)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

High temperature interaction between UO$$_{2}$$ and Zircaloy-4/silver mixture

Uetsuka, Hiroshi; Nagase, Fumihisa;

JAERI-Research 95-086, 20 Pages, 1995/12


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

A Study of silver behavior in gas-turbine high temperature gas-cooled reactor

Sawa, Kazuhiro; Tanaka, Toshiyuki

JAERI-Research 95-071, 23 Pages, 1995/11


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Distribution of fission products in graphite sleeves and blocks of the eleventh and twelfth OGL-1 fuel assemblies

Hayashi, Kimio; Fukuda, Kosaku; Tsuruta, Harumichi; Kikuchi, Teruo

JAERI-M 94-075, 90 Pages, 1994/06


no abstracts in English

45 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)