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Journal Articles

Measurements of the neutron total and capture cross sections and derivation of the resonance parameters of $$^{181}$$Ta

Endo, Shunsuke; Kimura, Atsushi; Nakamura, Shoji; Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Rovira Leveroni, G.; Toh, Yosuke; Segawa, Mariko; Maeda, Makoto

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 198(4), p.786 - 803, 2024/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:34.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Thermal-neutron capture cross-section measurement of tantalum-181 using graphite thermal column at KUR

Nakamura, Shoji; Shibahara, Yuji*; Endo, Shunsuke; Kimura, Atsushi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(10), p.1061 - 1070, 2021/10

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:71.07(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In a well-thermalized neutron field, it is principally possible to drive a thermal-neutron capture cross-section without considering an epithermal neutron component. This was demonstrated by a neutron activation method using the graphite thermal column (TC-Pn) of the Kyoto University Research Reactor. First, in order to confirm that the graphite thermal column was a well-thermalized neutron field, neutron irradiation was performed with neutron flux monitors: $$^{197}$$Au, $$^{59}$$Co, $$^{45}$$Sc, $$^{63}$$Cu, and $$^{98}$$Mo. The TC-Pn was confirmed to be extremely thermalized on the basis of Westcott's convention, because the thermal-neutron flux component took a constant value regardless of the sensitivity of each flux monitor to epithermal neutrons. Next, as a demonstration, the thermal-neutron capture cross section of $$^{181}$$Ta(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{182m+g}$$Ta reaction was measured using the graphite thermal column, and then derived to be 20.5$$pm$$0.4 barn, which supported the evaluated value of 20.4$$pm$$0.3 barn. The $$^{181}$$Ta nuclide could be useful as a flux monitor that complements the sensitivity between $$^{197}$$Au and $$^{98}$$Mo monitors.

JAEA Reports

Development and installation of thermal diffusivity measurement apparatus for minor actinide compounds (Contract research)

Nishi, Tsuyoshi; Takano, Masahide; Ito, Akinori; Akabori, Mitsuo; Minato, Kazuo; Kizaki, Minoru

JAERI-Tech 2005-051, 13 Pages, 2005/09


An apparatus has been developed to measure the thermal diffusivities of minor actinide (MA) compounds. By installing the laser flash apparatus in a glove box with highly purified inert gas atmosphere, the thermal diffusivities measurement of MA compounds of $$alpha$$-decay nuclides was enabled. A new sample holder has been also developed to measure the thermal diffusivities of very small samples. The performance of this new apparatus was confirmed by measuring the thermal diffusivities of small samples of tantalum, nickel and cerium oxides. The thermal diffusivity values obtained in this work agreed well with the literature values and the values measured by a conventional thermal diffusivities measurement apparatus. Accordingly, this apparatus was found to be useful for thermal diffusivities measurement of MA compounds.

Journal Articles

Strength proof evaluation of diffusion-jointed W/Ta interfaces by small punch test

Li, J.-F.*; Kawai, Masayoshi*; Kikuchi, Kenji; Igarashi, Tadashi*; Kurishita, Hiroaki*; Watanabe, Ryuzo*; Kawasaki, Akira*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 321(2-3), p.129 - 134, 2003/09

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:68.28(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

For the development of tantalum-clad tungsten targets for spallation neutron sources, the bonding strength of tantalum-tungsten interface was investigated by means of an easy-to-use and miniaturized small punch (SP) test, in which a punching load is vertically applied to the center of a jointed disk. Cracks initiated and propagated in the tungsten side for all the samples hot-isostatically pressed (HIPed) at temperatures from 1673 to 2073 K, whereas nocrack and debonding were observed in the interface, indicating that the jointed interface is strongly bonded. The re-crystallization of tungsten occurs and results in its strength reduction, consequently the crack-initiating load decreases with HIPing temperature. The finite element analysis of the measured SP testing results shows that the maximum bonding strength can exceed 1000 MPa. The present study shows that SP test is suitable for the strength evaluation of jointed tantalum-tungsten interfaces.

Journal Articles

Solid spallation target materials development

Kawai, Masayoshi*; Furusaka, Michihiro; Li, J.-F.*; Kawasaki, Akira*; Yamamura, Tsutomu*; Mehmood, M.*; Kurishita, Hiroaki*; Kikuchi, Kenji; Takenaka, Nobuyuki*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*; et al.

Proceedings of ICANS-XVI, Volume 3, p.1087 - 1096, 2003/07

In order to establish the technique fabricating a thin target slab with a real size, thin tantalum-clad tungsten slab with a hole for a thermocouple was fabricated with the high-precision machinery techniques and the HIP'ing method. The ultrasonic diagnostic showed that tantalum and tungsten bond was perfect. The HIP optimum condition was certified by means of the small punch test as already reported. The electrolytic coating technique in a molten salt was developed to make a thinner tantalum cladding on a tungsten target with a complicated shape, in order to reduce radioactivity from tantalum in an irradiated target.

Journal Articles

R&D of a MW-class solid-target for spallation neutron source

Kawai, Masayoshi*; Furusaka, Michihiro*; Kikuchi, Kenji; Kurishita, Hiroaki*; Watanabe, Ryuzo*; Li, J.*; Sugimoto, Katsuhisa*; Yamamura, Tsutomu*; Hiraoka, Yutaka*; Abe, Katsunori*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 318, p.35 - 55, 2003/05

R&D works for MW class solid target composed of tungsten to produce pulsed intense neutron source has been made in order to construct a future scattering facility. Three methods were investigated to prevent corrosion of tungsten from water; those are hipping, brazing and electric coating in molten salt bath. Hipping condition was optimized to be 1500 degree C in the previous work: here small punch test shows highest load for crack initiation of hipped materials at the boundary of W/Ta. The basic techniques for the other two methods were developed. Erosion test showed that uncovered W is susceptible of flowing water velocity. At high velocity w is easy to be eroded. For solid target design slab type and rod type targets were studied. As long as the optimized neutron performance is concerned, 1MW solid target is better than mercury target.

Journal Articles

Electro-deposition of tantalum on tungsten and nickel in LiF-NaF-CaF$$_{2}$$ melt containing K$$_{2}$$TaF$$_{7}$$; Electrochemical study

Mehmood, M.*; Kawaguchi, Nobuaki*; Maekawa, Hideki*; Sato, Yuzuru*; Yamamura, Tsutomu*; Kawai, Masayoshi*; Kikuchi, Kenji

Materials Transactions, 44(2), p.259 - 267, 2003/02

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:51.55(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Electrochemical study has been carried out on the electro-deposition of tantalum in LiF-NaF-CaF$$_{2}$$ melt containing K$$_{2}$$TaF$$_{7}$$ at 700$$^{circ}$$C. This has been done for determining the mechanistic features for preparing electrolytic coating of tantalum on nickel and tungsten substrates. Electro-deposition of metallic tantalum occurs primarily by electro-reduction of Ta(V). Pure metallic tantalum without any entrapped salt is successfully deposited on tungsten by galvanostatic polarization at reasonably low current densities. An additional feature on nickel is the formation of an intermetallic compound at potential 0.25V nobler than that of pure tantalum as a result of underpotential deposition of tantalum. This intermetallic compound covers the surface within a short time followed by deposition of pure tantalum, although intermetallic compound keeps growing at the interface of pure tantalum deposit and the substrate as a result of diffusion.

Journal Articles

Development and manufacturing of bronze-processed Ta-Added Nb$$_{3}$$Sn wires for the ITER

; ; ; ; ; Nishi, Masataka; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Isono, Takaaki; Tsuji, Hiroshi

Teion Kogaku, 32(4), p.167 - 172, 1997/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Characterization of lithium tantalate crystals by X-ray

Shiwaku, Hideaki; Yoda, Yoshitaka*; Harami, Taikan; ; Ono, Hideo

JAERI-Research 94-032, 44 Pages, 1994/11


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effect of filament material and area on the extracted current from a volume H$$^{-}$$ ion source

Inoue, Takashi; ; Ohara, Yoshihiro; Okumura, Yoshikazu; M.Bacal*; P.Berlemont*

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 1, p.75 - 81, 1992/00

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:52.29(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Adsorption of lawrencium on a metallic tantalum surface at high temperature

Kaneya, Yusuke*; Asai, Masato; Sato, Tetsuya; Tomitsuka, Tomohiro; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Mitsukai, Akina; Makii, Hiroyuki; Hirose, Kentaro; Osa, Akihiko; et al.

no journal, , 

To study the influence of the valence 7p$$_{1/2}$$ electronic orbital on chemical properties of lawrencium, a measurement of the adsorption enthalpy of lawrencium was carried out. A new method using a surface ionization technique coupled to an on-line isotope separator was developed, which enabled one to measure temperature dependence of lawrencium surface adsorption on a metallic tantalum surface at high temperature up to 2800 K. The temperature dependences of adsorption of lawrencium as well as various lanthanide elements were investigated with this method, and the adsorption enthalpy of lawrencium was successfully extracted.

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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