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Nagase, Fumihisa; Otomo, Takashi; Uetsuka, Hiroshi
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 40(4), p.213 - 219, 2003/04
Times Cited Count:75 Percentile:96.84(Nuclear Science & Technology)Isothermal oxidation tests in flowing steam were performed on low-Sn Zircaloy-4 cladding tubes over the wide temperature range from 773 to 1573 K in order to obtain oxidation kinetics applicable to various loss-of-coolant accident conditions of LWRs. The oxidation generally obeys a parabolic rate law for the examined time range up to 3600s at temperatures from 1273 K to 1573K, and for a limited time range up to 900s from 773 to 1253 K. A cubic rate law is preferable for evaluating the longer-term oxidation at 1253 K and below. The parabolic rate law constant and the cubic rate law constant for measured weight gain were evaluated at every examined temperature, and Arrhenius-type equations were determined in order to describe the temperature dependence of the rate constants. It was indicated that the change of the oxidation kinetics from the cubic to the parabolic rate and the discontinuities in the temperature dependence of the rate constants are caused by the monoclinic/tetragonal phase transformation of ZrO.
Nihira, Takeshi*; Iwata, Tadao*; Iwase, Akihiro
JAERI-Research 2001-045, 33 Pages, 2001/11
no abstracts in English
Tabata, Yoneho*; Oshima, Akihiro
Macromolecular Symposia, 143, p.337 - 358, 1999/08
Times Cited Count:34 Percentile:75.67(Polymer Science)no abstracts in English
H.H.Mai*; Tachibana, Hiroyuki; Kojima, Takuji
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 53(1), p.85 - 91, 1998/00
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:44.00(Chemistry, Physical)no abstracts in English
Kojima, Takuji; Kashiwazaki, Shigeru*; Zhang, Y.*
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 48(7), p.965 - 968, 1997/07
no abstracts in English
Kojima, Takuji; Kashiwazaki, Shigeru*; Zhang, Y.*
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 48(7), p.965 - 968, 1997/00
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:42.47(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)no abstracts in English
F.Coninckx*; A.Janett*; Kojima, Takuji; S.Onori*; M.Pantaloni*; H.Schoenbacher*; M.Tavlet*; Wieser, A.*
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 47(11-12), p.1223 - 1229, 1996/00
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:44.83(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)no abstracts in English
; G.R.Sunaryo*; Ishigure, Kenkichi *
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 98(19), p.5164 - 5173, 1994/00
Times Cited Count:80 Percentile:91.75(Chemistry, Physical)no abstracts in English
Hoshiya, Taiji; Takamura, Saburo; ;
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 28(8), p.L1352 - L1354, 1989/08
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:34.40(Physics, Applied)no abstracts in English
; ; ;
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 27(8), p.722 - 724, 1985/00
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
; ;
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 20(8), p.L609 - L611, 1981/00
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.38(Physics, Applied)no abstracts in English
; ; ;
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 17, p.151 - 157, 1981/00
no abstracts in English
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 24(4), p.757 - 762, 1968/00
Times Cited Count:5no abstracts in English