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片岡 隆浩*; 石田 毅*; 直江 翔太*; 神崎 訓枝; 迫田 晃弘; 田中 裕史; 光延 文裕*; 山岡 聖典*
Journal of Radiation Research (Internet), 63(5), p.719 - 729, 2022/09
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:30.27(Biology)Although thoron inhalation has antioxidative effects on several organs, there are no reports that thoron inhalation inhibits oxidative stress-induced damage. In the present study, we examined the combined effects of thoron inhalation and ascorbic acid (AA) administration on alcohol-induced liver damage. The mice were subjected to thoron inhalation at 500 or 2000 Bq/m and were administered 50% ethanol (alcohol) and 300 mg/kg AA. The results showed that although alcohol administration increased the levels of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) in the serum, the combination of thoron inhalation (500 Bq/m) and AA administration 24 h after alcohol administration effectively inhibited alcohol-induced liver damage. In conclusion, combination of thoron inhalation at 500 Bq/m and AA administration indicated an early recovery from alcohol-induced liver damage probably due to the increase of CAT activity.
吉田 芳和; 北野 匡四郎; 村田 幹生; SEIZABRO.MORIYASU*
Proc.1st Intern.Cong.of Radiation Protection Rome, p.1561 - 1567, 1966/09