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JAEA Reports

Carbon-14 in neutron-irradiated graphite for graphite-moderated reactors (Joint research)

Fujii, Kimio; Matsuo, Hideto*

JAERI-Review 2002-034, 44 Pages, 2002/12


Graphite material is used as a moderator and reflector of graphite-moderated gas-cooled reactors such as the Tokai Nuclear Power Station of Japan Atomic Power Company. For the decommissioning of those reactors, it is very important to obtain the density of carbon-14 in the graphite of which half-time is very long, and the development of the reduction technique for density of carbon-14 is one of the main technical issues as well. The reactor ceased the commercial operation on March 1998, and is in the process of the decommissioning. Technical developement on nuclear graphite disposal is one of the main issues, and it is pointed out that carbon-14 density is an impotant factor for the treatment on the disposal of the nuclear graphite. In order to resolve the problem, literatures survey was carried out for describing the status of technical development on resolving the problem. This report describes the outline of the literatures surveyed and the list of the related literatures is attached as well.

Journal Articles

Changes of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Graphites in the TOKAI NUCLEAR POWER STATION

; ; ; ; ; ;

Proc.12th Japan Congress on Materials Research, p.195 - 200, 1970/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Changes of physical and mechanical properties of graphites in the Tokai Nuclear Power Station

; Ito, Hisanori*; Honda, Toshio*; ; ; Matsuo, Hideto*; Fukuda, Yasumasa*

Proceedings of the twelfth Japan congress on materials research, p.195 - 200, 1969/00

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Socially constructed resilience by multiple organizations; The Case of Tokai No.2 Power Station

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

This paper focuses on the Tokai No.2 Nuclear Power Station, which was hit by earthquakes and subsequent tsunami in the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 but swiftly achieved cold shutdown. The earthquake struck the power station just before the scheduled completion of engineering work to raise the walls of the room housing a seawater intake pump. The fact that the work had been applied helped continuous operation of the seawater intake pump, a key piece of equipment for achieving cold shutdown. The power station followed its pre-defined procedure to bring its reactors to cold shutdown. Focusing on the background of the engineering work, which was not mentioned in past reports, this paper analyzes multiple organizations (main actors) based on the concept of Resilience Engineering to reveal how the collaboration between these organizations enhanced the power station's resilience, and considers the potential of such collaboration in boosting the resilience of our society.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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