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伊東 達矢; 小川 祐平*; Gong, W.; Mao, W.*; 川崎 卓郎; 岡田 和歩*; 柴田 曉伸*; Harjo, S.
Acta Materialia, 287, p.120767_1 - 120767_16, 2025/04
Incorporating solute hydrogen into Fe-Cr-Ni-based austenitic stainless steels enhances both strength and ductility, providing a promising solution to hydrogen embrittlement by causing solid-solution strengthening and assisting deformation twinning. However, its impacts on the relevant lattice defects evolution (, dislocations, stacking faults, and twins) during deformation remains unclear. This study compared the tensile deformation behavior in an Fe-24Cr-19Ni (mass%) austenitic steel with 7600 atom ppm hydrogen-charged (H-charged) and without hydrogen-charged (non-charged) using
neutron diffraction. Hydrogen effects on the lattice expansion, solid-solution strengthening, stacking fault probability, stacking fault energy, dislocation density, and strain/stress for twin evolution were quantitatively evaluated to link them with the macroscale mechanical properties. The H-charged sample showed improvements in yield stress, flow stress, and uniform elongation, consistent with earlier findings. However, solute hydrogen exhibited minimal influences on the evolution of dislocation and stacking fault. This fact contradicts the previous reports on hydrogen-enhanced dislocation and stacking fault evolutions, the latter of which can be responsible for the enhancement of twinning. The strain for twin evolution was smaller in the H-charged sample compared to the non-charged one. Nevertheless, when evaluated as the onset stress for twin evolution, there was minimal change between the two samples. These findings suggest that the increase in flow stress due to the solid-solution strengthening by hydrogen is a root cause of accelerated deformation twinning at a smaller strain, leading to an enhanced work-hardening rate and improved uniform elongation.
Guembou Shouop, C. J.; 土屋 晴文
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1072, p.170189_1 - 170189_14, 2025/03
被引用回数:0The development of a compact mobile neutron resonance transmission analysis (NRTA) instrument is in progress for measuring nuclear materials in the field of nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security. The present paper focuses on research/developments on designing the source, moderators and shielding for the table-top NRTA system utilising a Cf spontaneous neutron. To this end, three source configurations were assessed using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations-based Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) by evaluating each configuration's neutron/gamma fluxes. Experimental validation of the MC simulation was conducted using an EJ270 plastic scintillation detector, a
Cf source, and a thin In sample. The Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results confirmed that an optimal configuration for the table-top NRTA system involves sandwiching the
Cf source between the polyethylene (PE) moderator (PE closer to the detector) and the W reflector. Furthermore, the MC simulations showed that resonance dips from NatU and Pu (energy lines of 1.06 and 2.60 eV of
Pu and 0.30 eV of
Pu) can be observed in the Time-of-Flight spectra obtained using the table-top NRTA system with an appropriate collimator for a small pellet sample. The preliminary experimental results with a 2 mm thick In sample displayed the 1.46 eV resonance dip of
In, showing that the table-top NRTA system using a
Cf neutron source can measure TOF spectra and observe dips caused by low energy resonances in a sample. These findings suggest the system is well-suited for measuring small pellet samples of Pu and U.
孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 237, p.126445_1 - 126445_14, 2025/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Thermodynamics)Various bubbles exist in two-phase flows. A practical approach is classifying the bubbles into two groups based on their drag coefficients. Two-group two-fluid model can potentially provide the most accurate analysis of two-phase flows. Two-group drift-flux model should be established as a constitutive equation to simplify the two-group two-fluid model for its practical use. The drift-flux model for large square channels has seldom been investigated, even though such channels exist in various engineering systems. This study developed the two-group drift-flux model for large square channels based on experimental databases.
松村 太伊知; 奥村 啓介; 坂本 雅洋; 寺島 顕一; Riyana E. S.; 近藤 千博*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 432, p.113791_1 - 113791_9, 2025/02
被引用回数:0Retrieving objects with a small amount of fuel debris, such as a few grams, will begin soon at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) at the start of decommissioning. Objects retrieved from the primary containment vessel are not necessarily fuel debris; fuel debris is an object from which neutrons are emitted because it contains nuclear-fuel material. However, the characteristics of the neutrons emitted by fuel debris are unknown. Fuel debris was categorized into five types according to the elapsed time from the accident, burnup, and fuel type (UO or mixed oxide). The number and energy spectra of (
) and spontaneous fission neutrons emitted from 1 g of each fuel debris type were estimated using the SOURCES 4C code to obtain the neutron characteristics. The results showed that the average neutron energy is approximately 2.1 MeV, regardless of the type of fuel debris. However, the intensities of neutrons emitted from the fuel debris in 1F Units 2 and 3 varied by four orders of magnitude according to the fuel debris type.
大西 貴士; 小山 真一*; 横山 佳祐; 森下 一喜; 渡部 雅; 前田 茂貴; 矢野 康英; 大木 繁夫
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 432, p.113755_1 - 113755_17, 2025/02
被引用回数:0The burning of minor actinide (MA) elements, such as neptunium (Np) and americium (Am), in fast reactors (FRs) has been proposed to reduce the volume of high-level radioactive waste. Evaluation of the transmutation behavior of Am for a wide spectral range from thermal to fast neutrons requires experimental validation based on the irradiation of Am targets with well-known isotopic compositions. Four samples each of two types of Am targets, Am-241 oxide and Am-243 oxide, were prepared and irradiated in the experimental fast reactor Joyo under fast neutron flux. Additionally, a ninth sample consisting of Am-241 oxide contained in a MgO pellet was prepared and irradiated in the JMTR under thermal neutron flux. All irradiated samples were analyzed by a radiochemical method. Indexes of the transmutation behavior such as the transmutation ratio, the ratio between burnup and accumulation of an actinide could be evaluated based on the analytical results.
システム計算科学センター 高性能計算技術利用推進室
JAEA-Review 2024-044, 121 Pages, 2025/01
Metcalfe, R.*; Benbow, S. J.*; 川間 大介*; 舘 幸男
Science of the Total Environment, 958, p.177690_1 - 177690_17, 2025/01
福田 航大
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 208(1), p.110748_1 - 110748_10, 2024/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)The Windscale Works criticality accident in 1970 resulted from mixing an aqueous solution with an organic solvent with different plutonium concentrations and densities. Although this accident has been studied using improved computer capabilities in recent years, a precise criticality scenario has not yet been identified. This study aims to clarify a possible criticality scenario of the accident-the time variation of reactivity and its mechanism. The accident was simulated by combining the multiphase computational fluid dynamics solver of OpenFOAM and the delta-tracking-based Monte Carlo neutron transport code Serpent2. Consequently, the periodic uneven arrangement of fluids might have caused oscillations in neutron leakage and absorption, resulting in periodic wavy reactivity changes. Furthermore, the emulsion, which was thought to be the primary cause, might not be the dominant mechanism for reactivity change, although it contributed to the criticality of the accident.
遠藤 章
Annals of the ICRP, 52(4), p.5 - 7, 2024/12
国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)は、Publication 155において、新生児、1歳、5歳、10歳、15歳の標準男性及び女性の比吸収割合(SAF)データを開発した。SAFは、内部被ばくにおいて、放射性核種が分布する組織及び臓器から放出された放射線のエネルギーのうち、標的となる組織及び臓器の質量あたりに吸収される割合を表し、内部被ばく線量を計算するために不可欠なデータである。このPublication 155で提供されるデータを、すでにPublication 133として公表されている標準成人男性及び女性のSAFデータと組み合わせることにより、環境における公衆の放射性核種の摂取に対して、年齢に応じた線量係数を計算するためのSAFデータセットが完成した。これにより、改良された生物動態モデル及び放射性核種壊変データとともに、新しい線量係数を計算するための重要な構成要素が整った。その成果は、「一般公衆による放射性核種の摂取に対する線量係数」の一連のICRP Publicationとして間もなく提供される予定である。
山下 享介*; 諸岡 聡; Gong, W.; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.; 北條 智彦*; 興津 貴隆*; 藤井 英俊*
ISIJ International, 64(14), p.2051 - 2060, 2024/12
An Fe-0.15C-5Mn-0.5Si-0.05Nb steel annealed at 660C and 685
C showed L
ders deformation followed by high work hardening, with variations in L
ders strain and hardening behavior.
neutron diffraction during tensile tests analyzed phase stresses, strength contributions, and austenite orientation. Deformation-induced martensite contributed
1000 MPa to strength near tensile failure, while austenite mainly enhanced ductility via transformation-induced plasticity. Austenite transformed to martensite during L
ders deformation regardless of orientation, though 311-oriented grains tended to remain along the tensile direction.
涌井 隆; 斎藤 滋; 二川 正敏
実験力学, 24(4), p.212 - 218, 2024/12
Metcalfe, R.*; 舘 幸男; 笹尾 英嗣; 川間 大介*
Science of the Total Environment, 957, p.177375_1 - 177375_17, 2024/12
JAEA-Review 2024-037, 141 Pages, 2024/11
JRR-3(Japan Research Reactor No.3)には、日本原子力研究開発機構(原子力機構)が所管する15台の中性子ビーム利用実験装置が設置されており、装置高度化を含めた原子力機構の独自利用を行うとともに施設供用装置として外部利用者に供し、様々な研究成果を創出している。本報告書は、運転再開後の令和3年度、令和4年度の独自利用研究および中性子ビーム利用実験装置の高度化などの技術開発の進捗状況を取りまとめたものである。
小泉 光生; 伊藤 史哲*; Lee, J.; 弘中 浩太; 高橋 時音; 鈴木 敏*; 有川 安信*; 安部 勇輝*; Wei, T.*; 余語 覚文*; et al.
第45回日本核物質管理学会年次大会会議論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2024/11
Neutron resonance transmission analysis (NRTA) is a non-destructive method applicable for measuring nuclear material using a time-of-flight (TOF) technique with a pulsed neutron source. To realize a high resolution compact NRTA system, use of a short-pulsed neutron source is essential. Laser-driven neutron sources (LDNSs) are well-suit for generating such neutron beams due to their short pulse width. The advances in laser technology will further reduce the system's size and improve practicality. In this study, we demonstrate the measurement of a neutron transmission TOF spectrum of a sample containing indium and silver using the LDNS of the Osaka University. The obtained spectrum was analyzed using the least-square nuclear-resonance fitting program, REFIT, showcasing for the first time the potential of an LDNS for nondestructive areal-density material characterization.
杉原 健太*; 明午 伸一郎; 岩元 大樹; 前川 藤夫
JAEA-Conf 2024-002, p.162 - 167, 2024/11
中性子エネルギースペクトルは加速器駆動システム(1.5GeV p+鉛ビスマス共晶合金)における遮蔽設計にとって重要である。同様のスペクトルはJ-PARC(3GeV陽子+Hg)でも得られる。アンフォールディングの妥当性を確認するため、
深堀 智生
JAEA-Conf 2024-002, p.6 - 11, 2024/11
冠城 雅晃; 鎌田 圭*; 石井 隼也*; 松本 哲郎*; 真鍋 征也*; 増田 明彦*; 原野 英樹*; 加藤 昌弘*; 島添 健次*
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 19(11), p.P11019_1 - P11019_16, 2024/11
被引用回数:0A new LiCAF:Ce detector with an ultra-thick (99 m) crystal and optimized readout was developed. The LiCAF:Ce and KG2 detectors were used to detect a sealed Cf-252 neutron source (neutron emission rate of ~
) using a 5 cm thick high-density polyethylene (HDPE) block located at the front of the detector. At the air kerma rates at the front surface of the HDPE block (
) of up to 1.07 Gy/h, the effective neutron count rate (
) for the LiCAF:Ce detector was the same within margins of errors, but it decreased by 5.7
0.8% at 2.97 Gy/h. In contrast, for the KG2 detector, with
increased up to 1.07 Gy/h,
for KG2 increased up to 20
1.0 % at 1.07 Gy/h. Then,
decreased by 20
1.0% at 2.97 Gy/h. Therefore, the LiCAF:Ce detector exhibited a smaller influence on neutron count rates by
-rays compared to the KG2 detector because of the faster decay time and optimization of digital pulse processing.
Harjo, S.; Mao, W.*; Gong, W.; 川崎 卓郎
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Steel Science (ISSS 2024), p.205 - 208, 2024/11
This study aimed to elucidate the effect of grain size on the deformation behavior of TRIP steel. We prepared metastable austenitic Fe-24Ni-0.3C steel samples with average grain sizes of 35 m (coarse grain: CG) and 0.5
m (ultrafine-grain: UFG) for in situ neutron diffraction studies during tensile deformation at room temperature. Our observations revealed increases in dislocation density in both samples prior to DIMT, indicating that plastic deformation precedes DIMT regardless of grain size. In the UFG sample, a significant rise in dislocation density occurred just around the yielding point with minimal increases in macroscopic plastic strain. Additionally, the dislocations exhibited strong dipole arrangements.
伊東 達矢; 小川 祐平*; Gong, W.; Mao, W.*; 川崎 卓郎; 岡田 和歩*; 柴田 曉伸*; Harjo, S.
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Steel Science (ISSS 2024), p.237 - 240, 2024/11
Hydrogen embrittlement has long been an obstacle to the development of safe infrastructure. However, in contrast to hydrogen's embrittling effect, recent research has revealed that the addition of hydrogen improves both the strength and uniform elongation of AISI Type 310S austenitic stainless steel. A detailed understanding of how hydrogen affects the deformation mechanism of this steel could pave the way for the development of more advanced materials with superior properties. In the present study, neutron diffraction experiments were conducted on Type 310S steel with and without hydrogen-charged to investigate the effect of hydrogen on the deformation mechanism. In addition to the effect of solid-solution strengthening by hydrogen, the q-value, a parameter representing the proportion of edge and screw dislocations in the accumulated dislocations, was quantitatively evaluated using CMWP analysis on neutron diffraction patterns. The comparison of q-values between the hydrogen-charged and non-charged samples reveals that hydrogen has minimal effect on dislocation character in Type 310S steel.
JAEA-Evaluation 2024-001, 40 Pages, 2024/10