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Journal Articles

Influence of a positive grid biasing on RF system in J-PARC RCS

Yamamoto, Masanobu; Nomura, Masahiro; Okita, Hidefumi; Shimada, Taihei; Tamura, Fumihiko; Hara, Keigo*; Hasegawa, Katsushi*; Omori, Chihiro*; Sugiyama, Yasuyuki*; Yoshii, Masahito*

Proceedings of 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 22) (Internet), p.1336 - 1338, 2022/06

In order to accelerate a high intensity beam in the RCS, a large amplitude of the rf current is provided by a tube amplifier to compensate a heavy beam loading. Tetrode vacuum tubes are used in the RCS, and the control grid voltage enters into a positive region to feed such a large rf current. The positive grid biasing affects the waveform of the control grid voltage; it is deformed due to the induced control grid current under the condition of the multi-harmonic rf driving. Furthermore, the DC bias voltage drop on the control grid is observed because of the exceeding the capability for the control grid power supply. We describe the influence of the positive grid biasing in the RCS.

Journal Articles

Vacuum tube operation tuning for a high intensity beam acceleration in J-PARC RCS

Yamamoto, Masanobu; Okita, Hidefumi; Nomura, Masahiro; Shimada, Taihei; Tamura, Fumihiko; Furusawa, Masashi*; Hara, Keigo*; Hasegawa, Katsushi*; Omori, Chihiro*; Sugiyama, Yasuyuki*; et al.

Proceedings of 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 21) (Internet), p.1884 - 1886, 2021/08

Tetrode vacuum tubes in J-PARC RCS are used under a reduced filament voltage condition compared with the rating value to prolong the tube lifetime. For the first time after 60,000 hour of operation in the RCS, one tube has reached the end of its life in 2020. Therefore, the reduced filament voltage works well because the tube has been running beyond an expected lifetime suggested by the tube manufacturer. However, the reduced filament voltage decreased the electron emission from the filament. Although the large amplitude of the anode current is necessary for the high intensity beam acceleration to compensate a wake voltage, a solid-state amplifier to drive a control grid circuit almost reaches the output power limit owing to the poor electron emission from the filament. We changed the filament voltage reduction rate from 15% to 5%. The required power of the solid-state amplifier was fairly reduced, whereas the accelerated beam power remained the same. We describe the measurement results of the vacuum tube parameters in terms of the filament voltage tuning.

Journal Articles

Vacuum tube operation analysis for 1.2 MW beam acceleration in J-PARC RCS

Yamamoto, Masanobu; Nomura, Masahiro; Shimada, Taihei; Tamura, Fumihiko; Furusawa, Masashi*; Hara, Keigo*; Hasegawa, Katsushi*; Omori, Chihiro*; Sugiyama, Yasuyuki*; Yoshii, Masahito*

Proceedings of 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '19) (Internet), p.2017 - 2019, 2019/06

J-PARC RCS has successfully accelerated 1 MW proton beam, and we have considered acceleration with the next target being 1.2 MW. An issue for 1.2 MW beam acceleration is the rf system. The present anode power supply is limited by its output current, and the vacuum tube amplifier suffers from an unbalance of the anode voltage swing, arising from the combination of multi-harmonic rf driving and push-pull operation. We have investigated the mitigation of the maximum anode currents and unbalanced tubes by choosing appropriate circuit parameters of the rf cavity with tube amplifier. We describe the analysis results of the vacuum tube operation for 1.2 MW beam acceleration in the RCS.

Journal Articles

Conceptual design of a single-ended MA cavity for J-PARC RCS upgrade

Yamamoto, Masanobu; Nomura, Masahiro; Shimada, Taihei; Tamura, Fumihiko; Furusawa, Masashi*; Hara, Keigo*; Hasegawa, Katsushi*; Omori, Chihiro*; Sugiyama, Yasuyuki*; Yoshii, Masahito*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1067, p.052014_1 - 052014_6, 2018/10

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:82.75(Physics, Particles & Fields)

The J-PARC RCS employs Magnetic Alloy (MA) loaded cavities. The RF power is fed by vacuum tubes in push-pull operation. We realize multi-harmonic RF driving and beam loading compensation thanks to the broadband characteristics of the MA. However, the push-pull operation has disadvantages in multi-harmonics. An unbalance of the anode voltage swing remarkably appears at very high intensity beam acceleration. We propose a single-ended MA cavity for the RCS beam power upgrade, where no unbalance arises intrinsically.

Journal Articles

Vacuum tube operation analysis under multi-harmonic driving and heavy beam loading effect in J-PARC RCS

Yamamoto, Masanobu; Nomura, Masahiro; Shimada, Taihei; Tamura, Fumihiko; Hara, Keigo*; Hasegawa, Katsushi*; Omori, Chihiro*; Toda, Makoto*; Yoshii, Masahito*; Schnase, A.*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 835, p.119 - 135, 2016/11

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:52.40(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A magnetic alloy loaded cavity is used to generate multi-harmonic rf voltage in J-PARC RCS. However, a vacuum tube operation analysis under the multi-harmonic driving is very complicated because many variables should be solved with a self consistency. At the conventional operation analysis, a hand work by tracing the constant current curve of the tube was performed, or an appropriate single harmonic wave form was assumed. We have developed a numerical analysis code which calculates the vacuum tube operation automatically and it realizes the multi-harmonic vacuum tube operation analysis. The code is verified at the high power beam acceleration test and we confirm the calculation results are consistent with the measurement ones. We can calculate the vacuum tube operation precisely by using the code, and it will contribute to improving the quality of the beam in the high intensity proton synchrotron.

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