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Journal Articles

Behavior of cesium molybdate, Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$, in severe accident conditions, 1; Partitioning of Cs and Mo among gaseous species

Do, Thi Mai Dung*; Sujatanond, S.*; Ogawa, Toru

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(3), p.348 - 355, 2018/03

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:48.31(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In order to better understand the behavior of cesium in the severe accident of the LWR, the high-temperature chemistry of Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ in H$$_{2}$$O+H$$_{2}$$ gas was studied. The pseudo-binary system, Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$-MoO$$_{3}$$, was thermochemically modeled with Redlich-Kister formulation to form a basis to analyze the high-temperature behavior of Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$. The model prediction was compared with the thermogravimetric measurements of Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ in dry and humid argon, which revealed that the mass-loss rate was enhanced in the humid atmosphere. Thermochemical model was further applied to predict the partitioning of cesium and molybdenum among gaseous species in the BWR core degradation condition typical of Short-Term Station Blackout.

Journal Articles

Experimental investigation of the influence of Mo contained in stainless steel on Cs chemisorption behavior

Di Lemma, F. G.; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Yamashita, Shinichiro; Osaka, Masahiko

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 484, p.174 - 182, 2017/02

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:89.85(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Chemisorption phenomena can affect fission products retention in the nuclear reactor vessel during a Severe Accident (SA). This paper will describe the influence of molybdenum contained in type 316 stainless steel (SS) on Cs chemisorption. Our experiments showed the formation of Cs-Mo compounds in addition to CsFeSiO$$_{4}$$, observed previously on SS304. The results of high temperature stability tests on the deposits are also presented. These tests aimed at simulating the revaporization of FP from structural materials during a SA. From our results, it can be inferred that Cs-Mo deposits may revaporize, contributing as a delayed source to the radioactive release.

Journal Articles

Vaporization behaviour of Pu-Cd intermetallic compounds

Nakajima, Kunihisa; Nakazono, Yoshihisa; Arai, Yasuo

Recent Advances in Actinide Science, p.448 - 450, 2006/06

A pyrochemical process for the metallurgical treatment of the spent nuclear fuels contains the Cd-distillation step, where Pu is recovered as a residue. For understanding this Cd-ditillation behavior the samples of PuCd$$_{2}$$+PuCd$$_{4}$$ and PuCd$$_{4}$$+PuCd$$_{6}$$ were prepared and Knudsen-cell mass-spectrometric measurements were carried out to determine the vapour pressures of Cd(g) over these samples. Further,the thermodynamic quantities of PuCd$$_{2}$$ and PuCd$$_{4}$$ were evaluated from these vapour pressures.

Journal Articles

Research on nitride fuel for transmutation of minor actinides

Minato, Kazuo; Arai, Yasuo; Akabori, Mitsuo; Nakajima, Kunihisa

Proceedings of American Nuclear Society Conference "Nuclear Applications in the New Millennium" (AccApp-ADTTA '01) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2002/00

In the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI), the concept of the transmutation of minor actinides (MA: Np, Am and Cm) with accelerator-driven systems (ADS) is being studied, where MA nitride is adopted as a fuel material of sub-critical core. The nitride fuel has been chosen as a candidate because of the possible mutual solubility among the actinide mononitrides and excellent thermal properties besides supporting hard neutron spectrum. Highly enriched N-15 would have to be used for the nitride fuel in order to prevent the formation of hazardous C-14. By applying pyrochemical process in the treatment of spent fuel, N-15 could be readily recovered and recycled. The present paper describes an overview of the research on the nitride fuel performed in JAERI. Fabrication experiments of actinide nitrides, measurements of vaporization behavior and thermal properties, and irradiation tests of actinide nitrides are summarized.

Journal Articles

Revaporization of CsI aerosol in a horizontal straight pipe in a severe accident condition

Shibazaki, Hiroaki*; Maruyama, Yu; Kudo, Tamotsu; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro*; Maeda, Akio*; Harada, Yuhei*; Hidaka, Akihide; Sugimoto, Jun

Nuclear Technology, 134(1), p.62 - 70, 2001/04

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:26.77(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Actinide nitrides and nitride-halides in high-temperature systems

Ogawa, Toru; Kobayashi, Fumiaki; Sato, Tadashi; R.G.Haire*

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 271-273, p.347 - 354, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:67.56(Chemistry, Physical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Thermodynamic properties of (U,Pu)N$$_{1-x}$$ with a sublattice formalism; Equilibria involving the nonstoichiometric nitrides

Ogawa, Toru

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 201, p.284 - 292, 1993/00

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:76.13(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Vaporization of Li$$_{2}$$C$$_{2}$$(s) and thermochemical properties of gaseous CLi$$_{3}$$, CLi$$_{4}$$, and CLi$$_{6}$$

Kudo, Hiroshi; Wu, C. H.*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 201, p.261 - 266, 1993/00

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:79.21(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Uranium activity of uranium-rich U-Zr alloys by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry

Maeda, Atsushi; ; Omichi, Toshihiko

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 179, p.L21 - L24, 1992/00

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:92.06(Chemistry, Physical)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Vaporization of silver-indium-cadmium control rod material in flowing argon at high temperatures

Uetsuka, Hiroshi;

JAERI-M 89-150, 27 Pages, 1989/10


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

A Simplified method for preparation of $$^{1}$$$$^{3}$$$$^{7}$$Cs pollucite $$gamma$$-ray source

; ;

Int.J.Appl.Radiat.Isot., 32, p.595 - 599, 1981/00

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:54.89(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Oral presentation

Development of treatment method for analytical waste solutions in STRAD project, 3; Separation of ammonia by vaporization

Matsuura, Haruaki*; Kobayashi, Ami*; Miyoshi, Masahide*; Aihara, Haruka; Watanabe, So; Nomura, Kazunori

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Influence of pore water vaporization on saturation process in the buffer material coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical analysis

Sato, Shin*; Ono, Hirokazu; Tanai, Kenji; Yamamoto, Shuichi*; Fukaya, Masaaki*; Shimura, Tomoyuki*; Niunoya, Sumio*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Study on revaporization of deposited CsI from stainless steel 304 surface in high-temperature steam atmosphere

Rizaal, M.; Miwa, Shuhei; Suzuki, Eriko; Imoto, Jumpei; Osaka, Masahiko; Gou$"e$llo, M.*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Effects of boron on revaporization of iodine and cesium compounds in a severe accident condition

Miwa, Shuhei; Shinada, Masanori; Osaka, Masahiko; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Maruyama, Yu

no journal, , 

In order to acquire the data on fission product chemical behavior during transport in a reactor for the improvement of source term evaluation method, we performed the chemical reaction tests of cesium (Cs) and iodine (I) deposits and boron oxide (B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$) vapor/aerosol using the apparatus which can simulate temperature conditions of reactor coolant system under a sever accident. The volatile I compounds were formed by the reaction of B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ vapor/aerosol and deposit, and significant amount of I was revaporized from the deposit.

16 (Records 1-16 displayed on this page)
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