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Journal Articles

Decay modes of heavy and superheavy nuclei

Koura, Hiroyuki

RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, Vol.38, P. 9, 2005/05

We calculate proton-emission partial half lives and discuss dominant decay modes in the heavy and superheavy nuclidic region. The proton-emission partial half-lives are calculated from the one-dimensional WKB method with single-proton potentials and a mass formula that our group has developed. The calculated half lives well reproduce experimental ones in order of 100 or 1/100 which is similar predictability to other predictions as the alpha decay and the beta decay. We apply this result to calculation of branching ratios of nuclear decays considered the alpha decay, beta decay and spontaneous fission in the heavy and superheavy nuclide region. In this analysis we point out that proton-emitting nuclei are expected to be in the unknown proton-rich nuclidic region with $$N = 126$$. On the other hand, proton-rich nuclei with $$130 < N <160$$ have much shorter spontaneous-fission half-lives than ones of proton emissions on this calculation, therefore we conclude that ground-state proton emissions would not occur in that region.

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