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JAEA Reports

Development of rapid and sensitive radionuclide analysis method by simultaneous analysis of $$beta$$, $$gamma$$, and X-rays (Contract research); FY2022 Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project

Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science; Japan Chemical Analysis Center*

JAEA-Review 2023-022, 93 Pages, 2023/12


The Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), had been conducting the Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project (hereafter referred to "the Project") in FY2022. The Project aims to contribute to solving problems in the nuclear energy field represented by the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO). For this purpose, intelligence was collected from all over the world, and basic research and human resource development were promoted by closely integrating/collaborating knowledge and experiences in various fields beyond the barrier of conventional organizations and research fields. The sponsor of the Project was moved from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to JAEA since the newly adopted proposals in FY2018. On this occasion, JAEA constructed a new research system where JAEA-academia collaboration is reinforced and medium-to-long term research/development and human resource development contributing to the decommissioning are stably and consecutively implemented. Among the adopted proposals in FY2020, this report summarizes the research results of the "Development of rapid and sensitive radionuclide analysis method by simultaneous analysis of $$beta$$, $$gamma$$, and X-rays" conducted from FY2020 to FY2022. The present study aims to enable rapid analysis of radionuclides in fuel debris and waste, we have established the latest measurement system, such as the multiple $$gamma$$-ray detection methods, and the Spectral Determination Method (hereinafter referred to as "SDM") was developed. In the research in 2022, we developed a code that handles measurement data of LSC, singles Ge, and 2D spectra (multiple $$gamma$$). In addition, to develop an integrated database, spectral data of 40 nuclides were obtained by actual measurements and simulation calculations.

Journal Articles

A Study on convection in molten zone of aluminum alloy during Fe/Al resistance spot welding

Iyota, Muneyoshi*; Matsuda, Tomoki*; Sano, Tomokazu*; Shigeta, Masaya*; Shobu, Takahisa; Yumoto, Hirokatsu*; Koyama, Takahisa*; Yamazaki, Hiroshi*; Semba, Yasunori*; Ohashi, Haruhiko*; et al.

Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 94, p.424 - 434, 2023/05

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:73.07(Engineering, Manufacturing)

JAEA Reports

Development of rapid and sensitive radionuclide analysis method by simultaneous analysis of $$beta$$, $$gamma$$, and X-rays (Contract research); FY2021 Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project

Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science; Japan Chemical Analysis Center*

JAEA-Review 2022-037, 118 Pages, 2023/01


The Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), had been conducting the Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project (hereafter referred to "the Project") in FY2021. The Project aims to contribute to solving problems in the nuclear energy field represented by the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO). For this purpose, intelligence was collected from all over the world, and basic research and human resource development were promoted by closely integrating/collaborating knowledge and experiences in various fields beyond the barrier of conventional organizations and research fields. The sponsor of the Project was moved from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to JAEA since the newly adopted proposals in FY2018. On this occasion, JAEA constructed a new research system where JAEA-academia collaboration is reinforced and medium-to-long term research/development and human resource development contributing to the decommissioning are stably and consecutively implemented. Among the adopted proposals in FY2020, this report summarizes the research results of the "Development of rapid and sensitive radionuclide analysis method by simultaneous analysis of $$beta$$, $$gamma$$, and X-rays" conducted in FY2021. The present study aims to enable rapid analysis of radionuclides in fuel debris and waste, we have established the latest measurement system, such as the multiple $$gamma$$-ray detection methods, and the Spectral Determination Method (hereafter referred to "SDM") was developed. In the study, the $$gamma$$-ray measuring device was installed, and the measurement system consisting of the Ge detector, CeBr$$_{3}$$ detector, and NaI detector was completed in FY2021. In the SDM development, standard spectra of $$gamma$$-ray singles, multiple $$gamma$$-ray measurements, …

JAEA Reports

Development of rapid and sensitive radionuclide analysis method by simultaneous analysis of $$beta$$, $$gamma$$, and X-rays (Contract research); FY2020 Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project

Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science; Japan Chemical Analysis Center*

JAEA-Review 2021-060, 105 Pages, 2022/03


The Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), had been conducting the Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project (hereafter referred to "the Project") in FY2020. The Project aims to contribute to solving problems in the nuclear energy field represented by the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO). For this purpose, intelligence was collected from all over the world, and basic research and human resource development were promoted by closely integrating/collaborating knowledge and experiences in various fields beyond the barrier of conventional organizations and research fields. The sponsor of the Project was moved from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to JAEA since the newly adopted proposals in FY2018. On this occasion, JAEA constructed a new research system where JAEA-academia collaboration is reinforced and medium-to-long term research/development and human resource development contributing to the decommissioning are stably and consecutively implemented. Among the adopted proposals in FY2020, this report summarizes the research results of the "Development of rapid and sensitive radionuclide analysis method by simultaneous analysis of $$beta$$, $$gamma$$, and X-rays" conducted in FY2020. The present study aims to enable rapid analysis of radionuclides in fuel debris and waste, and develops the measurement system such as multiple $$gamma$$-ray detection method. We develop a spectral determination method (SDM method) for integrated analysis by constructing a spectral database for nuclides including $$beta$$-rays and X-rays by measurement using this system and radiation simulation calculation. This method enables simultaneous quantification of multiple nuclides and reduces the chemical separation process.

Journal Articles

Spectroscopic measurements of L X-rays with a TES microcalorimeter for a non-destructive assay of transuranium elements

Nakamura, Keisuke; Morishita, Yuki; Takasaki, Koji; Maehata, Keisuke*; Sugimoto, Tetsuya*; Kiguchi, Yu*; Iyomoto, Naoko*; Mitsuda, Kazuhisa*

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 193(3-4), p.314 - 320, 2018/11

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Distribution and anisotropy of dislocations in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires analyzed using micro-beam X-ray diffraction

Sato, Shigeo*; Shobu, Takahisa; Sato, Kozue*; Ogawa, Hiromi*; Wagatsuma, Kazuaki*; Kumagai, Masayoshi*; Imafuku, Muneyuki*; Tashiro, Hitoshi*; Suzuki, Shigeru*

ISIJ International, 55(7), p.1432 - 1438, 2015/07

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:51.36(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

To characterize the distribution and anisotropy of dislocations in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires, X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis was performed using synchrotron radiation micro-beams. The plastic shear strain was generally more severe near the surface than the center of the wire, whereas the dislocation density distribution was almost constant from the center to the surface. On the other hand, the dislocation rearrangement, which evolves the dislocation cell structure, progressed closer to the surface. It was also revealed that a difference between the hardness in axial and transverse wire directions could be explained by anisotropic dislocation density. Line-profile analysis based on diffraction data at elevated temperatures was performed. Whereas the cementite recovery progressed at a constant rate, the ferrite phase recovery rate was temperature-dependent, suggesting that the ferrite phase recovery was less related to that of the cementite phase.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of ductile damage progress of aluminum single crystal with prior activity of single slip system under tensile loading by using synchrotron white X-ray

Shibano, Junichi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Tsukamoto, Takuya*; Kawai, Hirokazu*; Miura, Setsuo*; Zhang, S.*; Shobu, Takahisa; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

Materials Science Forum, 777, p.176 - 181, 2014/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:51.86(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Yields of strand breaks and base lesions induced by soft X-rays in plasmid DNA

Yokoya, Akinari; Fujii, Kentaro; Ushigome, Takeshi; Shikazono, Naoya; Urushibara, Ayumi; Watanabe, Ritsuko

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 122(1-4), p.86 - 88, 2006/12

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:62.28(Environmental Sciences)

We have studied yields of DNA damages induced by soft X-rays obtained from a conventional soft X-ray machine in a LET region between $$gamma$$-rays and ultrasoft X-rays. Practically soft X-rays with a broad energy spectrum emitted from a target of heavy metal, such as tungsten, have been widely used not only for radiobiological experiments but also for medical application such as mammography. Radiation weighting factors for these soft X-rays have been assigned to be 1 by ICRP. However, the fraction of a large number of low energy photons in the spectrum (below several tens keV) provided by bremsstrahlung is expected to be more effective for DNA damage induction than $$gamma$$-rays since low energy photo- and Auger electrons predominantly ejected in consequence of a photoelectric effect can produce dense clusters of ionization/excitation on DNA molecules. We have examined the yield of DNA strand breaks induced by white soft X-rays (150 kVp, tungsten target). Yields of base lesions revealed by base excision repair enzymes will be also presented.

Journal Articles

EPR studies of 5-bromouracil crystal after irradiation with X rays in the bromine K-edge region

Yokoya, Akinari; Takakura, Kaoru*; Watanabe, Ritsuko; Akamatsu, Ken*; Ito, Takashi*

Radiation Research, 162(4), p.469 - 473, 2004/10

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:9.96(Biology)

X-ray absorption spectra from single crystals of 5-Bromouracil were measured with the transmission mode in the energy range from 13.41 to 13.50 keV using the linearly polarized synchrotron radiation (SR). A characteristic resonance structure, consisting of four peaks, was recognized in the spectra in the Br K-edge region. The intensities of these peaks were strongly dependent on the crystal rotation about the normal of the crystal b-c plane, which was set perpendicular to the X-ray beam direction. (SR X-rays are polarized in the horizontal plane.) Molecular orbital calculations indicate that these resonance peaks are associated with the transitions from the 1s electron of Br to the Br-C molecular antibonding orbitals and to a shape resonance. The observed anisotropy of each photoabsorption peak might originate from the angular dependences of these molecular orbitals.

Journal Articles

Structural analysis of corrosion product of Fe-Cr alloy film using synchrotron radiation

Yamashita, Masato*; Konishi, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Masamitsu; Mizuki, Junichiro; Uchida, Hitoshi*

Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, 1, p.398 - 401, 2001/05

A rust layer on a weathering low-alloy steel has strong protective ability for atmospheric corrosion of the steel. In order to control the rust layer on steels, it is so important to know the detailed structure of rust and relate it to the protective ability of the rust layer. Especially, the position of atoms of the alloying elements in the rust layer directly control the structure and properties of the rust layer. We tried to find the atomic arrangement of the rust layer of Fe-Cr alloy film covered with thin film of electrolyte using synchrotron radiation. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and M$"o$ssbauer spectra showed that the rust layer was composed of $$gamma$$-FeOOH and ultra-fine $$alpha$$-FeOOH. By examining EXAFS spectra, Cr coming from Fe-Cr alloy film would be present in the $$alpha$$-FeOOH. Some of Cr would be present between Fe-0-OH octahedron as interstitial atoms, as well as substituting Fe lattice site in the octahedron.

Journal Articles

Normalization of $$gamma$$-$$gamma$$ angular correlation coincidence counts using characteristic X-rays

Asai, Masato*; Kawade, Kiyoshi*; Shibata, Michihiro*; Kojima, Yasuaki*; Osa, Akihiko; Koizumi, Mitsuo; Sekine, Toshiaki

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 463(1-2), p.205 - 212, 2001/05

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:28.11(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Journal Articles

Inactivation action spectra of bacillus subtilis spores with monochromatic soft X-rays(0.1-0.6nm) of synchrotron radiation

; Hieda, Kotaro*; Usami, Noriko*; Yokoya, Akinari; Kobayashi, Katsumi*

Radiat. Res., 131(1), p.72 - 80, 1992/07

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:57.73(Biology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Time resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy apparatus using laser plasma as an X-ray source

Yoda, Osamu; Miyashita, Atsumi; ; ;

Excimer Lasers and Applications III, p.463 - 466, 1991/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Small angle scattering from neutron irradiated amorphous Pd$$_{8}$$$$_{0}$$ Si$$_{2}$$$$_{0}$$

; ;

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 11(5), P. 605, 1978/00

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Yields of DNA strand breaks and base lesions induced by oxygen K-shell electron ionization

Sugaya, Yuki*; Fujii, Kentaro; Yokoya, Akinari

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Aluminum-based interstitial hydride, Al$$_{2}$$CuH$$_{x}$$

Saito, Hiroyuki; Takagi, Shigeyuki*; Endo, Naruki*; Machida, Akihiko; Aoki, Katsutoshi; Orimo, Shinichi*; Katayama, Yoshinori

no journal, , 

18 (Records 1-18 displayed on this page)
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