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Journal Articles

Sorption structure of cesium in various clay minerals by Cs ${it L$_{1}$}$-edge XAFS measurement

Tsuji, Takuya; Matsumura, Daiju; Kobayashi, Toru

SPring-8/SACLA Riyo Kenkyu Seikashu (Internet), 11(4), p.214 - 217, 2023/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Pore connectivity influences mass transport in natural rocks; Pore structure, gas diffusion and batch sorption studies

Yuan, X.*; Hu, Q.*; Lin, X.*; Zhao, C.*; Wang, Q.*; Tachi, Yukio; Fukatsu, Yuta; Hamamoto, Shoichiro*; Siitari-Kauppi, M.*; Li, X.*

Journal of Hydrology, 618, p.129172_1 - 129172_15, 2023/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Engineering, Civil)

Journal Articles

New approach to understanding the experimental $$^{133}$$Cs NMR chemical shift of clay minerals via machine learning and DFT-GIPAW calculations

Okubo, Takahiro*; Takei, Akihiro*; Tachi, Yukio; Fukatsu, Yuta; Deguchi, Kenzo*; Oki, Shinobu*; Shimizu, Tadashi*

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 127(4), p.973 - 986, 2023/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:44.88(Chemistry, Physical)

The identification of adsorption sites of Cs on clay minerals has been studied in the fields of environmental chemistry. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments allow direct observations of the local structures of adsorbed Cs. The NMR parameters of $$^{133}$$Cs, derived from solid-state NMR experiments, are sensitive to the local neighboring structures of adsorbed Cs. However, determining the Cs positions from NMR data alone is difficult. This paper describes an approach for identifying the expected atomic positions of Cs adsorbed on clay minerals by combining machine learning (ML) with experimentally observed chemical shifts. A linear ridge regression model for ML is constructed from the smooth overlap of atomic positions descriptor and gauge-including projector augmented wave (GIPAW) ab initio data. The $$^{133}$$Cs chemical shifts can be instantaneously calculated from the Cs positions on any clay layers using ML. The inverse analysis from the ML model can derive the atomic positions from experimentally observed chemical shifts.

Journal Articles

Sorption structure of cesium ions for weathered biotite and kaolinite

Tsuji, Takuya; Matsumura, Daiju; Kobayashi, Toru; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

SPring-8/SACLA Riyo Kenkyu Seikashu (Internet), 11(1), p.15 - 18, 2023/02

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of JAEA sorption database (JAEA-SDB); Update of sorption/QA data in FY2019

Sugiura, Yuki; Suyama, Tadahiro*; Tachi, Yukio

JAEA-Data/Code 2019-022, 40 Pages, 2020/03


Sorption behavior of radionuclides (RNs) in buffer materials, rocks and cementitious materials is one of the key processes in a safe geological disposal. This report focuses on updating of JAEA sorption database (JAEA-SDB) as a basis of integrated approach for the performance assessment (PA)-related distribution coefficient (K$$_{rm d}$$) setting and development of mechanistic sorption models. K$$_{rm d}$$ data and their quality assurance (QA) results were updated by focusing on the following systems as potential needs extracted from our recent activities on the K$$_{rm d}$$ setting and development of mechanistic models, i.e., clay minerals, sedimentary rocks and cementitious materials. As a result, 6,702 K$$_{rm d}$$ data from 60 references were added and the total number of K$$_{rm d}$$ values in JAEA-SDB reached 69,679. The QA/classified K$$_{rm d}$$ data reached about 72% for all K$$_{rm d}$$ data in JAEA-SDB.

Journal Articles

Characterization of mineralogical controls on ammonium concentrations in deep groundwaters of the Horonobe area, Hokkaido

Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Sato, Hisao*; Arthur, R. C.*

Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 188, p.318 - 325, 2018/05

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:16.11(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Ammonium is potentially an important constituent of deep groundwater under reducing condition. The retention of cesium by sorption in geological formations may have an important role ensuring the long-term safety of high-level radioactive waste. Cesium sorption will be affected by competing effects due to dissolve cation likely ammonium in groundwater, however. In the present study, a possible reaction to control of ammonium in deep groundwater was evaluated based on the data selected in the Horonobe as a test case in Japan. Results of investigation of mineralogy, thermodynamic evaluation of groundwaters and the Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) to identify nitrogen distribution on minerals suggest that the clay minerals bearing potassium, particularly smectite, illite and interstratified illite/smectite, appear to control the ammonium concentration in groundwaters by ion exchange reactions. Additionally, the selected groundwaters in the Horonobe seem to resemble to the gas and oil fields groundwater in the screened dataset in Japan in terms of ammonium distribution.

Journal Articles

Desorption behavior of Cs from clay minerals by thermal heating in a vacuum; Analyses by thermal desorption spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Hirao, Norie; Shimoyama, Iwao; Baba, Yuji; Izumi, Toshinori; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Suzuki, Shinichi

Bunseki Kagaku, 65(5), p.259 - 266, 2016/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:14.12(Chemistry, Analytical)

After the Fukushima nuclear plant accident, radiocesium was strongly fixed to clay minerals in the soil. Some dry methods with heating are being developed to remove radiocesium from the soil. In this work, we propose a new dry method that combines heat treatment in vacuum and molten salts to reduce the processing temperature in dry methods. Vermiculite saturated with non-radioactive Cs was heated in vacuum, and Cs contents in the vermiculite were compared before and after heating using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Approximately 40% of cesium were removed by heating at 800$$^{circ}$$C for three minutes when only vermiculite was heated. Approximately 70% of cesium were removed by heating at 450$$^{circ}$$C for three minutes when vermiculite was heated with NaCl/CaCl$$_{2}$$ mixed salts. Based on these results, this method is expected to reduce temperature and increase efficiency on dry methods for cesium removal from clay minerals.

Journal Articles

Characterization of adsorbed alkali metal ions in 2:1 type clay minerals from first-principles metadynamics

Ikeda, Takashi; Suzuki, Shinichi; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(30), p.8369 - 8375, 2015/07

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:65.69(Chemistry, Physical)

Adsorption states of alkali metal ions in three kinds of 2:1 type clay minerals are systematically investigated via first-principles-based metadynamics. Our reconstructed free energy surfaces in a two dimensional space of coordination numbers specifically employed as collective variables for describing the interlayer cations show that an inner-sphere (IS) complex is preferentially formed for Cs$$^{+}$$ in the 2:1 type trioctahedral clay minerals with saponitelike compositions, where lighter alkali ions show a tendency to form an outer-sphere one instead. The strong preference for an IS complex observed for Cs$$^{+}$$ is found to result partially from the capability of recognizing selectively Cs$$^{+}$$ ions at basal O atoms with the Lewis basicity significantly enhanced by the isomorphic substitution in tetrahedral sheets.

Journal Articles

Ca$$^{2+}$$-Fe$$^{2+}$$ and Ca$$^{2+}$$-Mn$$^{2+}$$ exchange selectivity of kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite

Saeki, Kazutoshi*; Wada, Shinichiro*; Shibata, Masahiro

Soil Science, 169(2), p.125 - 132, 2004/02

The Gains-Thomas ion exchange selectivity coefficients, KGT of Fe$$^{2+}$$ and Mn$$^{2+}$$ on three types of Ca$$^{2+}$$-saturated clay minerals (kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite) were determined in an oxygen-free condition (O$$_{2}$$ $$<$$ 0.0001 %) in order to understand better the behaviors of these ions in anaerobic soils. The results indicate that KGT values for Ca$$^{2+}$$-Fe$$^{2+}$$, Ca$$^{2+}$$-Mn$$^{2+}$$ exchange reactions on kaolinite and montmorillonite are close to unity. The KGT value for Ca$$^{2+}$$-Fe$$^{2+}$$ exchange on illite were markedly higher than those for on the other clay minerals. The organic carbon contained in the illite specimen may have affected the results. The present study showed that Fe$$^{2+}$$ and Mn$$^{2+}$$ are adsorbed on the surface of layered silicate clay minerals, with selectivity similar to Ca$$^{2+}$$. Thus, Fe$$^{2+}$$ and Mn$$^{2+}$$ behave like alkaline-earth cations such as Ca$$^{2+}$$ in soils, sediments and aquifers dominated by layered silicate clay minerals.

Oral presentation

Pore connectivity of clay materials implicated in fluid flow and chemical diffusion

Hu, Q.*; Wang, Q.*; Zhao, C.*; Tachi, Yukio; Fukatsu, Yuta

no journal, , 

A low aqueous-phase diffusion in low-permeable clay barrier materials has been accepted as a critical process in the long-term performance evaluation of nuclear waste repository. Low-permeable clay materials whose pores are poorly interconnected are known to have anomalous diffusion properties that strongly impact long-term net diffusion. Related research works with mudrocks of Wakkanai formation of Horonobe URL in Japan, Opalinus clay of Mt. Terri URL in Switzerland, as well as various shale and clay mineral, utilizes a complementary suite of pore structure characterization approaches (e.g., mercury intrusion porosimetry, small angle neutron scattering) and tracer experiments followed with micro-scale mapping with laser ablation-ICP-MS. These results presents the relationship between pore connectivity and anomalous diffusion in clay materials. Pore size is not the major contributor to slow fluid flow and radionuclide transport, the anomalous behavior appears to be caused by low pore connectivity.

Oral presentation

Removal of radioactive cesium from Fukushima contaminated soil by hot-pressing water extraction in a column

Yin, X.; Koma, Yoshikazu; Inaba, Yusuke*; Takeshita, Kenji*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Characterization of adsorbed alkali metal ions in clay minerals from first principles

Ikeda, Takashi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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