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Journal Articles

Solvent extraction of cesium using DtBuDB18C6 into various organic solvents

Sasaki, Yuji; Morita, Keisuke; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro; Ito, Keisuke*; Yoshizuka, Kazuharu*

Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan, 28(2), p.121 - 131, 2021/00

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:10.14(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

High concentration of Cs is present in high-level radioactive waste. It is well-known that Cs is an alkali element and difficult to extract completely into an organic phase. Crown ether compounds are widely available for Cs extractants; DtBuDB18C6 (di-$$t$$-butyl-dibenzo-18crown6), was used in this study. Organic solvents used for the industrial applications, such as $$n$$-dodecane and 1-octanol, have low solubility concerning the compound; other solvents were employed and tested. In this study, ketone-, ether-, and ester-type solvents showed high solubility for DtBuDB18C6 and DtBuDB18C6, when dissolved in ketones and alcohols, exhibited relatively high Cs distribution ratios ($$D$$(Cs)), closely to 10.

Journal Articles

Improvement of adsorption performances of Sr adsorption fiber and investigation for realizing simple $$^{90}$$Sr analysis

Horita, Takuma; Asai, Shiho*; Konda, Miki; Matsueda, Makoto; Hanzawa, Yukiko; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro

Bunseki Kagaku, 69(10/11), p.619 - 626, 2020/10

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)

We have developed a Sr adsorption fiber for rapid analysis of $$^{90}$$Sr. The prepared Sr adsorption fiber has a Sr-extraction layer that densely retains a Sr-selective extractant, an 18-crown-6 ether derivative, on the fiber surface. Hydrophobic group-containing polymer chains embedded onto the surface of the fiber allow to form a hydrophobic phase, incorporating Sr-selective extractants. This unique surface structure provides high adsorption capacity, leading to rapid and highly efficient adsorption of Sr$$^{2+}$$. The adsorption capacity of the Sr adsorption fiber was 3 times higher than commercially available 18-crown-6 ether derivative-impregnated resin (Sr Resin). The equilibrium adsorption capacity of the Sr adsorption fiber was comparable to the Sr Resin. The retained $$^{90}$$Sr was finally determined by a GM counter. The total analysis time including the Sr adsorption and measurement was about 1 hour.

Journal Articles

Quantitative analysis of Cs extraction by some dialkoxycalix[4]arene-crown-6 extractants

Simonnet, M.; Miyazaki, Yuji*; Suzuki, Shinichi; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 37(1), p.81 - 95, 2019/00

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:22.96(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Oral presentation

Solvent extraction of Cs by crown compounds

Sasaki, Yuji; Yoshizuka, Kazuharu*

no journal, , 

It is important to study the solvent extraction of Cs, therefore the study on the diluent for the crown compounds is necessary. In this work, we investigate the physical properties of diluents and Cs extraction using the extraction solvents. The results indicate that distribution of Cs is higher when diluent having higher dielectric constant is used. Furthermore, the results using 2-nonanone, which have high dielectric constant, give the strong dependence of D(Cs) on nitric acid concentration.

Oral presentation

Preparation of Sr adsorption fiber for beta-ray measurement

Horita, Takuma; Asai, Shiho; Hanzawa, Yukiko; Saito, Kyoichi*; Sugo, Takanobu*; Fujiwara, Kunio*; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro

no journal, , 

There has been an increasing importance of the development of rapid $$^{90}$$Sr analysis technique, responding to needs in Fukushima Daiichi NPP. We have been trying to achieve a rapid analysis using a fibrous Sr adsorbent which has high selectivity for Sr$$^{2+}$$. The fiber we prepared that has a high-density Sr adsorption phase on its surface, and so it can adsorb Sr$$^{2+}$$ on the fiber surface. On the other hand, base material of a conventional Sr adsorptive resin for $$^{90}$$Sr analysis (Sr Resin) is bead-shaped resin, and $$^{90}$$Sr is adsorbed inside pores. The fiber allows highly efficient $$beta$$ counting by minimizing the self-attenuation effects. The adsorption capacity and selectivity of the fiber was nearly the same as those of the Sr Resin. From these results, we confirmed that the fiber has performance for efficient $$beta$$ counting of $$^{90}$$Sr.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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