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Group for Fukushima Mapping Project
JAEA-Technology 2023-024, 176 Pages, 2024/03
This report presents results of the investigations on the distribution-mapping project of radioactive substances owing to TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) conducted in FY2022. Car-borne surveys, a measurement using survey meters, a walk survey and an unmanned helicopter survey were carried out to obtain air dose rate data to create their distribution maps, and temporal changes of the air dose rates were analyzed. Surveys on depth profile of radiocesium and in-situ measurements as for radiocesium deposition were performed. Based on these measurement results, effective half-lives of the temporal changes in the air dose rates and the deposition were evaluated. Score maps to classify the importance of the measurement points were created, and the factors causing changes in the score when monitoring data from multiple years were used were discussed. The range of fluctuation of past tritium concentration data in seawater was determined, and the causes of the fluctuation were discussed. Monitoring data in coastal area performed in 2022 owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan was summarized, and temporal changes in cesium-137 were analyzed. Using the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we obtained maps that integrated air dose rate distribution data acquired through surveys such as car-borne and walk surveys with respect to the region within 80 km from the FDNPS and Fukushima Prefecture. The measurement results for FY2022 were published on the "Database for Radioactive Substance Monitoring Data", and measurement data were stored as CSV format. Radiation monitoring and analysis of environmental samples owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan were carried out.
Group for Fukushima Mapping Project
JAEA-Technology 2022-026, 152 Pages, 2023/01
This report presents results of the investigations on the distribution-mapping project of radioactive substances owing to TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) conducted in FY2021. Car-borne surveys, a flat ground measurement using survey meters, a walk survey and an unmanned helicopter survey were carried out to obtain air dose rate data to create air dose rate distribution maps, and temporal changes of the air dose rates were analyzed. Surveys on depth profile of radiocesium and in-situ measurements as for radiocesium deposition were performed. Based on these measurement results, effective half-lives of the temporal changes in the air dose rates and the deposition were evaluated. Score maps to classify the importance of the measurement points were created for Fukushima Prefecture and the 80 km zone from the FDNPS, and the factors causing changes in the score when monitoring data from multiple years were used were discussed. Monitoring data in coastal area performed owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan until 2020 was summarized, and temporal changes in cesium-137 were analyzed. Using the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we obtained maps that integrated the air dose rate distribution data obtained in this project with respect to the region within 80 km from the FDNPS and Fukushima Prefecture. The measurement results for FY2021 were published on the "Expansion Site of Distribution Map of Radiation Dose", and measurement data were stored as CSV format. Radiation monitoring and analysis of environmental samples owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan were carried out.
Group for Fukushima Mapping Project
JAEA-Technology 2021-025, 159 Pages, 2022/01
This report presents results of the investigations on the distribution-mapping project of radioactive substances owing to TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) conducted in FY2020. Car-borne surveys, a flat ground measurement using survey meters, a walk survey and an unmanned helicopter survey were carried out to obtain air dose rate data. Air dose rate distribution maps were created and temporal changes of the air dose rates were analyzed. Regarding radiocesium deposition into the ground, surveys on depth profile of radiocesium and in-situ measurements were performed. Based on these measurement results, effective half-lives of the temporal changes in the air dose rates and the deposition were evaluated. In the examination of scoring for classifying the importance of measurement points, a score map was created for Fukushima Prefecture and the 80 km zone from the FDNPS, and the factors causing changes in the score when monitoring data from multiple years were used were discussed. Using the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we obtained maps that integrated the air dose rate distribution data obtained from aircraft monitoring, car-borne surveys, and walk surveys with respect to the region within 80 km from the FDNPS and Fukushima Prefecture. The measurement results for FY2020 were published on the "Expansion Site of Distribution Map of Radiation Dose", and measurement data were stored as CSV format. Radiation monitoring and analysis of environmental samples owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan were carried out.
Yonomoto, Taisuke; Mineo, Hideaki; Murayama, Yoji; Hohara, Shinya*; Nakajima, Ken*; Nakatsuka, Toru; Uesaka, Mitsuru*
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO, 63(1), p.73 - 77, 2021/01
no abstracts in English
Group for Fukushima Mapping Project
JAEA-Technology 2020-014, 158 Pages, 2020/12
This report presents results of the investigations on the distribution-mapping project of radioactive substances owing to TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) conducted in FY2019. Car-borne surveys, a flat ground measurement using survey meters, a walk survey and an unmanned helicopter survey were carried out to obtain air dose rate data. Air dose rate distribution maps were created and temporal changes of the air dose rates were analyzed. Regarding radiocesium deposition into the ground, surveys on depth profile of radiocesium and in-situ measurements were performed. Based on these measurement results, effective half-lives of the temporal changes in the air dose rates and the deposition were evaluated. In the examination of scoring to classify the importance of measurement points, we created a score map of Fukushima Prefecture and that within 80 km from the FDNPS based on the "score" method developed in 2018. The way of monitoring radioactive materials in land area was examined and the representativeness of monitoring points was proposed. Using the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we obtained maps that integrated the air dose rate distribution data obtained from aircraft monitoring, car-borne surveys, and walk surveys with respect to the region within 80 km from the FDNPS and Fukushima Prefecture. The measurement results for FY2019 were published on the "Expansion Site of Distribution Map of Radiation Dose", and measurement data were stored as CSV format. Radiation monitoring and analysis of environmental samples owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan were carried out.
Sasaki, Takayuki*; Matoba, Daisuke*; Dohi, Terumi; Fujiwara, Kenso; Kobayashi, Taishi*; Iijima, Kazuki
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 326(1), p.303 - 314, 2020/10
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:52.74(Chemistry, Analytical)Group for Fukushima Mapping Project
JAEA-Technology 2019-019, 135 Pages, 2020/03
After the accident at TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), distribution situation survey on radioactive materials have been conducted with financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (later the Nuclear Regulatory Agency) from June 2011 to FY2018. Results obtained in the project in FY2018 are presented in this report. Car-borne surveys, a flat ground measurement using survey meters, a walk survey and an unmanned helicopter survey were carried out to obtain air dose rate data. Air dose rate distribution maps were created and temporal changes of air dose rate were analyzed. Regarding radiocesium deposition in the soil, depth profile survey in the soil and in-situ measurement were performed. Based on these measurement results, effective half-life of the air dose rate and the deposition were evaluated. Considering radiation monitoring data obtained in previous surveys and the installation positions of existing monitoring posts, we tried to make the "score" of the importance of measurement points. Using the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we obtained a map that integrated the air dose rate distribution data obtained from aircraft monitoring, car-borne surveys, and walk surveys for the entire region within 80 km from the FDNPS. The measurement results for FY2018 were published on the "Expansion Site of Distribution Map of Radiation Dose", and measurement data were stored as CSV format. Radiation monitoring and environmental sample analysis owing to the comprehensive radiation monitoring plan were carried out.
Matsuda, Norihiro; Mikami, Satoshi; Shimoura, Susumu*; Takahashi, Junko*; Nakano, Masakazu; Shimada, Kiyotaka*; Uno, Kiichiro; Hagiwara, Shigetomo; Saito, Kimiaki
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 139, p.427 - 434, 2015/01
Times Cited Count:106 Percentile:93.86(Environmental Sciences)Kubota, Naoyoshi; Ochiai, Kentaro; Kutsukake, Chuzo; Kondo, Keitaro*; Shu, Wataru; Nishi, Masataka; Nishitani, Takeo
Fusion Engineering and Design, 81(1-7), p.227 - 231, 2006/02
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:35.60(Nuclear Science & Technology)Hydrogen isotopes play important roles in the fuel recycling, the plasma condition etc. at the surface region of plasma facing components. The Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute has started microanalysis studies for fusion components since 2002 by applying the beam analyses. In this study, we have measured tritium depth profiles of TFTR tiles exposed to the deuterium-tritium plasma to reveal the hydrogen isotope behavior at the surface region using some microscopic techniques for material analyses at FNS. As the result of the deuteron nuclear reaction analysis, four kinds of elements; deuterium, tritium, lithium-6 and lithium-7, were identified from the energy spectra. Using the spectra, depth profiles of each element were also calculated. The tritium profile had a peak at 0.5 micron, whereas the deuterium and lithium profiles were uniform from the surface to 1.0 micron depth. In addition, the surface region of the TFTR tile has retained the tritium more than one order of magnitude in the bulk.
Yokoyama, Sumi; Noguchi, Hiroshi; Ichimasa, Yusuke*; Ichimasa, Michiko*
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 71(3), p.201 - 213, 2004/01
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:23.99(Environmental Sciences)The reemission process of tritiated water (HTO) deposited on a soil surface is an important process to assess tritium doses to the general public around nuclear fusion facilities. A field experiment using heavy water (HDO) as a substitute for HTO was curried out in the summertime to investigate the reemission process of HTO from soil to the atmosphere. In the experiment, the time variations of the depth profiles of HDO concentrations in soil exposed to HDO vapour and soil mixed with HDO were measured during the reemission process on the field. The decrease of HDO concentration insoil water of exposed soil was much greater than that of mixed soil. The reemission process was analysed using a model including the evaporation of HDO from soil, the exchange between the soil HDO and air HO, and the diffusion of HDO in soil. It was found that the model is applicable to calculating the time variations of detailed depth profiles of HDO concentration in soil water in surface soil layers.
Kojima, Takuji; Sunaga, Hiromi; Takizawa, Haruki*; Hanaya, Hiroaki; Tachibana, Hiroyuki*
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 68(6), p.975 - 980, 2003/12
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.63(Chemistry, Physical)Four kinds of film dosimeters well-characterized for low LET radiations were applied to 3-45 MeV/u ions. The dose responses relative to those for low LET radiations are almost one up to about 10 MeV/(mg/cm) and gradually become smaller with increase of the stopping power. Overall uncertainty in ion beam dosimetry using these characterized dosimeters is better than
) including uncertainty in fluence measurement(
2%). Lateral and depth dose profile measurements were achievable using characterized Gafchromic dosimeters with the spatial resolution of better than 1 and 10
m, respectively.
Guo, J.; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Amano, Hikaru
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 255(1), p.223 - 229, 2003/01
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:45.30(Chemistry, Analytical)Soil organic matter content, C,
C and
Cs radioactivity were determined in 3 undisturbed forest soil profiles in Ibaraki prefecture, Japan to estimate
C migration in surface environment. The
Cs data illustrate that no disturbance has occurred during past years in 3 soil profiles. The peak values are observed in the top 10 cm of the soil profiles.
C activities were determined with fast bomb combustion-liquid scintillation counting method.
C determination shows that
C also has peak values in the top 10 cm of the soil profiles ascribed to the highest bomb
C level in 1960's.
C values continuously decreased with increasing soil depth. Enrichment of deeper soils in isotope ratio probably results from discrimination against
C during mineralization and loss of isotopically lighter carbon from soils due to root uptake, leaching etc.It shows that
C is an excellent indicator of soil carbon turnover and belowground process.
Iida, Takeshi*; Tomioka, Yuichi*; Yoshimoto, Kimihiro*; Midorikawa, Masahiko*; Tsukada, Hiroyuki*; Orihara, Misao*; Hijikata, Yasuto*; Yaguchi, Hiroyuki*; Yoshikawa, Masahito; Ito, Hisayoshi; et al.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1, 41(2A), p.800 - 804, 2002/02
Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:53.65(Physics, Applied)no abstracts in English
Song, X. M.*; Sugie, Tatsuo; Yoshino, Ryuji
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 76(3), p.282 - 287, 2000/03
no abstracts in English
Takahashi, Yoshihiro*; Onishi, Kazunori*; Fujimaki, Takeshi*; Yoshikawa, Masahito
Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Application, p.10 - 15, 1998/00
no abstracts in English
Yokoyama, Sumi
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 73(12), P. 1354, 1997/12
no abstracts in English
Kojima, Takuji; Sunaga, Hiromi; Takizawa, Haruki; Tachibana, Hiroyuki
JAERI-Conf 97-003, 00(00), p.492 - 494, 1997/00
no abstracts in English
Yoshikawa, Masahito; ; Oshima, Takeshi; Ito, Hisayoshi; Nashiyama, Isamu; Yoshida, Sadafumi*; Okumura, Hajime*; Takahashi, Yoshihiro*; Onishi, Kazunori*
Journal of Applied Physics, 80(1), p.282 - 287, 1996/07
Times Cited Count:22 Percentile:70.44(Physics, Applied)no abstracts in English
Hama, Yoshimasa*; ; Hamanaka, Kenichi*; Matsumoto, Hideya*; Kudo, Hisaaki; Sasuga, Tsuneo; Seguchi, Tadao;
Proceedings of of the Yayoi Symposium on Ion-Beam Radiation Chemistry; NIRS-M-101, HIMAC-007, 0, p.9 - 12, 1994/00
no abstracts in English
Saido, Masahiro; Ogiwara, Norio; Shimada, Michiya; Arai, Takashi; Hiratsuka, Hajime; ; Shimizu, Masatsugu; Ninomiya, Hiromasa; Nakamura, Hiroo; ; et al.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 32(7), p.3276 - 3281, 1993/07
Times Cited Count:58 Percentile:91.01(Physics, Applied)no abstracts in English