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Journal Articles

Estimation of uncertainty in lead spallation particle multiplicity and its propagation to a neutron energy spectrum

Iwamoto, Hiroki; Meigo, Shinichiro

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(3), p.276 - 290, 2020/03

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:23.17(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This paper presents an approach to uncertainty estimation of spallation particle multiplicity of lead ($$^{rm nat}$$Pb), primarily focusing on proton-induced spallation neutron multiplicity ($$x_{pn}$$) and its propagation to a neutron energy spectrum. The $$x_{pn}$$ uncertainty is estimated from experimental proton-induced neutron-production double-differential cross sections (DDXs) and model calculations with the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). Uncertainties in multiplicities for $$(n,xn)$$, $$(p,xp)$$, and $$(n,xp)$$ reactions are then inferred from the estimated $$x_{pn}$$ uncertainty and the PHITS calculation. Using these uncertainties, uncertainty in a neutron energy spectrum produced from a thick $$^{rm nat}$$Pb target bombarded with 500 MeV proton beams, measured in a previous experiment, is quantified by a random sampling technique, and propagation to the neutron energy spectrum is examined. Relatively large uncertainty intervals (UIs) were observed outside the lower limit of the measurement range, which is prominent in the backward directions. Our findings suggest that a reliable assessment of spallation neutron energy spectra requires systematic DDX experiments for detector angles and incident energies below 100 MeV as well as neutron energy spectrum measurements at lower energies below $$sim$$1.4 MeV with an accuracy below the quantified UIs.

Journal Articles

Nuclear data evaluation of the $$^7$$Li(p,xn) reaction for incident energies up to 200 MeV

Matsumoto, Yuiki*; Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Kunieda, Satoshi; Iwamoto, Osamu

JAEA-Conf 2015-003, p.191 - 196, 2016/03

Neutron emission from the $$^7$$Li(p,n)$$^7$$Be reaction can be divided into two components: a mono-energetic component for the transition to the ground and the 1st excited states and a continuum component formed by $$^7$$Li breakup processes. For the former, we have obtained the differential cross sections by interpolation based on Legendre fitting of available experimental data up to 45 MeV and apply DWBA calculations above 45 MeV. Next, we have applied the CCONE code to DDX calculations of the continuum component, and adjusted pre-equilibrium model parameters to reproduce experimental data well. Finally, both the results are merged and then the evaluated DDX data are completed.

Journal Articles

New approach to measure double-differential charged-particle emission cross sections of several materials for a fusion reactor

Kondo, Keitaro; Takagi, Satoshi*; Murata, Isao*; Miyamaru, Hiroyuki*; Takahashi, Akito*; Kubota, Naoyoshi; Ochiai, Kentaro; Nishitani, Takeo

Fusion Engineering and Design, 81(8-14), p.1527 - 1533, 2006/02

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:67.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In a fusion reactor development, double-differential charged-particle emission cross sections(DDXc) are necessary to estimate nuclear heating and material damages of candidate materials irradiated with neutrons. Especially in light nuclei such as Be, Li, and C, nuclear reactions are complicated and difficult to estimate energy spectra of emitted particles based only on theoretical calculations Therefore development of a new technique for precise measurements of DDXc is quite important. Recently we successfully developed a new spectrometer for measurement of DDXc using a pencil-beam DT neutron source of FNS in JAERI. In the present study we carried out measurements of DDXc of $$^{9}$$Be, $$^{12}$$C, $$^{19}$$F, and $$^{27}$$Al using the spectrometer. The present technique was valid from the result of measurement for the $$^{27}$$Al(n,x$$alpha$$) reactions. Slight differences appeared between measured data and evaluation or previous experimental values for $$^{9}$$Be(n,x$$alpha$$) reactions at backward scattering angle and in lower energy region.

JAEA Reports

Measurement and theoretical analysis of neutron-induced neutron-emission reactions of $$^{6}$$Li at 10 to 20MeV region

; ; Matsuyama, Shigeo*; Chiba, Satoshi; ; Shibata, Keiichi; Iwamoto, Osamu; A.J.Koning*; G.M.Hale*; M.B.Chadwick*

JAERI-Research 98-032, 28 Pages, 1998/06


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JAEA Reports

Development of BERMUDA, a radiation transport code system, Part I; Neutron transport codes

Suzuki, Tomoo; ; Tanaka, Shunichi;

JAERI 1327, 110 Pages, 1992/05


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JAEA Reports

One-, tow-, three-dimensional transport codes using multi-group double-differential form cross sections

Mori, Takamasa; Nakagawa, Masayuki;

JAERI 1314, 151 Pages, 1988/11


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JAEA Reports

ANISN-DD; One-dimensional Sn transport code using multi-group double-differential form cross sections

Mori, Takamasa; ; Nakagawa, Masayuki

JAERI-M 87-123, 55 Pages, 1987/08


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7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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