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Journal Articles

Quantum optimal control of the isotope-selective rovibrational excitation of diatomic molecules

Kurosaki, Yuzuru*; Yokoyama, Keiichi

Chemical Physics, 493, p.183 - 193, 2017/08


 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:21.50(Chemistry, Physical)

Electric field of laser pulses which gives maximum selectivity in the isotope-selective rovibrational excitation of lithium chloride molecules is calculated. Applying the optimal control theory, we calculate optimal electric field to produce mixture of LiCl-35 ($$nu$$=0, $$J$$=0) and LiCl-37 ($$nu$$=1, $$J$$=1) from molecular ensemble of LiCl-35 ($$nu$$=0, $$J$$=0) and LiCl-37 ($$nu$$=0, $$J$$=0). As a result, it is found that electric field which permit rotational excitations only gives high yield in the selective excitation compared to the electric field which permit both rotational and vibrational excitations.

Oral presentation

Quantum optimal control of isotope-selective rovibrational excitation of diatomic molecules

Kurosaki, Yuzuru*; Yokoyama, Keiichi

no journal, , 

Electric field of laser pulses is designed by the optimal control theory. The target process is isotope-selective rovibrational excitation of two isotopologues of the lithium chloride molecule, Li$$^{35}$$Cl or Li$$^{37}$$Cl. The calculation includes both radial and angular motion of atoms in molecule. As a result, it is found that a laser pulse field which can cause isotope-selective rovibrational excitation with high yield exists.

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