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Tuya, D.; 長家 康展
Journal of Nuclear Engineering (Internet), 4(4), p.691 - 710, 2023/11
Tuya, D.; 長家 康展
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 169, p.108919_1 - 108919_9, 2022/05
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:35.75(Nuclear Science & Technology)核分裂性物質の系に加えられる変化が固有値に与える影響を評価するには、摂動論と言われる特別な方法が必要である。この研究では、相関サンプリング(CS)法と随伴重み法に基づく繰り返し核分裂確率(IFP)を組み合わせることにより、近似を用いない厳密な摂動理論に基づく随伴重み相関サンプリング(AWCS)法を開発した。この厳密な摂動理論に基づいて開発されたAWCS法は、小さな摂動に対しても非常に小さい不確かさを与えるCS法の利点と連続エネルギモンテカルロ法に対して安定した結果を与えるIFP法に基づく随伴重み法の利点を有しており、摂動計算のための新しい正確な方法を与えるものである。開発されたAWCS法の検証のために行ったGodiva及び単純化されたSTACY数密度摂動問題の解析結果は、参照計算結果とよく一致をした。
Tuya, D.; 長家 康展
no journal, ,
Adjoint-weighted kinetics parameters have been calculated using the multigroup version of a Monte Carlo solver Solomon. Three iterated fission probability (IFP) algorithms/methods have been implemented and compared for multigroup infinite geometry systems.
Tuya, D.; 長家 康展
no journal, ,
A new continuous energy Monte Carlo solver Solomon (Solver of Monte Carlo) is under development at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Solomon features a new model for handling a continuous and random spatial distribution of materials based on the randomized Weierstrass function. This new model is suitable for analyzing criticality characteristics of fuel debris generated in severe nuclear accidents such as Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) accident. Currently there are various development activities on going for Solomon. This work focuses on an implementation of the sensitivity analysis capability because the composition and spatial distribution of fuel debris are uncertain. The implementation is based on an iterated fission probability method, which calculates adjoint-weighted tallies such as kinetic parameters and k-eigenvalue sensitivity coefficients to nuclear data. Currently, the kinetic parameters can be calculated by one of three methods: Non-Overlapping Block (NOB), Multi-Overlapping Blocks (MOB), and Superhistory (SH) methods, while the k-eigenvalue sensitivity coefficients can be calculated via the NOB method. The implemented adjoint-weighted capability was then applied to simple fissile systems to verify the capability. The preliminary verification calculation results showed good agreement with analytic results.