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Sato, Rina; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Sanada, Yukihisa; Mikami, Satoshi; Yamada, Tsutomu*; Nakasone, Takamasa*; Kanaizuka, Seiichi*; Sato, Tetsuro*; Mori, Tsubasa*; Takagi, Marie*
Environmental Science & Technology, 194, p.109148_1 - 109148_8, 2024/12
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Environmental Sciences)Assessment of individual external doses from ambient dose equivalents is used for predictive and retrospective assessments where personal dosimeters are not applicable. However, it tends to contain more errors than assessment by personal dosimetry due to various parameters. Therefore, in order to accurately assess the individual dose from ambient dose equivalents, a model that estimates effective doses considering life patterns and the shielding effects by buildings and vehicles, were developed in this study. The model parameters were examined using robust datasets of environmental radiation measured in the areas affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident in 2020 to 2021. The accuracy of the model was validated by comparison with 106 daily personal doses measured in Fukushima Prefecture in 2020. The measured personal dose was well reproduced by the model-estimated effective dose, showing that the model can be used to assess the individual exposure dose, similar to personal dosimetry. Furthermore, this model is an effective tool for radiation protection, as it can estimate the individual dose predictively and retrospectively by using environmental radiation data.
Tamura, Koji; Nakanishi, Ryuzo; Oba, Hironori; Karino, Takahiro; Shibata, Takuya; Taira, Takunori*; Wakaida, Ikuo
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(8), p.1109 - 1116, 2024/08
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:34.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)Endo, Akira
JAEA-Research 2024-002, 90 Pages, 2024/05
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between three quantities used for area monitoring - ambient dose equivalent , maximum dose equivalent
, and ambient dose
- and effective dose for external irradiation by photons, neutrons, electrons, positrons, protons, muons, pions, and helium ions. For the analysis, calculations were performed using PHITS (Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System) and the ICRU sphere. The analysis result shows that
can induce large differences in the estimation of effective dose over a wide energy range for various particle types covered by ICRP Publication 116 while
can conservatively estimate effective dose within the acceptable range for area monitoring. In other words,
have limitations in estimating effective dose, and using
is recommended as a more appropriate quantity for the purpose. This conclusion supports the proposal of ICRU Report 95 to use
for estimating effective dose in various external exposure situations. The use of ambient dose
is particularly important in situations where various types of radiation are encountered, such as the use of radiation in the medical and academic fields and exposure in aviation and can meet the evolving requirements of radiation monitoring for the expansion of the field of radiological protection.
Tamura, Koji; Oba, Hironori; Saeki, Morihisa; Taguchi, Tomitsugu*; Lim, H. H.*; Taira, Takunori*; Wakaida, Ikuo
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(4), p.405 - 415, 2021/04
Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:84.27(Nuclear Science & Technology)Radiation dose rate effects on the properties of a compact fiber-optic laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system with a monolithic Nd:YAG/Cr:YAG composite ceramics were investigated for remote analysis in hazardous environment. To investigate radiation effects on the LIBS signal, properties related to the Nd:YAG laser operation such as oscillation threshold, output energy, oscillation timing, temporal pulse shape, and beam profile were measured as a function of the radiation dose rate from 0 to 10 kGy/hr in view of their influences to the signal. LIBS spectra of zirconium metal were measured under irradiation. Although signal intensity decreased considerably by irradiation, informative spectra were well obtained even at the maximum radiation dose rate. From the comparison of the LIBS-related parameters among the laser properties, signal reduction was mainly ascribed to the pulse energy reduction. Scintillation emission spectra were also measured from the ceramics during the irradiation, where the signal intensity increased linearly with the dose rate. The results show that the developed system.
Takahashi, Fumiaki; Manabe, Kentaro; Sato, Kaoru
JAEA-Review 2020-068, 114 Pages, 2021/03
Radiation safety regulations have been currently established based on the 1990Recommendation by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) in Japan. Meanwhile, ICRP released the 2007 Recommendation that replaces the 1990 Recommendation. Thus, the Radiation Council, which is established under the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), has made discussions to incorporate the purpose of the 2007 Recommendation into Japanese regulations for radiation safety. As ICRP also has published effective dose coefficients for internal exposure assessment in accordance with the 2007recommendation, the technical standards are to be revised for the internal exposure assessment method in Japan. Currently, not all of the effective doses have been published to revise concentration limits for internal exposure protections of workers and public. The published effective dose coefficients are applied to radionuclides which are important in radiation protection for internal exposure of a worker. Thus, we review new effective dose coefficients as well as basic dosimetry models and data based upon Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides (OIR) parts 2, 3 and 4 that have been published from 2016 to 2019 by ICRP. In addition, issues are sorted out to provide information for revision of the technical standards for internal exposure assessment based on the 2007 Recommendations in future.
Nakayama, Masashi; Tanai, Kenji
JAEA-Review 2019-032, 32 Pages, 2020/02
There are various types of monitoring in the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste, such as monitoring for confirmation of construction quality and the status of engineered barrier, and monitoring to help manage construction, operation and closure activities, etc. Among these monitoring methods, monitoring related to the confirmation of the state of engineered barrier has been studied in international joint research on monitoring concepts and specific methods. Since monitoring equipment is affected by temperature, humidity, pressure, radiation, water quality, etc., it is important to consider geological environmental conditions and radiation effects. This report compares the radiation resistance of the materials used in the monitoring equipment with the absorbed dose in the buffer material obtained by analysis, and qualitatively examines the effects of radiation on the monitoring equipment. As a result of the examination, it was estimated that the dose did not affect the monitoring equipment. However, it is necessary to verify the possibility of reliable data acquisition by irradiation tests for monitoring devices with built-in electronic components.
Funaki, Hironori; Takahara, Shogo; Sasaki, Miyuki; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Nakama, Shigeo; Sanada, Yukihisa
JAEA-Research 2018-016, 48 Pages, 2019/03
Cabinet Office Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters starts to consider radiation protection in the "specific reconstruction reproduction base area" of which evacuation order will be lifted by 2023. It is essential to grab the present situations of radiation contamination and evaluate exposure dose in the area to realize the plan. Many surveys have evaluated the distributions of air dose rate and exposure dose has been estimated based on the results since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Nevertheless, more detailed information on exposure is needed for the areas because its radiation level is relatively high. That is also to help make prudent evaluation plan. This study aimed to evaluate the detailed contamination situation there and estimate exposure dose with considering areal circumstances. Investigations were carried out for (1) airborne survey of air dose rate using an unmanned helicopter (2) evaluation of airborne radiocesium and (3) estimation of external/internal effective doses for typical activity patterns assumed. Additionally, we applied new methods for the airborne survey to evaluate exposure dose. Our study showed a detailed three-dimensional map of air dose rate and clarified the distribution pattern in the areas. Results of effective dose estimation suggested that the internal effective dose due to inhalation accounts for less than 1% of the external effective dose.
Sato, Yuji*; Tsukamoto, Masahiro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Yamashita, Yoshihiro*; Yamagata, Shuto*; Nishi, Takaya*; Higashino, Ritsuko*; Okubo, Tomomasa*; Nakano, Hitoshi*; Abe, Nobuyuki*
Applied Physics A, 124(4), p.288_1 - 288_6, 2018/04
Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:61.71(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The dynamics of titanium (Ti) melted by laser irradiation was investigated in a synchrotron radiation experiment. As an indicator of wettability, the contact angle between a selective laser melting (SLM) baseplate and the molten Ti was measured by synchrotron X-rays at 30 keV during laser irradiation. As the baseplate temperature increased, the contact angle decreased, down to 28 degrees at a baseplate temperature of 500C. Based on this result, the influence of wettability of a Ti plate fabricated by SLM in a vacuum was investigated. It was revealed that the improvement of wettability by preheating suppressed sputtering generation, and a surface having a small surface roughness was fabricated by SLM in a vacuum.
Saito, Kimiaki; Yamamoto, Hideaki
Radioisotopes, 63(11), p.519 - 530, 2014/11
This article aims to provide the basic meanings and features of the doses frequently used in the measurements and evaluations of environmental radiation due to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The following doses are explained and compared: absorbed dose as basic physical quantity; effective dose and equivalent dose for judgment in radiation protection; and ambient dose equivalent (10) and individual dose equivalent
p(10) for radiation measurements.
Mizuta, Eiichi*; Kuboyama, Satoshi*; Abe, Hiroshi; Iwata, Yoshiyuki*; Tamura, Takashi*
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 61(4), p.1924 - 1928, 2014/08
Times Cited Count:107 Percentile:99.23(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)Sato, Tatsuhiko; Yokoya, Ritsuko; Niita, Koji*
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 122(1-4), p.41 - 45, 2006/12
Times Cited Count:72 Percentile:97.14(Environmental Sciences)Estimation of biological effects due to exposure of HZE particles is one of the key issues in the planning of long-term space missions and heavy ion cancer therapies. Detailed information on the specific energy distributions around their tracks is indispensable in the issue. We therefore calculated the specific energy distributions in liquid water around the tracks of protons and several kinds of heavy ions with energies from 1 MeV/n to 100 GeV/n. The calculations were performed by a Monte Carlo electron track structure simulation code coupled with the Katz's delta-ray production model. An analytical function to reproduce the simulation results has been developed in order to predict the distribution for all kinds of heavy ions with wide energy ranges. By incorporated into the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System PHITS, the function enables us to calculate the specific energy distribution in macroscopic matters such as specified organs of astronauts or tumor of patients within a short computational time.
Wakai, Eiichi; Otsuka, Hideo*; Matsukawa, Shingo; Furuya, Kazuyuki*; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu; Oka, Keiichiro*; Onuki, Somei*; Yamamoto, Toshio*; Takada, Fumiki; Jitsukawa, Shiro
Fusion Engineering and Design, 81(8-14), p.1077 - 1084, 2006/02
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:59.42(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Nishitani, Takeo; Sugie, Tatsuo; Morishita, Norio; Yokoo, Noriko*
Fusion Engineering and Design, 74(1-4), p.871 - 874, 2005/11
Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:64.58(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Baba, Shinichi; Nemoto, Makoto*; Sozawa, Shizuo; Yamaji, Masatoshi*; Ishihara, Masahiro; Sawa, Kazuhiro
JAERI-Tech 2005-055, 157 Pages, 2005/09
The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) has been carrying out the research on radiation damage mechanism of heat-resistant ceramics composite materials, as one of the subjects of the innovative basic research on high temperature engineering using the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR). A series of preliminary irradiation tests is being made using the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR). The present report describes results of post-irradiation examinations so far on specimens irradiated in the second and third capsule, designated 98M-41A and 99M-30A, to fast neutron fluences of 1.010
1MeV) at temperatures of 973K-1173K and 1273K-1473K. The PIE were conducted as the fundamental statistics index of the diametral dimensions for irradiated specimen, irradiation induced dimensional change rate and thermal expansion rate.
Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Funayama, Tomoo; Wada, Seiichi; Hamada, Nobuyuki*
JAERI-Conf 2005-012, 53 Pages, 2005/09
no abstracts in English
Wakai, Eiichi; Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Yamamoto, Toshio*; Tomita, Hideki*; Takada, Fumiki; Jitsukawa, Shiro
Materials Transactions, 46(3), p.481 - 486, 2005/03
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:56.60(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Department of Materials Science
JAERI-Review 2004-027, 131 Pages, 2004/12
This report is research activities using Tandem Accelerator in Tokai during April 1st in 2003 to March 31st in 2004, and contains 42 reports of 7sections of (1) operation and developments of tandem accelerator, (2) nuclear structure, (3) nuclear reactions, (4) nuclear chemistry, (5) nuclear theory, (6) atomic physics and solid state physics, (7) radiation effect of materials, and also contains of publication lists, personnel for related activities and the cooperation research program between JAERI and universities, national research organizations and so on.
Advanced Radiation Technology Center
JAERI-Review 2004-025, 374 Pages, 2004/11
This annual report describes research and development activities which have been performed with the JAERI TIARA (Takasaki Ion Accelerators for Advanced Radiation Application) facilities from April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004. Summary reports of 115 papers and brief descriptions on the status of TIARA in the period are contained. A list of publications, the type of research collaborations and organization of TIARA are also given as appendices.
Idesaki, Akira; Sugimoto, Masaki; Tanaka, Shigeru; Narisawa, Masaki*; Okamura, Kiyohito*; Ito, Masayoshi*
Journal of Materials Science, 39(18), p.5689 - 5694, 2004/09
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:30.40(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Irradiation effect of -ray on polyvinylsilane (PVS), which is a liquid organosilicon polymer, was investigated and the optimum curing condition to synthesize a minute SiC product with radiation curing was discussed. Room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature (77K) were examined as the irradiation temperature. In both cases, the cured PVS maintaining its formed shape could be obtained by
-ray irradiation under vacuum, and the cured PVS in solid state at room temperature was obtained by irradiation with dose of above 3-4MGy. It was found that the efficiency of crosslinking in case of the irradiation at room temperature is higher than that in case of irradiation at 77K. The PVS injected into a mold was irradiated by
-ray with dose of 3.6MGy at room temperature under vacuum, and pyrolyzed at 1273 K in Ar gas atmosphere. As a result, minute SiC products which had similar shapes to the mold and the sizes of 30-60
m were obtained.
Sumita, Junya; Nakano, Masaaki*; Tsuji, Nobumasa*; Shibata, Taiju; Ishihara, Masahiro
JAERI-Tech 2004-055, 25 Pages, 2004/08
Neutron irradiation remarkably reduces the thermal conductivity of graphite, and the reduced thermal conductivity is recovered by annealing effect if the graphite is heated above the irradiation temperature. Therefore, it is expected that the reduced thermal conductivity of graphite components in the HTGR could be recovered by the annealing effect in accidents, such as a depressurization accident. Then, an analytical investigation of the annealing effect on thermal performance of a HTGR core was carried. The analysis showed that the annealing effect reduces the maximum fuel temperature about 70C, and it is important to introduce the annealing effect appropriately in the temperature analysis of the core components and reactor internals. In addition, an annealing test method was investigated to evaluate the effect quantitatively, and the test plan was made.