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検索結果: 25 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Development of a radiation tolerant laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system using a single crystal micro-chip laser for remote elemental analysis

田村 浩司; 中西 隆造; 大場 弘則; 狩野 貴宏; 柴田 卓弥; 平等 拓範*; 若井田 育夫

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(8), p.1109 - 1116, 2024/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:34.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)

For the development of the remote elemental analysis method in a radiation environment based on the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), the radiation effects on the laser oscillation properties of the single crystal (SC) Nd: YAG microchip laser (MCL) were investigated and compared with those of ceramics Nd: YAG MCL. The laser oscillation properties were measured under gamma-ray irradiation as a function of dose rate. The effects on the SC MCL properties were found to be very small compared to those on the ceramics, indicating minimal radiation effects on the LIBS signal when using SC MCL. Pulse energy and oscillating build-up time (BUT) were measured for a cumulative dose exceeding 1400 kGy. The pulse energy remained stable, and the laser continued to oscillate under irradiation. The BUT also remained stable, demonstrating negligible optical loss accumulation that could affect laser properties even at the demonstrated cumulative dose. The results indicate that the effects of dose rate and cumulative dose on SC MCL laser properties were minimal. The SC MCL was then integrated into the LIBS system, and the gadolinium signal of composite oxides, simulating fuel debris, was successfully measured at the dose rate of 5 kGy/hr. These findings highlight the radiation tolerance of SC MCL as a laser medium for remote LIBS applications in harsh radiation environments.


Development of environment for remote participation in fusion research on JT-60

大島 貴幸; 内藤 磨; 濱松 清隆; 射場 克幸; 佐藤 稔; 坂田 信也; 次田 友宣; 松田 俊明; 岩崎 慶太*; 軽部 行洋*; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 71(1-4), p.239 - 244, 2004/06

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:39.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)

原研JT-60では、全国に分散した大学及び他研究機関の核融合研究のエキスパートを結集し、JT-60に遠隔研究参加し、遠隔実験,遠隔解析,遠隔計測を行える階層的遠隔研究システムの構築を進めている。遠隔研究参加環境として、ビデオ会議システム,実験風景ストリーミングシステム,遠隔計測システム,遠隔プラズマ解析システムを開発及び運用している。ビデオ会議システムは、H.320プロトコルを用いたISDN回線を使ったもので、海外との運用実績が数多くある。現在は、H.323プロトコルを用いたインターネット上でのテレビ会議システムに移行しつつある。また、ストリーミングシステムはReal Systemを使用しJT-60中央制御室の様子を配信している。遠隔計測は、WSで構成される遠隔計測システムに置き換え、Xウィンドウ機能を使って外部からアクセスが可能となった。また、VizAnalysisとVizSquareとよばれる、遠隔解析のためのソフトウェアシステムを開発した。現在は、コンピュータネットワーク上のセキュリティ対策や新たな通信ツールを開発し、最終的にはITERの遠隔実験参加を視野に入れたシステムの開発を行っている。



安積 正史

プラズマ・核融合学会誌, 80(5), p.378 - 381, 2004/05




鈴木 喜雄; 岸本 泰明; NEXTグループ

プラズマ・核融合学会誌, 78(1), p.59 - 69, 2002/01



Analysis of remote dismantling activities in decommissioning of nuclear facilities

立花 光夫; 打越 忠昭; 柳原 敏

Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation (ICEM '99) (CD-ROM), p.6 - 0, 1999/00



Computer simulation systems for analyzing optimum dismantling procedures on nuclear facilities

立花 光夫; 島田 太郎; 柳原 敏

Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation (ICEM'97), p.831 - 834, 1997/00



Preparation for trial use of optical fiber based portable LIBS system at actual working site in decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 中西 隆造; 赤岡 克昭; 柴田 卓弥

no journal, , 

The decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1FNPS), which had melt downed core, it will be required a rapid, remote and in-situ screening analysis of fuel debris and a large amount of waste materials in a narrow and extremely high radiation environment. Radiation resistant Optical Fiber based LIBS is one of the practical technique as the remote in-situ analysis, and basic performances of remote operability and radiation resistance has been demonstrated. As a result, over 50m Laser delivery and radiation resistance of a few MGy under at a dose rate of 10kGy/h, has been shown. And especially, it has demonstrated that the calibration curve will be not changed even under the radiative environment of 10 kGy/h. The challenging plan to install a LIBS system as a trial use in an actual work environment where air contamination is undeniable and to challenge the remote analysis of radioactive samples is approved. A simple pollution prevention unit to protect the previously developed portable LIBS system from the contaminated environment and remote controlled XYZ sample stage for LIBS probe combined with a ventilation system will be prepared and tested at actual working site in 1FNPS.


Laser remote analysis for decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1FNPS) and its application in the actual site

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 中西 隆造; 赤岡 克昭; 柴田 卓弥

no journal, , 

In the decommissioning of 1FNPS, a large amount of fuel debris and radioactive wastes with extremely high radiation dose rate were existed, and a radiation resistant remote screening analysis has been strongly required. The combination of radioactive resistant optical fiber and LIBS will be one of the promising choices for the remote screening analysis under extremely high radiation condition, and basic performances of remote operability and radiation resistance has been demonstrated over 50 m long laser delivery and radiation resistance more than MGy under at a dose rate of 10 kGy/h. And especially, it has been successfully performed that the calibration curve will not change even under the radiative environment of 10 kGy/h. The challenging plan to install the LIBS system as a trial use in an actual working environment of 1FNPS has been currently approved for collected radioactive samples. A simple pollution protection unit with a cleaned air ventilation system has been installed to the previously developed portable LIBS system, and also the Remote controlled XYZ Sample Stage for LIBS Probe has been combined for the challenge at the actual working site in 1FNPS where air contamination is undeniable. The maximum surface dose rate of the sample was about 20 mSv/h.


Laser remote analysis for decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) and its application for radioactive sampled materials

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 中西 隆造; 赤岡 克昭; 柴田 卓弥; 狩野 貴宏

no journal, , 

Remote analysis by optical fiber base Laser Break down Spectroscopy (LIBS) has been developed and successfully performed under a radiation of 10kGy/h and total dose more than MGy. A simple pollution protection unit with a cleaned air ventilation system has been installed to the previously developed portable optical fiber LIBS system, and also the Remote controlled XYZ Sample Stage for LIBS Probe has been combined for the challenge at the actual working site in FDNPS where air contamination will be undeniable. The dose rate of the working environment was about 10$$mu$$Sv/h, and the maximum surface dose rate of the sample was about 20mSv/h. The ablation fumes induced by laser irradiation has a high potential to make a internal exposure when they are mixed with human breath air. The special filtering system based on the medical surgical smoke removal technology has been constructed and succeeded to remove the ablation fumes.


Laser remote analysis by optical fiber coupled laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for on-site, in-situ screening of nuclear debris in decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 赤岡 克昭; 中西 隆造; 柴田 卓弥; 狩野 貴宏

no journal, , 

The decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which has meltdowned core, it will be required a rapid, remote and in-situ screening analysis of fuel debris and a large amount of waste materials in a narrow and extremely high radiation environment. Radiation-resistant Optical Fiber based portable LIBS probe is one of the practical technology as the remote in-situ simple screening analysis, and the basic performances of remote operability, radiation resistance and challenge application of on-site analysis for radioactive waste materials, have been demonstrated.


過酷事故炉を対象とした迅速遠隔分析技術開発,9-1; 福島第一原子力発電所廃炉における燃料デブリのレーザーその場遠隔分析技術開発の現状と挑戦-2

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 赤岡 克昭; 狩野 貴宏; 坂本 寛*; 中西 隆造*; 柏倉 俊介*; 平等 拓範*; 池田 裕二*; 出口 祥啓*

no journal, , 



"TILA" application in severe environments as a powerful tool for in-situ remote analysis of fuel debris in decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 赤岡 克昭; 狩野 貴宏; 中西 隆造*; 坂本 寛*; 池田 裕二*; 平等 拓範*

no journal, , 



High resolution ablation fluorescence spectroscopy for remote isotopic analysis

宮部 昌文; 岩田 圭弘; 長谷川 秀一*

no journal, , 




若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 赤岡 克昭; 狩野 貴宏; 坂本 寛*; 中西 隆造*; 柏倉 俊介*; 平等 拓範*; 池田 裕二*; 出口 祥啓*

no journal, , 



Challenging in laser based spectroscopy for nuclear engineering

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 赤岡 克昭; 宮部 昌文; 大場 正規; 伊藤 主税; 佐伯 盛久; 加藤 政明

no journal, , 



Basic R&D on decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and application of Laser Remote Analysis for in-core and in-situ monitoring of debris

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 赤岡 克昭; 大場 正規; 松本 歩; 宮部 昌文; 池田 裕二*; 作花 哲夫*; 平等 拓範*

no journal, , 



Laser remote analysis for in-core and in-situ monitoring of debris in decommissioning of Fukushina Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 赤岡 克昭; 大場 正規; 宮部 昌文; 松本 歩

no journal, , 



Advanced study on remote and in-situ elemental analysis of molten fuel debris in damaged core by innovative optical spectroscopy

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則*; 池田 裕二*; 作花 哲夫*; 平等 拓範*

no journal, , 



Laser remote analysis for onsite, in-situ screening of nuclear fuel debris and radioactive waste materials in decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

若井田 育夫

no journal, , 

The decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (F1NPS), which has melt downed core, it will be required a rapid, remote and in-situ screening analysis of fuel debris and a large amount of waste materials in a narrow and extremely high radiation environment. Radiation-resistant Optical Fiber based LIBS is one of the practical technique as the remote in-situ analysis, and basic performances of remote operability and radiation resistance has been demonstrated. As a result, over 50 m Laser delivery and radiation resistance of a few MGy under at a dose rate of 10 kGy/h, has been shown. And especially, it has demonstrated that the emission characteristic, such as spectrum and calibration curve will be not changed even under the radiative environment of 10 kGy/h. Now, the challenging plan to use the remote LIBS system as a trial use in the working environment in F1NPS, where air contamination was undeniable, will be under planning for radioactive samples.


LIBS for "Fukushima"; Current results and challenge as a remote in-situ screening analysis

若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 大場 弘則*; 赤岡 克昭; 狩野 貴宏; 中西 隆造*; 坂本 寛*; 池田 裕二*; 平等 拓範*

no journal, , 

The decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station with melt downed core, it will be required a rapid, remote and in-situ screening analysis of fuel debris and a large amount of waste materials in a narrow and extremely high radiation environment. Radiation-resistant optical fiber based LIBS is one of the practical techniques as the remote in-situ analysis. In the ultra-long-distance remote analysis, a microchip laser delivered by 100 m optical fiber was used to simulate a long-distance analysis. Although a little bit attenuation was observed in emission light intensity, there was no effect on the calibration curve, and the same performance by using a 5 m optical fiber was demonstrated. In the analysis of spent fuel, a portable optical fiber LIBS system was prepared, and only the probe head was introduced into the Hot Cell facility. Spent fuel samples containing Zr and Fe oxides were analyzed, and spectra with no change were obtained even in high-dose environments. These demonstrated the applicability of LIBS for in-situ remote analysis of nuclear fuel debris.

25 件中 1件目~20件目を表示