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川村 奨; 菊地 将宣; 細谷 俊明
JAEA-Technology 2021-041, 103 Pages, 2023/02
平山 英夫*; 川崎 将亜; 松村 宏*; 大倉 毅史; 波戸 芳仁*; 佐波 俊哉*; 滝 光成; 大石 哲也; 吉澤 道夫
Insights Concerning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident, Vol.4; Endeavors by Scientists, p.295 - 307, 2021/10
A method of deducing the I-131 concentration in a radioactive plume from the time history of peak count rates determined from pulse height spectra obtained from an NaI(Tl) scintillation detector employed as a detector of a monitoring post was presented. The concentrations of I-131 in the plumes were estimated from the count rates using the calculated response of the NaI(Tl) detector with egs5 for a model of a plume uniformly containing I-131. This method was applied to the data from the monitoring posts at Nuclear Science Research Institutes of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The estimated time history variation of I-131 concentrations in plumes was in fair agreement with those measured directly by an air sampling method. The difference was less than a factor of 4 for plumes that arrived on March 15 and March 21, indicating relatively high I-131 concentrations among the plumes studied in this work.
平山 英夫*; 川崎 将亜; 松村 宏*; 大倉 毅史; 波戸 芳仁*; 佐波 俊哉*; 滝 光成; 大石 哲也; 吉澤 道夫
日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 13(3), p.119 - 126, 2014/09