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柴本 泰照; 与能本 泰介; 石垣 将宏; 安部 諭
Proceedings of 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-11) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2016/10
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) initiated the ROSA-SA project in 2013 for the purpose of studying thermal hydraulics relevant to over-temperature containment damage, hydrogen risk, and fission product transport. For this purpose, the JAEA newly constructed the Containment InteGral Measurement Apparatus (CIGMA) in 2015 for the experiments addressing containment responses, separate effects, and accident managements. Recently, we successfully conducted first experiments using CIGMA to characterize the facility under typical experimental conditions. Among these experiments, the present paper focuses on the results of containment cooling tests, for which an upper part of the vessel outer surface was cooled by spray water. Several distinctive phenomena were observed in the tests, including inverse temperature stratification in the vessel due to the cooling in the upper region. The RELAP5 analysis result was also presented to roughly indicate the prediction capability of the best-estimate two-phase flow code in predicting the containment thermal hydraulics.