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Journal Articles

Temperature dependence of surface topography and deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to low-energy, high-flux D plasma

Alimov, V.; Shu, Wataru*; Roth, J.*; Lindig, S.*; Balden, M.*; Isobe, Kanetsugu; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417(1-3), p.572 - 575, 2011/10

 Times Cited Count:81 Percentile:98.69(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Blistering and deuterium retention in re-crystallized tungsten exposed to a low energy (38 eV/D) and high deuterium ion flux (10$$^{22}$$ D/m$$^{2}$$s) D plasma at ion fluences of 10$$^{26}$$ and 10$$^{27}$$D/m$$^{2}$$ at temperatures in the range from 320 to 800 K have been examined with scanning electron microscopy, thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS), and the nuclear reaction. During exposure to the D plasma blisters with various shapes and sizes depending on the exposure temperature are formed on the W surface. At the temperatures above 700 K the blisters disappear. The deuterium retention increases with the exposure temperature, reaching its maximum value of about 7$$times$$10$$^{21}$$ D/m$$^{2}$$ at 530 K and about 1$$times$$10$$^{22}$$ D m$$^{2}$$ at 480 K for ion fluences of 10$$^{26}$$ and 10$$^{27}$$ D/m$$^{2}$$, respectively. As the temperature grows further, the D retention decreases to about 10$$^{19}$$ D/m$$^{2}$$ at 800 K.

Journal Articles

Surface morphology and deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to low-energy, high flux pure and helium-seeded deuterium plasmas

Alimov, V.; Shu, Wataru*; Roth, J.*; Sugiyama, Kazuyoshi*; Lindig, S.*; Balden, M.*; Isobe, Kanetsugu; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

Physica Scripta, T138, p.014048_1 - 014048_5, 2009/12

 Times Cited Count:123 Percentile:95.27(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Blistering and deuterium retention in re-crystallized tungsten exposed to low-energy, high flux (10$$^{22}$$ D/m$$^{2}$$s) pure and helium-seeded D plasmas to a fluence of 10$$^{27}$$ D/m$$^{2}$$ have been examined with scanning electron microscopy, thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS), and the D($$^{3}$$He,p)$$^{4}$$He nuclear reaction at a $$^{3}$$He energy varied from 0.69 to 4.0 MeV. In the case of exposure to pure D plasma (38 eV/D), blisters with various shapes and sizes depending on the exposure temperature are found on the W surface. No blisters appear at temperatures above 700 K. The deuterium retention increases with the exposure temperature, reaching a maximum value of about 10$$^{22}$$ D/m$$^{2}$$ at 480 K, and then decreases as the temperature rises further. Seeding of helium into the D plasma to the He ion concentration of 0.2 and 5% significantly reduces the D retention at elevated temperatures and prevents formation of the blisters.

2 (Records 1-2 displayed on this page)
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