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Journal Articles

Status of the ITER heating neutral beam system

Hemsworth, R. S.*; Decamps, H.*; Graceffa, J.*; Schunke, B.*; Tanaka, Masanobu*; Dremel, M.*; Tanga, A.*; DeEsch, H. P. L.*; Geli, F.*; Milnes, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 49(4), p.045006_1 - 045006_15, 2009/04

 Times Cited Count:386 Percentile:99.72(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The ITER neutral beam (NB) injectors are the first injectors that will be operated under conditions and constraints similar to those in a fusion reactor. These injectors will be operated in a radiation environment and they will be activated due to the neutron flux from ITER. The injectors uses a single large ion source and accelerator that will produce 40 A 1 MeV D$$^{-}$$ beams for pulse lengths of up to 3600 s. Design changes have been made to the ITER NB injectors over the past 4 years as follows: (1) Modifications to allow installation and maintenance of the beamline components with an overhead crane. (2) The RF driven negative ion source has replaced the filamented ion source. (3) The ion source power supplies will be located in an air insulated high voltage (-1 MV) deck located outside the tokamak building instead of inside an SF6 insulated HV deck located above the injector. This paper describes the status of the design as of December 2008 including the above mentioned changes.

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