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Journal Articles

Spectroscopy of $$^{153}$$Gd and $$^{157}$$Gd using the ($$p,d gamma$$) reaction

Ross, T. J.*; Hughes, R. O.*; Allmond, J. M.*; Beausang, C. W.*; Angell, C.; Basunia, M. S.*; Bleuel, D. L.*; Hurke, J. T.*; Casperson, R. J.*; Escher, J. E.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 90(4), p.044323_1 - 044323_12, 2014/10

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:46.77(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Remnants of spherical shell structures in deformed nuclei; The Impact of an $$N$$ = 64 neutron subshell closure on the structure of $$N$$ $${approx}$$ 90 gadolinium nuclei

Ross, T. J.*; Hughes, R. O.*; Beausang, C. W.*; Allmond, J. M.*; Angell, C.; Basunia, M. S.*; Bleuel, D. L.*; Burke, J. T.*; Casperson, R. J.*; Escher, J. E.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 88(3), p.031301_1 - 031301_4, 2013/09


 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:47.80(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Determining the $$^{239}$$Np($$n$$,$$f$$) cross section using the surrogate ratio method

Czeszumska, A.*; Angell, C.; Burke, J. T.*; Scielzo, N. D.*; Norman, E. B.*; Austin, R. A. E.*; Boutoux, G.*; Casperson, R. J.*; Chodash, P.*; Hughes, R. O.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 87(3), p.034613_1 - 034613_6, 2013/03


 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:64.12(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Spectroscopy of $$^{88}$$Y by the ($$p,dgamma$$) reaction

Ross, T. J.*; Beausang, C. W.*; Hughes, R. O.*; Scielzo, N. D.*; Burke, J. T.*; Allmond, J. M.*; Angell, C.; Basunia, M. S.*; Bleuel, D. L.*; Casperson, R. J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 86(6), p.067301_1 - 067301_5, 2012/12


 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:22.64(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Measurement of the entry-spin distribution imparted to the high excitation continuum region of gadolinium nuclei via ($$p$$,$$d$$) and ($$p$$,$$t$$) reactions

Ross, T. J.*; Beausang, C. W.*; Hughes, R. O.*; Allmond, J. M.*; Angell, C.; Basunia, M. S.*; Bleuel, D. L.*; Burke, J. T.*; Casperson, R. J.*; Escher, J. E.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 85(5), p.051304_1 - 051304_5, 2012/05


 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:53.46(Physics, Nuclear)

The surrogate reaction technique has been employed to $$(n,gamma)$$ cross sections in the actinide region to a precision of 20%, but in the rare earth region a factor of 2-3 discrepancy exists between the directly measured $$(n,gamma)$$ and extracted surrogate cross sections. A possible origin of this discrepancy lies in differences between the initial spin/parity population distribution. To investigate this, the angular momentum transfer of the surrogate reaction in Gd nuclei has been measured.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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