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Journal Articles

Strong local moment antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in V-doped LiFeAs

Xu, Z.*; Dai, G.*; Li, Y.*; Yin, Z.*; Rong, Y.*; Tian, L.*; Liu, P.*; Wang, H.*; Xing, L.*; Wei, Y.*; et al.

npj Quantum Materials (Internet), 5(1), p.11_1 - 11_7, 2020/02

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:39.36(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

The Burning process simulation of incineration ashes

Yokoyama, Kaoru; Rong, D.*; Ohara, Yoshiyuki

Kagaku Kogaku, 78(11), p.818 - 821, 2014/11

By the thermal disposal of the city garbage polluted with radioactive cesium, Cs adheres to incineration ashes and remains in municipal waste incineration facility. In order to acquire the distribution information in the waste incineration plant of the incineration ashes to which Cs adhered from viewpoints of radiation protection, burning analysis is conducted with the existing incinerator and the action of incineration ashes is evaluated. This approach is introduced by this report.

Journal Articles

Impact of nanostructures and radiation environment on defect levels in III-V solar cells

Hubbard, S.*; Sato, Shinichiro; Schmieder, K.*; Strong, W.*; Forbes, D.*; Bailey, C. G.*; Hoheisel, R.*; Walters, R. J.*

Proceedings of 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-40) (CD-ROM), p.1045 - 1050, 2014/06

Baseline and quantum dot (QD) GaAs pn-junction diodes were characterized by deep level transient spectroscopy before and after both 1MeV electron irradiation and 140 keV proton irradiation. Prior to irradiation, the addition of quantum dots appeared to have introduced a higher density of defects at EC-0.75 eV. After 1 MeV electron irradiation the well-known electron defects E3, E4 and E5 were observed in the baseline sample. In the quantum dot sample after 1 MeV electron irradiation, defects near E3, E4 and EC-0.75 eV were also observed. Compared to the irradiated baseline, the QD sample shows a higher density of more complex E4 defect and a lower density of the simple E3 defect, while the EC-0.75 eV defect seemed to be unaffected by electron irradiation. As well, after proton irradiation, well known proton defects PR1, PR2, PR4' are observed. The QD sample shows a lower density PR4' defects and a similar density of PR2 defects, when compared to the proton irradiated baseline sample.

Oral presentation

Radioactive cesium behavior analysis in the refuse incineration plant, 3; Analysis of the state of cesium deposition to incinerated ash

Yokoyama, Kaoru; Sugitsue, Noritake; Ohara, Yoshiyuki; Takeda, Hiroshi*; Rong, D.*; Yanase, Shinichiro*; Kuwagi, Kenya*; Takami, Toshihiro*; Hyakutake, Toru*

no journal, , 

Some disaster wastes polluted with the radioactive cesium diffused in the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are incinerated in the refuse incineration plant. It is thought that cesium is not emitted outside since cesium is coagulated to the refuse incineration ash and trapped by a bag filter or an electric dust collector. Therefore, we report the results of analysis of the cesium concentration and specific surface area of the ash, for the evaluation of the status of adherence to the incinerated ash of cesium.

Oral presentation

Radioactive cesium behavior analysis in the refuse incineration plant, 4; Simulation of the behavior of cesium in the incineration facility

Yokoyama, Kaoru; Sugitsue, Noritake; Ohara, Yoshiyuki; Takeda, Hiroshi*; Rong, D.*; Yanase, Shinichiro*; Kuwagi, Kenya*; Takami, Toshihiro*; Hyakutake, Toru*

no journal, , 

Some disaster wastes polluted with the radioactive cesium diffused in the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are incinerated in the refuse incineration plant. It is thought that cesium is not emitted outside since cesium is coagulated to the refuse incineration ash and trapped by a bag filter or an electric dust collector. Therefore, we report on simulation results incorporating the adhesion model of cesium in the combustion model of waste.

Oral presentation

Radioactive cesium behavior analysis in the refuse incineration plant, 6; Simulation of the behavior of cesium in an incineration plant

Yokoyama, Kaoru; Ohara, Yoshiyuki; Sugitsue, Noritake; Takahashi, Nobuo; Rong, D.*; Takeda, Hiroshi*; Kochi, Toshinori*; Yanase, Shinichiro*; Kuwagi, Kenya*; Takami, Toshihiro*; et al.

no journal, , 

Some disaster wastes polluted with the radioactive cesium diffused in the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are incinerated in the refuse incineration plant. It is thought that cesium is not emitted outside since cesium is coagulated to the refuse incineration ash and trapped by a bag filter or an electric dust collector. Therefore, we report the simulation of the behavior of cesium in an incineration plant.

Oral presentation

Radioactive cesium behavior analysis in the refuse incineration plant, 7; Simulation for the case of urban garbage of high cesium concentration

Takahashi, Nobuo; Sugitsue, Noritake; Yokoyama, Kaoru; Ohara, Yoshiyuki; Yanase, Shinichiro*; Kochi, Toshinori*; Takami, Toshihiro*; Kuwagi, Kenya*; Hyakutake, Toru*; Takeda, Hiroshi*; et al.

no journal, , 

As part of the cesium behavior analysis in the incineration plant, we carried out simulation by urban garbage of high cesium density incinerated. We chose plant having the results that burnt up contaminated urban garbage with radiocesium, as the object of the analysis.

Oral presentation

Numerical study on combustion processes of radioactive waste in an incinerator

Yanase, Shinichiro*; Sugitsue, Noritake; Ishimori, Yuu; Yokoyama, Kaoru; Ohara, Yoshiyuki; Takahashi, Nobuo; Rong, D.*; Takeda, Hiroshi*; Kochi, Toshinori*; Takami, Toshihiro*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Radioactive cesium behavior analysis in the refuse incineration plant, 1; An Introduction and a plan

Yokoyama, Kaoru; Sugitsue, Noritake; Ohara, Yoshiyuki; Takeda, Hiroshi*; Rong, D.*; Yanase, Shinichiro*; Kuwagi, Kenya*; Takami, Toshihiro*; Hyakutake, Toru*

no journal, , 

Some disaster wastes polluted with the radioactive cesium diffused in the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are incinerated in the refuse incineration plant. It is thought that cesium is not emitted outside since cesium is coagulated to the refuse incineration ash and trapped by a bag filter or an electric dust collector. Therefore, we research concentration and particle size distribution of the refuse incineration ash. In this study, an introduction and a plan of study are reported.

Oral presentation

Radioactive cesium behavior analysis in the refuse incineration plant, 2; Combustion model building

Yokoyama, Kaoru; Sugitsue, Noritake; Ohara, Yoshiyuki; Takeda, Hiroshi*; Rong, D.*; Yanase, Shinichiro*; Kuwagi, Kenya*; Takami, Toshihiro*; Hyakutake, Toru*

no journal, , 

Some disaster wastes polluted with the radioactive cesium diffused in the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are incinerated in the refuse incineration plant. It is thought that cesium is not emitted outside since cesium is coagulated to the refuse incineration ash and trapped by a bag filter or an electric dust collector. Therefore, we research concentration and particle size distribution of the refuse incineration ash. In this study, the combustion model is reported.

10 (Records 1-10 displayed on this page)
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