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Journal Articles

Pressure-modulated magnetism and negative thermal expansion in the Ho$$_2$$Fe$$_{17}$$ intermetallic compound

Cao, Y.*; Zhou, H.*; Khmelevskyi, S.*; Lin, K.*; Avdeev, M.*; Wang, C.-W.*; Wang, B.*; Hu, F.*; Kato, Kenichi*; Hattori, Takanori; et al.

Chemistry of Materials, 35(8), p.3249 - 3255, 2023/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:40.78(Chemistry, Physical)

Hydrostatic and chemical pressure are efficient stimuli to alter the crystal structure and are commonly used for tuning electronic and magnetic properties in materials science. However, chemical pressure is difficult to quantify and a clear correspondence between these two types of pressure is still lacking. Here, we study intermetallic candidates for a permanent magnet with a negative thermal expansion (NTE). Based on in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction, negative chemical pressure is revealed in Ho$$_2$$Fe$$_{17}$$ on Al doping and quantitatively evaluated by using temperature and pressure dependence of unit cell volume. A combination of magnetization and neutron diffraction measurements also allowed one to compare the effect of chemical pressure on magnetic ordering with that of hydrostatic pressure. Intriguingly, pressure can be used to control suppression and enhancement of NTE. Electronic structure calculations indicate that pressure affected the top of the majority band with respect to the Fermi level, which has implications for the magnetic stability, which in turn plays a critical role in modulating magnetism and NTE. This work presents a good example of understanding the effect of pressure and utilizing it to control properties of functional materials.

Journal Articles

The $$^{59}$$Fe(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{60}$$Fe cross section from the surrogate ratio method and its effect on the $$^{60}$$Fe nucleosynthesis

Yan, S. Q.*; Li, X. Y.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Lugaro, M.*; Li, Z. H.*; Makii, Hiroyuki; Pignatari, M.*; Wang, Y. B.*; Orlandi, R.; Hirose, Kentaro; et al.

Astrophysical Journal, 919(2), p.84_1 - 84_7, 2021/10

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:8.24(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Systematic study on the quark-hadron mixed phase in compact stars

Xia, C.-J.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Shen, H.*; Togashi, Hajime*

Physical Review D, 102(2), p.023031_1 - 023031_18, 2020/07

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:78.88(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Multiple magnetic bilayers and unconventional criticality without frustration in BaCuSi$$_2$$O$$_6$$

Allenspach, S.*; Biffin, A.*; Stuhr, U.*; Tucker, G. S.*; Kawamura, Seiko; Kofu, Maiko; Voneshen, D. J.*; Boehm, M.*; Normand, B.*; Laflorencie, N.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 124(17), p.177205_1 - 177205_7, 2020/05

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:63.79(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Pre- and post-accident $$^{14}$$C activities in tree rings near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant

Matsunaka, Tetsuya*; Sasa, Kimikazu*; Takahashi, Tsutomu*; Matsumura, Masumi*; Satou, Yukihiko; Shen, H.*; Sueki, Keisuke*; Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki*

Radiocarbon, 61(6), p.1633 - 1642, 2019/12

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:11.25(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Journal Articles

Coexistence of ferromagnetic and stripe-type antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in YFe$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$

Wo, H.*; Wang, Q.*; Shen, Y.*; Zhang, X.*; Hao, Y.*; Feng, Y.*; Shen, S.*; He, Z.*; Pan, B.*; Wang, W.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 122(21), p.217003_1 - 217003_5, 2019/05

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:41.86(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Radiocarbon variations in tree rings since 1960 near the Tokai nuclear facility, Japan

Matsunaka, Tetsuya*; Sasa, Kimikazu*; Takahashi, Tsutomu*; Hosoya, Seiji*; Matsumura, Masumi*; Satou, Yukihiko; Shen, H.*; Sueki, Keisuke*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 439, p.64 - 69, 2019/01

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:22.69(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The $$^{95}$$Zr($$n, gamma$$)$$^{96}$$Zr cross section from the surrogate ratio method and its effect on $$s$$-process nucleosynthesis

Yan, S. Q.*; Li, Z. H.*; Wang, Y. B.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Lugaro, M.*; Karakas, A. I.*; Makii, Hiroyuki; Mohr, P.*; Su, J.*; Li, Y. J.*; et al.

Astrophysical Journal, 848(2), p.98_1 - 98_8, 2017/10

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:21.08(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Self-learning Monte Carlo method; Continuous-time algorithm

Nagai, Yuki; Shen, H.*; Qi, Y.*; Liu, J.*; Fu, L.*

Physical Review B, 96(16), p.161102_1 - 161102_6, 2017/10

 Times Cited Count:54 Percentile:89.27(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Examination of the surrogate ratio method for the determination of the $$^{93}$$Zr(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{94}$$Zr cross section with $$^{90,92}$$Zr($$^{18}$$O,$$^{16}$$O)$$^{92,94}$$Zr reactions

Yan, S. Q.*; Li, Z. H.*; Wang, Y. B.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Makii, Hiroyuki; Su, J.*; Li, Y. J.*; Nishinaka, Ichiro; Hirose, Kentaro; Han, Y. L.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 94(1), p.015804_1 - 015804_5, 2016/07

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:44.13(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Carrier-mediated ferromagnetism in the magnetic topological insulator Cr-doped (Sb,Bi)$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$

Ye, M.*; Li, W.*; Zhu, S.-Y.*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Saito, Yuji; Wang, J.*; Pan, H.*; Nurmamat, M.*; Sumida, Kazuki*; Ji, F.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 6, p.8913_1 - 8913_7, 2015/11


 Times Cited Count:52 Percentile:89.73(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Magnetically doped topological insulators are predicted to exhibit exotic phenomena including the quantized anomalous Hall effect and a dissipationless transport, which facilitate the development of low-power-consumption devices using electron spins. The realization of the quantized anomalous Hall effect is so far restricted to the Cr-doped (Sb,Bi)$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ system at extremely low temperature; however, the microscopic origin of its ferromagnetism is poorly understood. Here we present an element-resolved study for Cr-doped (Sb,Bi)$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ using X-ray magnetic circular dichroism to unambiguously show that the long-range magnetic order is mediated by the p-hole carriers of the host lattice, and the interaction between the Sb(Te) p and Cr d states is crucial.

Journal Articles

Quantitative study of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal hybrids

Althammer, M.*; Meyer, S.*; Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; Schreier, M.*; Altmannshofer, S.*; Weiler, M.*; Huebl, H.*; Gepr$"a$gs, S.*; Opel, M.*; Gross, R.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 87(22), p.224401_1 - 224401_15, 2013/06

 Times Cited Count:422 Percentile:99.42(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We experimentally investigate and quantitatively analyze the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) effect in ferromagnetic insulator (FI)/Pt and FI/nonmagnetic metal/Pt hybrid structures. For the FI, we use either YIG, nickel ferrite, or magnetite and for the nonmagnet, Cu or Au. The SMR is theoretically ascribed to the combined action of spin Hall and inverse spin Hall effect in the Pt top layer. It therefore should characteristically depend upon the orientation of the magnetization in the adjacent ferromagnet and prevail even if an additional, nonmagnetic metal layer is inserted between Pt and the ferromagnet. Our experimental data corroborate these theoretical conjectures. Using the SMR theory to analyze our data, we extract the spin Hall angle and the spin diffusion length in Pt. For a spin-mixing conductance of $$4times 10^{14}Omega^{-1}$$m$$^{-2}$$, we obtain a spin Hall angle of 0.11 $$pm$$ 0.08 and a spin diffusion length of (1.5 $$pm$$ 0.5) nm for Pt in our samples.

Journal Articles

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of PrFeAsO$$_{0.7}$$; Comparison with LaFePO

Nishi, Ichiro*; Ishikado, Motoyuki; Ideta, Shinichiro*; Malaeb, W.*; Yoshida, Teppei*; Fujimori, Atsushi*; Kotani, Yoshinori*; Kubota, Masato*; Ono, Kanta*; Yi, M.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 84(1), p.014504_1 - 014504_5, 2011/07

 Times Cited Count:22 Percentile:65.46(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We have performed an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study of the iron-based superconductor PrFeAsO$$_{0.7}$$ and examined the Fermi surfaces and band dispersions near the fermi level. Heavily hole-doped electronic states have been observed due to the polar nature of the cleaved surfaces. Nevertheless, we have found that the ARPES spectra basically agree with band dispersions calculated in the local density approximation (LDA) if the bandwidth is reduced by a factor of $$sim$$ 2.5 and then the chemical potential is lowered by $$sim$$ 70 meV. Comparison with previous ARPES results on LaFePO reveals that the energy positions of the $$d$$$$_{3z^{2}-r^{2}}$$- and $$d$$$$_{yz,zx}$$-derived bands are considerably different between the two materials, which we attribute to the different pnictogen height as predicted by the LDA calculation.

Journal Articles

From a single-band metal to a high-temperature superconductor via two thermal phase transitions

He, R.-H.*; Hashimoto, Makoto*; Karapetyan, H.*; Koralek, J. D.*; Hinton, J. P.*; Testaud, J. P.*; Nathan, V.*; Yoshida, Yoshiyuki*; Yao, H.*; Tanaka, Kiyohisa*; et al.

Science, 331(6024), p.1579 - 1583, 2011/03

 Times Cited Count:278 Percentile:98.66(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

The nature of the pseudogap phase of cuprate high-temperature superconductors is a major unsolved problem in condensed matter physics. We studied the commencement of the pseudogap state at temperature $$T^*$$ using three different techniques (angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, polar Kerr effect, and time-resolved reflectivity) on the same optimally doped Bi2201 crystals. We observed the coincident, abrupt onset at $$T^*$$ of a particle-hole asymmetric antinodal gap in the electronic spectrum, a Kerr rotation in the reflected light polarization, and a change in the ultrafast relaxational dynamics, consistent with a phase transition. Upon further cooling, spectroscopic signatures of superconductivity begin to grow close to the superconducting transition temperature ($$T_c$$), entangled in an energy-momentum dependent manner with the preexisting pseudogap features, ushering in a ground state with coexisting orders.

Journal Articles

Postbounce evolution of core-collapse supernovae; Long-term effects of the equation of state

Sumiyoshi, Kosuke*; Yamada, Shoichi*; Suzuki, Hideyuki*; Shen, H.*; Chiba, Satoshi; Toki, Hiroshi*

Astrophysical Journal, 629(2, Part1), p.922 - 932, 2005/08

 Times Cited Count:230 Percentile:97.41(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Self-learning continuous-time Monte Carlo method; High-speed Markov-chain Monte Carlo method with machine learning techniques

Nagai, Yuki; Shen, H.*; Qi, Y.*; Liu, J.*; Fu, L.*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Self-learning continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo method

Nagai, Yuki; Shen, H.*; Qi, Y.*; Liu, J.*; Fu, L.*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Self-learning Monte Carlo method

Nagai, Yuki; Shen, H.*; Qi, Y.*; Liu, J.*; Fu, L.*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Decimeter-scale laboratory studies of thermal, mechanical, hydrological and chemical processes in near-field systems of generic geological waste repositories

Hu, Q. H.*; Zhang, T.*; Shen, Y. Q.*; Tachi, Yukio; Fukatsu, Yuta; Borglin, S.*; Chang, C.*; Hampton, J.*

no journal, , 

19 (Records 1-19 displayed on this page)
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