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Journal Articles

General-purpose nuclear data library JENDL-5 and to the next

Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kunieda, Satoshi; Minato, Futoshi; Nakayama, Shinsuke; Kimura, Atsushi; Nakamura, Shoji; Endo, Shunsuke; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Tada, Kenichi; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, p.14001_1 - 14001_7, 2023/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.21(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

SrBPO$$_{5}$$:Eu$$^{2+}$$ storage phosphors for wide-range neutron detection

Sakasai, Kaoru; To, Kentaro; Nakamura, Tatsuya; Ochiai, Kentaro; Konno, Chikara

Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference; 21st International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-ray and $$gamma$$-ray detectors (NSS/MIC 2014), Vol.3 , p.1834 - 1839, 2016/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Activation, Radiation shielding materials

Sukegawa, Atsuhiko; Iida, Hiromasa*; Itoga, Toshio*; Okumura, Keisuke; Kai, Tetsuya; Konno, Chikara; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Takashi*; Ban, Shuichi*; Yashima, Hiroshi*; et al.

Hoshasen Shahei Handobukku; Kisohen, p.299 - 356, 2015/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Application of KCl:Eu$$^{2+}$$ storage phosphors to wide-range neutron detection

Sakasai, Kaoru; To, Kentaro; Nakamura, Tatsuya; Takakura, Kosuke; Konno, Chikara; Iwamoto, Yosuke

Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS/MIC), Vol.3, p.2024 - 2030, 2013/00

Storage characteristics of KCl:Eu$$^{2+}$$ phosphor were investigated in order to apply the phosphor to wide-range neutron detection. For detection of both slow and fast neutrons, $$^{6}$$LiF powders and polyethylene powders were added to the phosphor at the same time. The optimization of the phosphor for maximum photostimulated luminescence yields have been performed and obtained at a polyethylene weight ratio of about 0.05 when the mixtures were irradiated by fast neutron with energy of 14.8 MeV, where the weight ratio of KCl:Eu$$^{2+}$$ phosphor to $$^{6}$$LiF powders was fixed to be two to three. These experimental results well agreed with theoretical predictions by Monte Carlo simulation using PHITS code. The energy deposition by slow or intermediate neutrons was mainly due to charged particles as a result of nuclear reaction of $$^{6}$$Li(n,$$alpha$$)T. According to relativistic calculation, the energy of alpha particles or tritons cannot be uniquely determined in a laboratory system but has a certain distribution even if incident neutron energy is fixed when neutron energy is high. The calculation showed that charged particles produced by nuclear reactions such as $$^{39}$$K(n,$$alpha$$) or $$^{35}$$Cl(n,$$alpha$$), in addition to protons by $$^{1}$$H(n,n) $$^{1}$$H reaction, will contribute the total energy deposition at high energy of incident neutrons.

Journal Articles

Electronic structure of U(Ru$$_{1-x}$$Rh$$_{x}$$)$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ studied by laser angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

Yoshida, Rikiya*; Nakamura, Yoshiaki*; Fukui, Masaki*; Haga, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Onuki, Yoshichika; Okawa, Mario*; Shin, S.*; Hirai, Masaaki*; Muraoka, Yuji*; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 273, p.012021_1 - 012021_4, 2011/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:33.67(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Journal Articles

Signature of hidden order and evidence for periodicity modification in URu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$

Yoshida, Rikiya*; Nakamura, Yoshiaki*; Fukui, Masaki*; Haga, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Onuki, Yoshichika; Okawa, Mario*; Shin, S.*; Hirai, Masaaki*; Muraoka, Yuji*; et al.

Physical Review B, 82(20), p.205108_1 - 205108_6, 2010/11

 Times Cited Count:62 Percentile:88.25(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Storage characteristics of KBr:Eu$$^{2+}$$ phosphors with radiators by irradiation of fast neutrons

Sakasai, Kaoru; Iwamoto, Yosuke; To, Kentaro; Nakamura, Tatsuya; Takakura, Kosuke; Konno, Chikara

2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (CD-ROM), p.966 - 970, 2010/10

Storage characteristics of KBr:Eu$$^{2+}$$ phosphor were investigated when the phosphor was irradiated by fast neutron with energy of 14.8 MeV. To improve the fast neutron sensitivity, polyethylene (PE) sheets as a proton generator were set in front of the phosphors. The maximum photostimulated luminescence (PSL) yields were obtained at a PE thickness of about 3 mm. These experimental results well agreed with those by Monte Carlo simulation using PHITS code. Estimated PSL yields by $$gamma$$-ray associated with fast neutron fields were negligible. This combination use of such phosphors and PE sheets will be usable for fast neutron monitoring or imaging.

Journal Articles

Magnetism and superconductivity in the new family of actinide compounds; AnPd$$_{5}$$Al$$_{2}$$

Haga, Yoshinori; Homma, Yoshiya*; Aoki, Dai*; Ikeda, Shugo*; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Nakamura, Akio; Nakajima, Kenji; Arai, Yasuo; et al.

IOP Conference Series; Materials Science and Engineering, 9, p.012046_1 - 012046_7, 2010/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:1.02(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Heavy fermion state and quantum criticality

Onuki, Yoshichika; Settai, Rikio*; Honda, Fuminori*; Dung, N. D.*; Ishikura, Tatsuro*; Takeuchi, Tetsuya*; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Nakamura, Akio; Yamamoto, Etsuji; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 405(9), p.2194 - 2199, 2010/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.44(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Journal Articles

Detection method for irradiated garlic using ESR

Ukai, Mitsuko*; Kameya, Hiromi*; Nakamura, Hideo*; Todoriki, Setsuko*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Sakashita, Tetsuya; Funayama, Tomoo; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 85, 2009/12

By Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, we revealed free radicals in irradiated garlic. The representative ESR spectrum of garlic is composed of a singlet at the ${it g}$-value of 2.0. The signal is due to organic free radicals. Upon $$gamma$$-irradiation, new signals appeared. To analyze the irradiation effects, we proposed an ESR detection method of irradiated garlic.

Journal Articles

R&Ds of a Li$$_2$$TiO$$_3$$ pebble bed for a test blanket module in JAEA

Tanigawa, Hisashi; Hoshino, Tsuyoshi; Kawamura, Yoshinori; Nakamichi, Masaru; Ochiai, Kentaro; Akiba, Masato; Ando, Masami; Enoeda, Mikio; Ezato, Koichiro; Hayashi, Kimio; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 49(5), p.055021_1 - 055021_6, 2009/05

 Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:64.12(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

This paper presents recent achievements of the research activities for the TBM being developed in JAEA, focusing on the pebble bed of the tritium breeder materials and tritium behaviour. For the breeder material, the chemical stability of Li$$_2$$TiO$$_3$$ has been improved by Li$$_2$$O additives. In order to analyze the pebble bed behaviour, thermo-mechanical properties of the Li$$_2$$TiO$$_3$$ pebble bed has been experimentally obtained. In order to verify nuclear properties of the pebble bed, the activation foil method has been proposed and a preliminary experiment has been conducted. For the tritium behaviour, the chemical densified coating method has been well developed and tritium recovery system has been modified taking account of the design change of the TBM.

Journal Articles

Storage characteristics of KCl:Eu$$^{2+}$$ phosphors with radiators by irradiation of fast neutrons

Sakasai, Kaoru; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Nakamura, Tatsuya; To, Kentaro; Takakura, Kosuke; Konno, Chikara

Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2009 NSS/MIC), Vol.2, p.1422 - 1426, 2009/00

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:54.00(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Storage phosphors such as KCl:Eu$$^{2+}$$ with low $$gamma$$-ray sensitivity were applied to detection of fast neutrons using polyethylene (PE) sheets as a proton generator that were set in front of the phosphors. The maximum PSL yields were obtained at a PE thickness of 3 mm when the neutron energy was 14.8 MeV. These experimental results well agreed with those by Monte Carlo simulation using PHITS code. Estimated PSL yields by $$gamma$$-ray associated with fast neutron fields were negligible. This combination use of such phosphors and PE sheets will be usable for fast neutron monitoring or imaging in a high $$gamma$$-ray fields.

Journal Articles

Heavy fermion superconductivity with the strong Pauli paramagnetic effect on NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$

Aoki, Dai*; Haga, Yoshinori; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Ikeda, Shugo*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Sakai, Hironori; Shiokawa, Yoshinobu*; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Nakamura, Akio; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 77(Suppl.A), p.159 - 164, 2008/00

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:27.50(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Superconducting properties are investigated on the new neptunium-based superconductor NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$. The large electronic specific heat, anisotropy of magnetic as well as superconducting properties and strong paramagnetic effect implies spin-singlet pairing with anisotropic superconducting gap.

Journal Articles

Anisotropic superconductivity in NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ in the vicinity of the heavy fermion formation

Aoki, Dai*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Shiokawa, Yoshinobu*; Haga, Yoshinori; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Ikeda, Shugo; Sakai, Hironori; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Nakamura, Akio; et al.

Kotai Butsuri, 42(9), p.569 - 580, 2007/09

The first neptunium superconductor was discovered in NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$. Unconventional superconductivity of NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ is realized before onset of the heavy fermion state, which is compared with superconducting properties of CeCoIn$$_5$$ and PuRhGa$$_5$$ (PuCoGa$$_5$$).

Journal Articles

Unconventional heavy-fermion superconductivity of a new transuranium compound NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$

Aoki, Dai*; Haga, Yoshinori; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Ikeda, Shugo; Homma, Yoshiya*; Sakai, Hironori; Shiokawa, Yoshinobu*; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Nakamura, Akio; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 76(6), p.063701_1 - 063701_4, 2007/06

 Times Cited Count:105 Percentile:93.31(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We succeeded in growing a new transuranium compound NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ with the tetragonal crystal structure by the Pb-flux method, and measured the electrical resistivity, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and magnetization. NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ is found to be a paramagnetic heavy-fermion superconductor with strong coupling. The upper critical field H$$_{c2}$$ at 0 K is large and highly anisotropic.

Journal Articles

Magnetic properties and heavy electronic states in the antiferromagnet NpPtGa$$_5$$

Aoki, Dai*; Haga, Yoshinori; Homma, Yoshiya*; Shiokawa, Yoshinobu*; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Nakamura, Akio; Settai, Rikio*; Onuki, Yoshichika

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 75(11), p.114715_1 - 114715_7, 2006/11

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:37.26(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Magnetic and fermi surface properties in NpIn$$_3$$

Aoki, Dai*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Sakai, Hironori; Ikeda, Shugo; Shiokawa, Yoshinobu; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Nakamura, Akio; Haga, Yoshinori; Settai, Rikio*; Onuki, Yoshichika

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 75(8), p.084710_1 - 084710_10, 2006/08

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:51.65(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Fermi surface properties in an enhanced Pauli paramagnet NpGe$$_3$$

Aoki, Dai*; Yamagami, Hiroshi*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Shiokawa, Yoshinobu; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Nakamura, Akio; Haga, Yoshinori; Settai, Rikio*; Onuki, Yoshichika

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 378-380, p.978 - 980, 2006/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Condensed Matter)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Coarse break-up of a stream of oxide and steel melt in a water pool (Contract research)

Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Maruyama, Yu; Usami, Tsutomu*; Nakamura, Hideo

JAERI-Research 2005-017, 173 Pages, 2005/08


A series of experiments on the break-up of high temperature oxide and steel melt jets in a water pool was conducted. The objective was to obtain data for the jet break-up length and size distribution of the droplets produced by the jet break-up, and information on the influence of material properties. Also, we tried to obtain additional information giving a clue to the mechanism governing the melt jet break-up, such as flow intensity of the steam column surrounding the melt jet, and its relation with the droplet size. In the experiments, zirconia-alumina mixture and stainless steel melt jets with diameter $$sim$$17mm and velocity $$sim$$7.8m/s at the water surface were dropped into a deep (2.1m) or shallow (0.6m) water pool with various subcool. From the results of the present experiments and also by referring other experimental data from literature, we obtained empirical correlation equations for the jet break-up length, the fraction of jet broken-up in a shallow pool where the jet was not completely broken-up, and the droplet size.

Journal Articles

Itinerant 5$$f$$ electrons and the Fermi surface properties in an enhanced Pauli paramagnet NpGe$$_{3}$$

Aoki, Dai*; Yamagami, Hiroshi*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Shiokawa, Yoshinobu; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Nakamura, Akio; Haga, Yoshinori; Settai, Rikio*; Onuki, Yoshichika

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 74(8), p.2149 - 2152, 2005/08

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:72.84(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

68 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)