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Journal Articles

Hydrogen absorption and diffusion behaviors in cube-shaped palladium nanoparticles revealed by ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Tang, J.*; Seo, O.*; Rivera Rocabado, D. S.*; Koitaya, Takanori*; Yamamoto, Susumu*; Namba, Yusuke*; Song, C.*; Kim, J.*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Koyama, Michihisa*; et al.

Applied Surface Science, 587, p.152797_1 - 152797_8, 2022/06

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:73.94(Chemistry, Physical)

The hydrogen absorption and diffusion mechanisms on cube-shaped Pd nanoparticles (NPs) which are important hydrogen-storage materials were studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations. In the surface region, hydrogen absorption showed almost similar behavior regardless of the NPs size. It was found that the octahedral sites are more favorable than the tetrahedral sites for hydrogen occupation. We also clarified that the hydrogen atoms absorbing on the smaller-sized Pd NPs diffuse to the subsurface more actively because of the weakened Pd-H bond by the surface disordering, which plays an important role in hydrogen adsorption at a low H$$_{2}$$ pressure.

Journal Articles

Hydrogen absorption and desorption on Rh nanoparticles revealed by ${it in situ}$ dispersive X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy

Song, C.*; Seo, O.*; Matsumura, Daiju; Hiroi, Satoshi*; Cui, Y.-T.*; Kim, J.*; Chen, Y.*; Tayal, A.*; Kusada, Kohei*; Kobayashi, Hirokazu*; et al.

RSC Advances (Internet), 10(34), p.19751 - 19758, 2020/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Magnetic and electronic properties of B-site-ordered double-perovskite oxide La$$_{2}$$CrMnO$$_{6}$$ thin films

Yoshimatsu, Kohei*; Ishimaru, Junya*; Watarai, Keisuke*; Yamamoto, Kohei*; Hirata, Yasuyuki*; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Horiba, Koji*; Kumigashira, Hiroshi*; Sakata, Osami*; et al.

Physical Review B, 99(23), p.235129_1 - 235129_8, 2019/06

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:52.06(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Colossal barocaloric effects in plastic crystals

Li, B.*; Kawakita, Yukinobu; Kawamura, Seiko; Sugahara, Takeshi*; Wang, H.*; Wang, J.*; Chen, Y.*; Kawaguchi, Saori*; Kawaguchi, Shogo*; Ohara, Koji*; et al.

Nature, 567(7749), p.506 - 510, 2019/03

 Times Cited Count:182 Percentile:99.31(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Refrigeration is of vital importance for modern society for example, for food storage and air conditioning- and 25 to 30% of the world's electricity is consumed for refrigeration. Current refrigeration technology mostly involves the conventional vapour compression cycle, but the materials used in this technology are of growing environmental concern because of their large global warming potential. As a promising alternative, refrigeration technologies based on solid-state caloric effects have been attracting attention in recent decades. However, their application is restricted by the limited performance of current caloric materials, owing to small isothermal entropy changes and large driving magnetic fields. Here we report colossal barocaloric effects (CBCEs) (barocaloric effects are cooling effects of pressure-induced phase transitions) in a class of disordered solids called plastic crystals. The obtained entropy changes in a representative plastic crystal, neopentylglycol, are about 389 joules per kilogram per kelvin near room temperature. Pressure-dependent neutron scattering measurements reveal that CBCEs in plastic crystals can be attributed to the combination of extensive molecular orientational disorder, giant compressibility and highly anharmonic lattice dynamics of these materials. Our study establishes the microscopic mechanism of CBCEs in plastic crystals and paves the way to next-generation solid-state refrigeration technologies.

Journal Articles

Structure of Pt(111)/ionomer membrane interface and its bias-induced change in membrane electrode assembly

Masuda, Takuya*; Fukumitsu, Hitoshi*; Kondo, Toshihiro*; Naohara, Hideo*; Tamura, Kazuhisa; Sakata, Osami*; Uosaki, Kohei*

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(23), p.12168 - 12171, 2013/06

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:46.89(Chemistry, Physical)

The structure of the perfluorosulfonated ionomer (PFSI)/Pt(111) interface in a membrane electrode assembly (MEA)-like configuration of a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell, that is, a vacuum evaporated Pt layer/PEM(Nafion membrane)/PFSI(adhesion Nafion layer)/Pt(111) single crystal, and its bias-induced change were investigated by surface X-ray scattering measurement at an atomic level. Crystal truncation rod measurement shows that PFSI adsorbed on the Pt(111)-(1$$times$$1) surface without bias. When the Pt(111) electrode was positively biased to form Pt oxide, the PFSI layer was detached from the Pt surface and oxygen atoms penetrated into the Pt lattice.

Journal Articles

Formation of amorphous graded structure in Bi$$_{3}$$Pb$$_{7}$$ intermetallic compounds under strong gravitational field

Mashimo, Tsutomu; Iguchi, Yusuke*; Bagum, R.*; Sano, Tomokazu*; Takeda, Shingo*; Kimura, Shigeru*; Sakata, Osami*; Ono, Masao; Okayasu, Satoru; Tsurui, Takao*; et al.

Defect and Diffusion Forum, 289-292, p.357 - 360, 2009/04

A visible four-layers structure with anomalous nano-sturucture was formed from a homogeneous e-phase Bi$$_{3}$$Pb$$_{7}$$ intermetallic compound under a strong gravitational field (1.02$$times$$10$$^{6}$$ G, 130$$^{circ}$$C, 100 hours). In the 4th layer (lowest-gravity region), pure Bi particles precipitate. In the 2nd 3rd layers, composition graded structures, where Pb content increased along the gravity direction, were formed. It was found that the very broad XRD peak appeared in the 2nd layer, which indicated that an amorphous structure was contained.

Journal Articles

Formation of multi-layer structures in Bi$$_{3}$$Pb$$_{7}$$ intermetallic compounds under an ultra-high gravitational field

Mashimo, Tsutomu; Iguchi, Yusuke*; Bagum, R.*; Sano, Tomokazu*; Sakata, Osami*; Ono, Masao; Okayasu, Satoru

AIP Conference Proceedings 973, p.502 - 505, 2008/03

Ultra-high gravitational field (Mega-gravity field) can realize the sedimentation of atoms (diffusion) even in solids, and is expected to form a composition-graded structure and/or nonequilibrium phase in multi-component condensed matter. We had realized the sedimentation of substitutional solute atoms in miscible systems (Bi-Sb, In-Pb, etc.). In this study, the mega-gravity experiment at high temperature was performed on a thin-plate sample (0.7 mm in thickness) of intermetallic compound Bi$$_{3}$$Pb$$_{7}$$. A visible four-layers structure appeared, which indicated different microscopic structures. In the lowest-gravity region layer, Bi phase appeared. In the mid layers, the composition-graded structure was formed, while the powder X-ray diffraction patterns show difference. Such multi-layers structure was expected to show unique physical properties such as superconductivity. Keywords: Sedimentation of atoms, Ultra-high gravity field, Bi$$_{3}$$Pb$$_{7}$$, Graded structure.

Journal Articles

Beamline for surface and interface structures at SPring-8

Sakata, Osami*; Furukawa, Yukito*; Goto, Shunji*; Mochizuki, Tetsuro*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Takeshita, Kunikazu*; Ohashi, Haruhiko*; Ohata, Toru*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*; Takahashi, Sunao*; et al.

Surface Review and Letters, 10(2&3), p.543 - 547, 2003/04

 Times Cited Count:142 Percentile:96.42(Chemistry, Physical)

The main components of a new beamline for surface and interface crystal structure determination at SPring-8 are briefly described. Stages for the beamline monochromator are modified for making an incident X-ray intensity more stable for surface X-ray experiments. Absolute photon flux densities were measured with an incident photon energy. A new ultrahigh vacuum system is introduced with preliminary X-ray measurements from an ordered oxygen on Pt(111) surface.

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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