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JAEA Reports

Study of manufacture and test of the alcohol waste processing test equipment

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JNC TJ9410 2001-003, 432 Pages, 2001/08


This report describes the result of study of manufacture and test of the Alcohol Waste Processing test Equipment. The experimental fast Reactor, JOYO, stores the radioactive alcohol waste at storage tank. As this alcohol waste can not be processed with existing equipment, about 5 m$$^{3}$$ of alcohol waste is stored. And the amount of this waste increases every year. So it is necessary to process this alcohol waste by appropriate method, for example, chemical resolution. In this fiscal year, based on the study results in the last fiscal year on catalytic oxidation method, the test equipment is manufactured and conclusive test is performed. And the investigation and tests on applicability of the other sodium removal technologies is also performed. The study results obtained in this fiscal year are as follows. [(1)Conclusive Test of the alcohol waste processing] (a)As a result of 1/2 scale test, target processing performance of 1.25$$ell$$/h can be obtained for simulative alcohol waste of 80% alcohol, but processing performance for simulative alcohol waste of 20% could not satisfy the target value. (b)In case that high temperature pipes, which are under condition of 350 deg C in actual plant, are arranged, it is difficult to arrange equipment in alcohol waste tank room (A-106). [(2)Investigative and Test about Sodium removal] (a)The sodium in alcohol waste can be separated and removed from carbonate compound. (b)A sodium (carbonate compound and metals) in alcohol waste could be removed by wired-film evaporator, and it is considered to be possible that this equipment is applied to actual plant. (c)ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) is considered to be effective method as one of alcohol resolution processes. [(3)Basic Design of alcohol waste process equipment] In this basic design, as far evaporation-dry process, the components, process ability, properties of waste, chemical mass balance, safety for fire and explosion, and the plot plan are investigated. As a result, ...

JAEA Reports

Conceptual design of the alcohol waste treatment equipment

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JNC TJ9410 2000-002, 412 Pages, 2000/12


This report describes the result of Conceptual Design of the Alcohol Waste Treatment Equipment. The experimental fast Reactor, JOYO, saves the radioactive alcohol waste at storage tank. As this alcohol waste is not able to treat with existing equipment, it is stored about 5m$$^{3}$$. And the amount of this is increasing every year. So it is necessary to treat the alcohol waste by chemical resolution for example. On account of this, the investigative test about filtration and dialyzer, and conceptual design about catalyst oxidation process, which is composed from head end process to resolution, are done. The results of investigation show as follows. [(1)Investigative Test about filtration and dialyzer] (a)The electric conduction is suitable for the judgement of alkyl sodium hydrolysis. Alkyl sodium hydrolysis is completed below 39% alcohol concentration. (b)The microfiltration is likely to separate the solid in alcohol waste. (c)From laboratory test, the electrodialyzer is effective for sodium separation in alcohol waste. And sodium remove rate, 96$$sim$$99%, is confirmed. [(2)Conceptual Design] The candidate process is as follows. (a)The head end process is electrodialyzer, and chemical resolution process is catalyst oxidation. (b)The head end process is not installed, and chemical resolution process is catalyst oxidation. (c)The head end process is electrodialyzer, and alcohol extracted by pervaporation. In this Conceptual Design, as far these process, the components, treatment ability, properties of waste, chemical mass balance, safety for fire and explosion, and the plot plan are investigated. As a result, remodeling the existing facility into catalyst oxidation process is effective to treat the alcohol waste, and treatment ability is about 1.25$$ell$$/h.

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