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JAEA Reports

Accident evaluation during transfer of irradiated fuel specimen

Morita, Hisashi; Iimura, Koichi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Takemoto, Noriyuki

JAEA-Technology 2022-024, 73 Pages, 2022/11


JMTR was positioned as a decommissioning facility in the facilities mid- and long-term plan (formulated in April 1, 2017) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. On September 18, 2019, we applied for approval of the decommissioning plan for the JMTR reactor facility, and received the approval on March 17, 2021. This made it impossible to conduct irradiation tests with nuclear fuel material at the JMTR using facility. Therefore, on August 7, 2020, in order to delete the description about irradiation test and to change accident evaluation, we applied for change of permission to use nuclear fuel material regarding JMTR facility (Facility No. 1) at the Oarai Research and Development Institute (North Area), and received the permission on May 26, 2021. As the accident evaluation, radiation exposure evaluation was performed at the boundary of the surrounding monitoring area assuming a damage accident during transfer work of the irradiated fuel specimen to the hot laboratory. As a result, it was confirmed to satisfy the standards such as the dose notification concerning about external exposure due to atmospheric diffusion, internal exposure due to atmospheric diffusion, external exposure due to direct $$gamma$$-rays and skyshine $$gamma$$-rays. This report summarizes the methods and results of the accident evaluation related to permission change of JMTR using facility.

JAEA Reports

Improvement of load control unit in material irradiation test system (Contract research)

Okada, Yuji; Magome, Hirokatsu; Matsui, Yoshinori

JAEA-Technology 2022-014, 113 Pages, 2022/09


Material irradiation test system had been newly installed in JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) with taking 5 years which was from 2008 through 2013. The aim of material irradiation test system is to conduct IASCC (Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking) evaluation study. This system is mainly consist of water control unit, which can simulate elevated temperature and pressure of the light water reactor environment in the reactor, and load control unit, which can perform the crack propagation examination under irradiation. This load control unit gives a load to CT (Compact Tension) specimen, and perform the crack propagation examination. The principle of loading to CT specimen is using pressure difference between pressure generated by high temperature and high pressure water by water control unit in capsule and pressure generated by load gas pressure supplied by helium gas cylinder in bellows installed in load control unit. In 2013, the commissioning of material irradiation test system was carried out for adjustment. During this commissioning, the correlation between the differential pressure in load control unit and the load was confirmed by using the test container connected to load control unit with load cell. From the results of commissioning, the problem, which the load change speeds at loading and unloading were different due to different pressure change speeds by the piping resistance performance in the periodic loading test in which load from minimum to maximum repeatedly applied, was confirmed. This report summarizes the problem of load change speed due to the piping resistance performance, which was confirmed in 2013, the improvement and performance test of load control unit for solving the problem described above, which were carried out from 2014 to 2015, and operating procedure.

JAEA Reports

Feasibility study on dismantling and removal of hydraulic rabbit No.1 irradiation facility

Magome, Hirokatsu; Iimura, Koichi; Matsui, Yoshinori

JAEA-Testing 2020-008, 52 Pages, 2021/02


As to the removal of the hydraulic rabbit No.1 irradiation facility related to the decommissioning of JMTR, points to be noted for considering a removal plan and maintenance methods after the removal were studied based on the past experiences of removing the hydraulic rabbit No.2 irradiation facility. As results, it became clear that it was necessary to (1) add a shutoff valve and a closing flange to piping for preventing cooling water leakage, (2) prepare a drawing jig for inner tube, and (3) shorten the remaining piping to withstand earthquakes. In addition, regarding the management of equipment to be maintained after removal, the necessary management items for the removal methods of the three patterns of ground equipments were listed.

JAEA Reports

Seismic evaluation of canal underwater equipment for hydraulic rabbit No. 1 irradiation facility

Magome, Hirokatsu; Iimura, Koichi; Matsui, Yoshinori

JAEA-Technology 2020-022, 32 Pages, 2021/02


Among the canal underwater equipment of HR-1, seismic evaluations of the canal side wall parts and the canal bottom surface parts were carried out for the insertion device, take-out device and decay tank. As a result, it was confirmed that the equipments have sufficient seismic resistances because the maximum stress of the canal side wall joint, the bolt portion of the canal bottom joint, and the fillet weld are within the allowable stress.

Journal Articles

Corrosion property of sheath materials using MI cables at conditions simulated severe accident

Nakano, Hiroko; Shibata, Hiroshi; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

Proceedings of International Conference on Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2016 (APCFS 2016) (USB Flash Drive), p.283 - 284, 2016/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Neutron irradiation effect of high-density MoO$$_{3}$$ pellets for Mo-99 production, 3

Ishida, Takuya; Suzuki, Yoshitaka; Nishikata, Kaori; Yonekawa, Minoru; Kato, Yoshiaki; Shibata, Akira; Kimura, Akihiro; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Sano, Tadafumi*; et al.

KURRI Progress Report 2015, P. 64, 2016/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Cause investigation for thinning of anchor bolts and gaps between anchor bolt nuts and a flange plate at the JMTR Hot Laboratory exhaust stack

Shibata, Akira; Kitagishi, Shigeru; Watashi, Katsumi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Omi, Masao; Sozawa, Shizuo; Naka, Michihiro

Nihon Hozen Gakkai Dai-13-Kai Gakujutsu Koenkai Yoshishu, p.290 - 297, 2016/07

The exhaust stack of Japan Materials Testing Reactor Hot laboratory is a part of gaseous waste treatment system. It was built in 1970 and is 40 m in height. In 2015, thinning was found at some anchor bolts on base of the stack. When thinning of anchor bolts were investigated, gaps between anchor bolt nuts and flange plate was found. JAEA removed steel cylinder of stack which is 33 m in height for safety. In the end of investigation, thinning was found in all anchor bolts of the stack. Cause investigation for the thinning and the gaps were performed. It is concluded that the thinning was caused by water infiltration over a long period of time and the gaps were caused by elongation of thinning part of anchor bolts by the 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku.

JAEA Reports

Performance test of ex-core high temperature and high pressure water loop test equipment (Contract research)

Nakano, Hiroko; Uehara, Toshiaki; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Shibata, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Jinichi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

JAEA-Technology 2015-049, 61 Pages, 2016/03


In Japan Atomic Energy Agency, we started a research and development so as to monitor the Nuclear Plant Facilities situations during a severe accident, such as a radiation-resistant monitoring camera under a severe accident, a radiation resistant in-water transmission system for conveying the information in-core and a heat-resistant signal cable. As part of advance in a heat-resistant signal cable, we maintained to ex-core high-temperature and pressure water loop test equipment which can be simulated conditions of BWRs and PWRs for evaluation reliability and property of construction sheath materials. This equipment consists of Autoclave, water conditioning tank, water pump, high-pressure metering pump, preheater, heat exchanger and pure water purification equipment. This report describes the basic design and the results of performance tests of construction machinery and tools of ex-core high-temperature and pressure water loop test equipment.

Journal Articles

Neutron irradiation effect of high-density MoO$$_{3}$$ pellets for Mo-99 production, 2

Nishikata, Kaori; Ishida, Takuya; Yonekawa, Minoru; Kato, Yoshiaki; Kurosawa, Makoto; Kimura, Akihiro; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Sano, Tadafumi*; Fujihara, Yasuyuki*; et al.

KURRI Progress Report 2014, P. 109, 2015/07

As one of effective applications of the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR), JAEA has a plan to produce $$^{99}$$Mo by (n,$$gamma$$) method ((n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo production), a parent nuclide of $$^{99m}$$Tc. In this study, preliminary irradiation test was carried out with the high-density molybdenum trioxide (MoO$$_{3}$$) pellets in the hydraulic conveyer (HYD) of the Kyoto University Research Reactor (KUR) and the $$^{99m}$$Tc solution extracted from $$^{99}$$Mo was evaluated. After the irradiation test of the high-density MoO$$_{3}$$ pellets in the KUR, $$^{99m}$$Tc was extracted from the Mo solution and the recovery rate of $$^{99m}$$Tc achieved the target values. The $$^{99m}$$Tc solution also got the value that satisfied the standard value for $$^{99m}$$Tc radiopharmaceutical products by the solvent extraction method.

Journal Articles

Development of instrumentation systems for severe accidents, 5; Basic properties of hydrogen sensor with solid electrolyte for safety measures of LWRs

Otsuka, Noriaki; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Matsui, Tetsuya*; Arita, Setsuo*; Wada, Shohei*

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2015/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of radiation detectors for in-pile measurement

Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Otsuka, Noriaki; Shibata, Hiroshi; Nagata, Hiroshi; Endo, Yasuichi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

KAERI/GP-418/2015, p.110 - 112, 2015/00

$$gamma$$ irradiation experiments with a $$^{60}$$Co source were carried out for developing Self-Powered Gamma Detectors (SPGDs) with lead (Pb) emitter and Self-Powered Neutron Detectors (SPNDs) with Pt-40%Rh emitter prior to in-core irradiation experiments. The results showed the output currents of the SPGDs were proportional to the $$gamma$$ dose rate in the range from about 200-6000 Gy/h with about 10% accuracy. In the case of SPNDs, the output currents flowed in inverse direction and were an order of magnitude lower compared with that of the SPGDs. These different behaviors of the output currents are considered to be caused by the difference in the emitter sizes and the current component originated at the MI cables.

Journal Articles

Neutron irradiation effect of high-density MoO$$_{3}$$ pellets for Mo-99 production

Nishikata, Kaori; Ishida, Takuya; Yonekawa, Minoru; Kato, Yoshiaki; Kurosawa, Makoto; Kimura, Akihiro; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Sano, Tadafumi*; Fujihara, Yasuyuki*; et al.

KURRI Progress Report 2013, P. 242, 2014/10

As one of effective applications of the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR), JAEA has a plan to produce Mo-99 ($$^{99}$$Mo) by (n,$$gamma$$) method ((n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo production), a parent nuclide of $$^{99m}$$Tc. In this study, preliminary irradiation tests were carried out with the high-density MoO$$_{3}$$ pellets in the KUR and the $$^{99}$$Mo production amount was evaluated between the calculation results and measurement results.

Journal Articles

Development of the irradiation facility for simulating condition of light-water reactor

Kitagishi, Shigeru; Endo, Yasuichi; Okada, Yuji; Hanawa, Hiroshi; Matsui, Yoshinori

UTNL-R-0486, p.7_1 - 7_10, 2014/03

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

2013 training using JMTR and related facilities as advanced research infrastructures

Takemoto, Noriyuki; Kimura, Nobuaki; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Shibata, Akira; Matsui, Yoshinori; Nakamura, Jinichi; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Nakatsuka, Toru; Ito, Haruhiko

JAEA-Review 2013-058, 42 Pages, 2014/02


Practical training courses using the JMTR and related facilities as an advanced research infrastructures have been carried out in Japan Atomic Energy Agency since FY2010 from a viewpoint of the nuclear human resource development and the securing. In FY2013, "Training course for foreign young researchers and engineers" was carried out from July 8th to July 26th, and "Training course using JMTR and related facilities as advanced research infrastructures" for domestic young researchers and engineers was carried out from July 29th to August 9th. 18 young researchers and engineers were joined in each training course, and 36 trainees in total studied about basic nuclear research and technology through the lecture and training about the reactor operation management, safety management, irradiation test, etc. in the JMTR. The results of these courses are reported in this paper.

Journal Articles

Development of $$^{99m}$$Tc production from (n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo based on solvent extraction

Kimura, Akihiro; Awaludin, R.*; Shiina, Takayuki*; Tanase, Masakazu*; Kawauchi, Yukimasa*; Gunawan, A. H.*; Lubis, H.*; Sriyono*; Ota, Akio*; Genka, Tsuguo; et al.

Proceedings of 3rd Asian Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ASMTR 2013), p.109 - 115, 2013/11

JP, 2011-173260   Patent publication (In Japanese)

$$^{99m}$$Tc is generated by decay of $$^{99}$$Mo. Production of $$^{99}$$Mo is carried out by (n,f) method with high enriched uranium targets, and the production are currently producing to meet about 95% of global supply. Recently, it is difficult to carry out a stable supply for some problems such as aging of reactors etc. Furthermore, the production has difficulties in nuclear proliferation resistance etc. Thus, (n,$$gamma$$) method has lately attracted considerable attention. The (n,$$gamma$$) method has several advantages, but the extremely low specific activity makes its uses less convenient than (n,f) method. We proposed a method based on the solvent extraction, followed by adsorption of $$^{99m}$$Tc with alumina column. In this paper, a practical production of $$^{99m}$$Tc was tried by the method with 1Ci of $$^{99}$$Mo produced in MPR-30. The recovery yields were approximately 70%. Impurity of $$^{99}$$Mo was less than 4.0$$times$$10$$^{-5}$$% and the radiochemical purity was over 99.2%.

Journal Articles

Development of instrumentation systems for safety measure at LWR's severe accident

Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Shibata, Akira; Nagata, Hiroshi; Kimura, Nobuaki; Otsuka, Noriaki; Saito, Takashi; Nakamura, Jinichi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

Proceedings of 3rd Asian Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ASMTR 2013), p.52 - 58, 2013/11

In-pile instrumentation systems in present LWR's are indispensable to monitor all situations during reactor operation and reactor shut down. However, those systems did not work sufficiently under the conditions like as the severe accident at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station. Therefore, based on the irradiation measurement technique of experiences accumulated in JMTR, the developments of reactor instrumentation systems to prevent severe core damage accident in advance have been started. The development objects are four instrumentation systems, which are a solid electrolysis type hydrogen concentration sensor, a water gauge of thermocouple type equipped with the heater, a $$gamma$$-ray detector of self-powered type SPGD, and an image analysis system of Cherenkov light for quantification of in-reactor information by CCD cameras. After the developments, the in-pile verification tests of four instrumentation systems are planned at the JMTR.

Journal Articles

Research and development of high-performance instruments for safety measure for LWRs

Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Ueno, Shunji; Komanome, Hirohisa*; Otsuka, Noriaki; Shibata, Hiroshi; Kimura, Nobuaki; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Araki, Masanori

Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ISMTR-6) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2013/10

During the station blackout situation at the Fukushima Dai-ichi (1F) Nuclear Power Plant, conventional in-pile instrumentation systems did not work sufficiently, resulting in the progress of the severe accident. In June 2011, the Japanese government referred to "Enhancement of instrumentation to identify the status of the reactors and PCVs" as a lesson of the accident at the 1F NPP, in the report of Japanese government to the IAEA ministerial conference in accordance with such situation, we started from 2012 a research and development which corresponds to the provisions so as to monitor the NPPs situations during a severe accident. In this research and development, we have been building of technical bases of a radiation-resistant high-definition and high-sensitivity monitoring camera, a wireless transmission system, and radiation- and heat-resistant signal line. The objective and latest progress situations of the R&D including the results of the characteristic experiments will be introduced in this symposium.

JAEA Reports

Experimental study on dilution coefficients measurement of capsule dilution tube for fuel transient tests

Inoue, Shuichi; Omuro, Tadao; Nabeya, Hideaki; Matsui, Yoshinori; Iida, Kazuhiro; Ito, Kazuyuki; Kimura, Akihiro; Kanno, Masaru

JAEA-Technology 2010-010, 27 Pages, 2012/05


In fuel irradiation transient tests using a boiling water capsule, a dilution tube has been installed in the boiling water capsule in order to detect fission products (FP) from an irradiated fuel, in case of the fuel failure during the transient, by a radiation monitor located outside the reactor. When the fuel failure occurs, the released FP flows out from the capsule through the dilution tube. The dilution tube is designed to minimize the released FP that can be detected by the radiation monitor located outside the reactor. This report summarized the measurement results of the dilution tube installed in the boiling water capsule.

JAEA Reports

Newly organized training course using JMTR and related facilities as advanced research infrastructures

Imaizumi, Tomomi; Takemoto, Noriyuki; Izumo, Hironobu; Ide, Hiroshi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Sozawa, Shizuo; Hori, Naohiko

JAEA-Review 2012-012, 25 Pages, 2012/03


A training course using JMTR and the related facilities was newly organized for domestic students and young engineers from FY 2010 from a viewpoint of nuclear Human Resource Development (HRD) in order to support global expansion of nuclear power industry. In FY2010, preparation for the training course was curried out and the 1st training course was held on February 14 to 25, 2011 with ten domestic students as a trainie. In this training course, mainly carried out was practical training of neutronic calculation for an irradiation test about the hydraulic rabbit irradiation facility which is one of the irradiation facilities in the JMTR. This report summarizes outline of training course using cutting-edge research infrastructure JMTR and the related facilities and result of the 1st training course.

JAEA Reports

Plan and reports of coupled irradiation (JRR-3 and JOYO of research reactors) and hot facilities work (WASTEF, JMTR-HL, MMF and FMF); R&D project on irradiation damage management technology for structural materials of long-life nuclear plant

Matsui, Yoshinori; Takahashi, Hiroyuki; Yamamoto, Masaya; Nakata, Masahito; Yoshitake, Tsunemitsu; Abe, Kazuyuki; Yoshikawa, Katsunori; Iwamatsu, Shigemi; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Kikuchi, Taiji; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2009-072, 144 Pages, 2010/03


"R&D Project on Irradiation Damage Management Technology for Structural Materials of Long-life Nuclear Plant" was carried out from FY2006 in a fund of a trust enterprise of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The coupled irradiations or single irradiation by JOYO fast reactor and JRR-3 thermal reactor were performed for about two years. The irradiation specimens are very important materials to establish of "Evaluation of Irradiation Damage Indicator" in this research. For the acquisition of the examination specimens irradiated by the JOYO and JRR-3, we summarized about the overall plan, the work process and the results for the study to utilize these reactors and some facilities of hot laboratory (WASTEF, JMTR-HL, MMF and FMF) of the Oarai Research-and-Development Center and the Nuclear Science Research Institute in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency.

90 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)